Tuesday, April 29, 2014

So that we can our studied object subjected to electrothermal FEM analysis in ANSYS [3] it is neces

Modeling and simulation alphatec holdings screwless contacts alphatec holdings
The importance of involving customers in the innovation process in relation to marketing innovation alphatec holdings and marketing innovation, retro shapes of display screen LCDs PI controller design method alphatec holdings with Desired phase margin and settling time Trigonometric analysis coaxial stereoscopic camera system Remote monitoring of temperature in a static kiln
When designing electromechanical components exposed to either thermally, electrically or mechanically is very suitable and lately increasingly alphatec holdings employed method FEM (Finite Element Method). Using software built on the basis of numerical alphatec holdings simulations can be performed for different load cases. This article aims to provide an overview screwless alphatec holdings electrical contacts used in electrical outlets avidliciach. CAD model was created screwless alphatec holdings contact on which the computations were performed electrical and thermal field with FEM for different boundary conditions and load cases.
Modeling and simulation alphatec holdings are very broad terms in different disciplines people below them represent different reality. The technical engineering practice, depending on the field of science, the notion of modeling has in mind the modeling process, storylines, alphatec holdings creating CAD models alphatec holdings of parts or make a scale model and their examination. In the engineering and the electronics industry, we often meet with the proposals of components whose properties must be examined even before these components actually created.
Whether the proposal meets the requirements of components such as. thermal resistance components are reviewed using CAD / CAE models and simulations [1]. Between systems designed for con-štruovanie prototypes can be included I-DEAS, Pro / I, CATIA, alphatec holdings SOLID EDGE. Any physical problem can be based on the general laws of mathematical notation differential, integral or variational equations, but we can not solve analytically, or very difficult. Therefore, the solution to use different numerical methods, of which the most famous vinžinierskej practice include alphatec holdings finite element method - FEM (Finite Element Method - FEM).
It is a computer based method, which has a number of advantages over the other. Its essence lies in the study area discretized into small sub-area - elements (elements) formed nodal points (nodma). These programs, alphatec holdings which include ANSYS uses the analogy problem solving continuum alphatec holdings mechanics and are built universal, ie, the user essentially as many times the same command, solves problems in solids mechanics, alphatec holdings heat transfer, flow, acoustics, electromagnetic field, etc..
Standard EN 60309-1 defines two basic types of screwless connections: 1) screwless terminal (terminal type screewless) - terminal to connect and disconnect one or more wires, the connection is made directly or indirectly by means other than screws. 2) insulation piercing clamp (insulation piercing terminal - IPT) - terminal to connect and subsequently disconnect one or more wires, the connection is done by piercing, by drilling, cutting, removing, moving the cable insulation (wires) or otherwise, without prior stripping [2 ].
Due to easy handling stakýmito contact alphatec holdings their use becoming more widespread. Almost every manufacturer uses its own, in a way specific and original way of screwless connections. Products to be competitive in the markets and the company did not lag behind other, must meet the general standards and course selected technical standards. This is a task for designers, engineers and designers have over the proposal.
Obviously, individual companies have their "know-how" well guarded, and the right to protect patents. Among the leading manufacturers in this field include: WAGO - 1951-PUSHWIRE technology r. 1977 - Cage Clamp (the essence of spring uses the model created us from SEZ Dolny Kubin), BALS electricians - Quick Connect, PCE Electric - Turbo Twist scam, MERLIN GERIN, MENNEKES Electrical, Walther Electric alphatec holdings and others.
This section discusses the different steps gradually build the model selected screwless plug socket, with detailed inform just about screwless contact. The simulation depicts the course of the temperature and electric field in the case of steady state (steady state) idealized contact with the terminal driver.
So that we can our studied object subjected to electrothermal FEM analysis in ANSYS [3] it is necessary to create a model of the corresponding real parts. Although the actual ANSYS offers the possibility to model very complex spatial patterns are created in CAD / CAE systems, which are usually of simulation programs linked pomocoukompatibilných formats (IGES, Parasolid, etc.). Likewise, for the analysis alphatec holdings of complex geometries used trucks classic ANSYS ANSYS Workbench, which

When rozdeovaoch harvested and heat in places kriovania and spjania how to make nachoes piping and

TZB-info / Water, sewer / Insulation and Noise Technical requirements for thermal izolciu of heat and hot water according vyhlky. 282/2012 Coll. MOE Date: 03/10/2014 how to make nachoes | Author: Assoc. Ing. Jana perks PhD., Ing. Juraj Januka, PhD., Civil Engineering, STU Bratislava | Reviewer: Ing. Jakub vRNA, Ph.D.
Vyhlka izolciami deals with the distribution of heat and hot water, does not prescribe bag HRBK izolcie against kondenzcii, how to make nachoes ie izolcie for cold water pipes and cooling pipes and ventilation klimatizcie.
From JLA last year is valid vyhlka MoE. 282/2012 Coll., Which have set technical requirements for thermal izolciu of heat and hot water [10]. Vyhlka how to make nachoes izolciami deals with the distribution of heat and hot water, does not prescribe bag HRBK izolcie against kondenzcii, ie izolcie for cold water pipes and cooling how to make nachoes pipes and ventilation how to make nachoes klimatizcie.
Optimal NVRH distribunch continually get the nezaobde without isolating thoroughly how to make nachoes drilled pipe distribution equipment and armatr, the need zapracova Kadej in the project document CII heating and zdravotnotechnickch intalci for realizciu how to make nachoes construction. In addition sprvnej dial materilas quality, which is essential choose according to elu izolcie - ie. either the text or tepelnch strt against how to make nachoes kondenzcii - should be the opinion of necessary HRBK izolcie. Vyhlka dopazkon. 476/2008 Coll. Listen to the efektvnosti of the energy (check on energy efektvnosti) and amending Check for. 555/2005 Coll. Energy hospodrnosti buildings. Vyhlka only deal with izolciami for distribution of heat and hot water, does not prescribe bag HRBK izolcie against kondenzcii, ie izolcie for cold water pipes and cooling pipes and ventilation klimatizcie. 2 Hrbek thermal izolcie
Vyhlka provides minimlnu HRBK thermal izolcie of heat and hot water for the insulation budovch materils thermal conductivity of 0.035 W / (mK) at 0 C according to Table . Table 1. 1 Minimlna Hrbek thermal izolcie of heat and hot water for budovch izolcie with thermal conductivity λ = 0.035 W / (mK) at 0 C [10]. Vntorn pipe diameter or armatry [mm] Minimlna Hrbek izolcie λ = 0.035 W / (mK) [mm] 1 2 20 to 22 23 to 35 30 36 to 3 100 Similarly Hrbek as vntorn pipe diameter of 4 100 100
When rozdeovaoch harvested and heat in places kriovania and spjania how to make nachoes piping and the piping and penetrations in armatrach intalovanch walls and ceilings me minimlna hr Depth izolcie destroyed 50% of the value HRBK izolcie referred to in Tabuk prslunom line [10].
Given values with proposals for the distribution of heat and hot water oceovmi rrkami. If the chosen insulators in materils another thermal conductivity of the pipe or in kind (eg, plastics), must be Hrbek izolcie how to make nachoes prepota according rovncv prlohe. 2 to vyhlke.
How vyplva the tab. 1 HRBK izolcie prescribed for pribline with a 1: 1, ie Hrbek izolcie the pribline also vntornmu pipe diameter, the following is an insulated almost trojnsobn from the outside diameter of the pipe. In practice, how to make nachoes then follows HRBK izolcie Murderers zvyuj requirements for space intalciu pipe. Naprklad of uninsulated rrky DN 32 (42.4 steel 3.25) rise after rrka insulated with a diameter of 35.9 + 2 = 30 mm 95.9 mm. If you side by side; several insulated pipe, NROK space - especially in achtch, drkach and floor - narastaj inlet, e them in viacerch prpadoch The mounting implemented. Problematic is predovetkm intalcia izolovanch pipeline in podlahch with HRBK prescribed for cement screed and vyrovnvajcich layers. how to make nachoes 3 Vpoet HRBK izolcie chosen according vyhlky. 282/2012 Coll.
Vpoet HRBK chosen according izolcie how to make nachoes vyhlky is very practical An nron and Hrbek izolcie with different thermal conductivity values as in Tab . 1 d according to Equation 1 uvedench sweat just zloitm iteranm process using vpotovej techniques: (1)
Substituting into the equation a lot vpotovho using Mathcad program is for elected Material PPR 40 vypotan 6.7 mm external diameter heat izolcie with sinite om thermal conductivity of 0.034 W / mK equivalent to 97 mm (vi.vpoet below), the ERO and after defrost the pipe diameter mono sweat HRBK izolcie, which for tax prpad sufficient straight or vyia than 28.5 mm.
Vpote at the same time nezohaduje temperature Prdící, suits in the pipeline, and even air temperature, in which the pipe Intal. The bag is a difference, and the pipe

Monday, April 28, 2014

density of 60 kg / m 3 for a shed roof) Low density 7-18 kg / m 3 absorbs sound, especially bass be

Home Insulation Insulation what is saturated steam PUR PUR foam Key Features Benefits insulation materials PUR foam insulation polyurethane foam Technology Order Form References Research and Development Project 0-house Project: Development of design house based wooden scaffolds, HolzSchaBe mass and RUR foam. Project: Development of design house based metal scaffolds, HolzSchaBe materials and polyurethane what is saturated steam foam. Modern building modules based HolzSchaBe mass modules based PUR foam metal monocoque monocoque Wooden House Building construction projects on order About Blog Contact us Partners Navigation
Sprayed polyurethane foam is often categorized as either "open cell" or "closed cell". There are some major differences between the two types, which leads to advantages and disadvantages to both, depending on the application requirements. Besides, polyurethane foam is highly versatile material that is available in different densities and final physical properties. Therefore, the end user, it is necessary to understand these differences in order to choose such a sprayed polyurethane foam that best suits the specific application requirements. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the differences between foams with open and closed what is saturated steam cell.
Sprayed polyurethane foam with closed cells (Eng. closed cell foam insulation) is one of the most commercially available insulation materials, the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ 0.021 [W / m K]. Sprayed polyurethane foam with closed cells containing an insulating gas which is retained in the cells ("blowing") foam, causing highly efficient what is saturated steam insulating properties of the material. Thermal conductivity λ characterizes the thermal properties of the material and the sprayed what is saturated steam polyurethane foam with closed cells has the lowest (best) of any of the commercially available insulation. Moreover, the natural properties of the foam provide highly effective air barrier, low moisture vapor permeability and excellent water resistance. The most common sprayed polyurethane foam with closed cells has a bulk density of about 32 kg / m3. Years of research and commercial experience has shown that the foam with a bulk density of 28-36 kg / m 3 ensures optimum insulation and strength characteristics for most building applications. Sprayed polyurethane foam with closed cells, what is saturated steam in addition to the low value of λ usually characterized by rigidity and strength. what is saturated steam Previous studies indicated that the tension of the building structure can double or triplicate using a closed cell foam, it is especially effective for the construction of wooden houses what is saturated steam and the roofs.
Sprayed polyurethane foam with open cells (Eng. open cell foam insulation), on the other hand, is usually found in the range of bulk density of 7-18 kg / m3. One of the benefits that this lower density provides lower costs, because the costs are directly dependent what is saturated steam on the density (lower density = lower costs), and those costs can sometimes be up to three times lower. Thermal conductivity of sprayed polyurethane foam with open cells constitutes the λ 35-40 [W / m K], although these products provide excellent thermal insulation properties, creating an air barrier. Sprayed polyurethane foam with open cells is more permeable to moisture and steam, however, the foam allows for controlled dissemination of moisture vapor, which manages the consistency of the builder or designer. Sprayed what is saturated steam polyurethane what is saturated steam open cell foam should not be used outdoors or in applications where it may be in direct what is saturated steam contact with water. what is saturated steam Sprayed polyurethane foam with open cells is incredibly effective as a sound barrier, which has about twice the sound resistance in normal frequency ranges as closed-cell foam structure. Sprayed polyurethane foam of open cell structure has a softer, lower strength and stiffness compared to closed-cell foam.
Comparison of basic properties of the foams with open and closed cell are summarized in the following table. Closed what is saturated steam cell foam with an open cell foam insulation properties Top λ 0.021 [W / m K] good insulating properties λ = 0.035 to 0.040 [W / m K] The low vapor permeability high vapor permeability, but controlled air barrier air barrier in full wall thickness increases rigidity Water resistance (waterproofing) Medium what is saturated steam density 28-36 kg / m 3 (there is also a high
density of 60 kg / m 3 for a shed roof) Low density 7-18 kg / m 3 absorbs sound, especially bass best sound absorption in the range of normal noise frequencies economically advantageous (lower what is saturated steam cost)
Trackbacks / Pingbacks what is saturated steam Benefits of PUR foam insulation | Ensavtech - make your house neprechladol, zateplíme it Purex. Biologocky harmless what is saturated steam thermal foam insulation. - [...] There are some differences between the foam of open cell and closed cell foam

From 1 Janura activity acquired in 2013 and the first new technical rules which maj me from the out

Construction / Building Physics / Heat transfer through building 12 volt car fan structure requirements for thermal protection zabezpeujce minimlne requirements for energy hospodrnos buildings Date: 05/08/2013 | Author: prof. Ing. Zuzana Stern, PhD. | Source: 12 volt car fan Konfrence thermal protection of buildings 2013 trbsk lake | Reviewer: Ing. Roman Subrt VTE esk Budjovice
From 1 Janura activity acquired in 2013 and the first new technical rules which maj me from the outside poiadaviek impact on energy demand for heating atm well from the outside poiadaviek the need to vykurovanei heat and cooling. These requirements not only with prsnejie new buildings but also the Meaning of renovated buildings. The proposed measures owner comply with the health and energy requirements set STN 73 0540-2: 2012. Properties zabudovanch components ovplyvuj vpotovo urns Thermal performance stavebnch con struction of buildings. Conformity skutonch property with the proposed 12 volt car fan vertical accuracy of the property components, 12 volt car fan their skutonej quality and quality 12 volt car fan of installation. NVRH value stavebnch materilas (Lighting products) listed in the STN 73 0540-3: 2012.
Thermal revised standard STN 73 0540-2: 2012 zko Machine with novmi regulations for energy hospodrnos, Check for. 555/2005 Coll. as amended neskorch regulations [1] and vyhlkou Ministry of Transport, internals and regionlneho Development 12 volt car fan of the Slovak Republic. 364/2012 Coll.
New quality, but also affects how the building refurbished in NVRH zavedenm project dokumentciou. The designer 12 volt car fan according to paragraph 4. 3 Check for. 555/2005 Coll. as amended neskorch regulations [1] to the attainment minimlnych poiadaviek for energy hospodrnos building urench technical standards 12 volt car fan include project dossiers to the building permit or permission to change the construction project avsledok energy rating must be specified at first project DOCUMENTATION.
The amendment shall be checked for a definition of the Spreso longer any recovery. For longer any renovation of the building is povauj Construction Law existujcej buildings to vykonva zsah into its envelope constructions in more than 25% of its area, particularly insulated m circumferential plṻa and Stren plṻa avmenou otvorovch constructions. This means that if, for example. area otvorovch constructions of residential buildings, which are being exchanged 25% of the building envelope surface, m vlastnk obligation, 12 volt car fan secure energy certificates. As the recovery 12 volt car fan existujcej longer any single building construction law, but a gradual iastkovmi law, M vlastnk 12 volt car fan obligation, secure new certificate in al i restored (eg insulated surface of the circuit plṻa or roof) m vmeru more than 25% of the envelope surface.
Minimlne requirements for energy hospodrnos novch spa buildings must also existujca building after COMPLETION longer any renewal thereof. Minimlne requirements for energy hospodrnos novch buildings must spa renovated buildings, where technically, economically and funky uskutoniten.
In project 12 volt car fan evaluations Meaning of renovated buildings according vyhlky MTCRD SR. 364/2012 Coll. project dossiers according to paragraph 4. 3 Check for the fulfillment of requirements includes the thermal 12 volt car fan properties of stavebnch constructions and heat energy demand according to technical standards, if m uskutoni longer any renewal of an existing 12 volt car fan package celho Cej buildings 12 volt car fan or constructions stavebnch according to technical standards, if m uskutoni longer any renewal only stavebnch constructions forming and packaging existujcej building ( iastkov uskutoovan renewal process steps).
Vyhlka MTCRD SR. 364/2012 Coll. determines gradually sprsovanie minimlnych poiadaviek for energy hospodrnos buildings. Longer any influence on the energy demand for heating atm and the total energy 12 volt car fan needs of the building m heat energy 12 volt car fan demand. Heat energy demand from the vertical 12 volt car fan efektvnosti quality and thermal protection of buildings. STN 73 0540-2: 2012 specifies requirements for building energy Sporn (maximum allowed value zaruujce hygienickch meet the criteria for the designation), nzkoenergetick building (normalized demands from 1 1 2013) ultranzkoenergetick building 12 volt car fan (odporan valid as normalized values from 1 1 2016) and nearly zero energy requirement (valid 12 volt car fan values of the destination odporan normalized as 1 1 2021). Of nearly zero energy 12 volt car fan requirement defines CHECK ANTENNA CABLE AUTO. 300/2012 Coll. as buildings with very high energy hospodrnosou. Nearly zero or very QUANTITY have the energy needed to UVAN such buildings must be efektvnou Protection for thermal protection and a high degree of energy that comes from sources nach obnovitench dzajcich in the building 12 volt car fan or its blzkosti. Thermal protection curing conditions for the Base Protection 12 volt car fan for poadovanej straight Trim zhadisk

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cieom this lncas is ukza to prklade relneho residential buildings (obrzok 1) and pouitm originlnej

Construction / Building spinatron Physics / Heat transfer through building structures Effect tepelnch bridges on heat losses Date: 03/24/2014 | Author: Ing. Rastislav Měňany, PhD., Faculty of Civil Engineering STU Bratislava | Reviewer: Ing. Roman Subrt, Energy Consulting
Prspevok presents Originl metdu vpotu Δ U value (heat transfer from the outside sinitea will tepelnch bridges) to relnom block. Residential house is realized vrznych variants rieenia, without obvodovch walls and insulation spinatron from the outside spinatron and zateplenmz vntornej parties, so as to be mon monitor the impact on the The resultant value of Δ.
Obytnch building heat loss is due secretly Simplifying korelanmi metdami [6]. In these metdach spinatron the impact tepelnch bridges najastejie zapotava Paulo, using veliiny spinatron Δ U [W / (m 2. A)]. TTO veliina the scientific names: "sinitea from the outside heat transfer will tepelnch spinatron bridges". Its value to the STN 73 0540-2 [6] indicated Paulo. E.g. prpad murovanch constructions for the value of Δ U = 0.1 W / (m 2. A), respectively. prpad for continuous thermal izolcie the external surface of the substructure is Δ U = 0.05 W / (m 2. A). These two values should influence zohadni tepelnch bridges spinatron crossing the thermal heat loss for Speed Control realizcie However, all residential spinatron buildings, hence the prpad non-insulated and insulated enclosure walls.
Cieom this lncas is ukza to prklade relneho residential buildings (obrzok 1) and pouitm originlnej metdy vpotu Zveno sinitea heat transfer according Měňany [2], [3], if its value skuton and if relny impact tepelnch bridges on the heat demand for heating. The present building, we considered five variants, spinatron so that the vetkch prpadoch was maintaining the same thermal resistance, respectively. sinite heat transfer vetkch obalovch constructions. Differences were seen in the location of thermal izolcie (without, from external or vntornej side) and position otvorovch embedding constructions in the peripheral wall (see Tabuk 1). Advertising
Xella CZ, the characters ytong standoff companys who spedstihem requirements are zabvaj spinatron is vyplvaj of new legislation in the area energetickch dispute. Patterns spinatron een vybranch stavebnch spinatron details of the system ytong are welds so that the effective spinatron possible use of its property and accesories ZBN dostupnch of materials and technology. Věchnov details are assessed for property tepelnizolanch, humidity Reimu and hygiene criteria for the designation Pius Věchnov meets these requirements are. Zrove owner Věchnov details very nzkou pdavnou thermal ztrtu below 0.1 (W / (m. K)). Table The 1 - Variants spinatron rieenia building (perimeter wall) Variant Position thermal izolcie spinatron peripheral wall heat izolcie Hrbek [m] thermal izolcie λ [W / (mK)] Hrbek masonry [ m] masonry λ [W / (mK)] thermal resistance of the wall [m second K / W] Location otvorovch constructions without heat izolcie 1 - 0.375 0.1040 3.606 a) 2 thermally insulated tion from external parties 0.075 0.04 0.300 0.1733 3.606 a) 3 izolcia heat from external parties 0.075 0.04 0.300 0.1733 spinatron 3.606 b) 4 izolcia heat from the outside Parties 0.075 0.04 0.300 0.1733 spinatron 3.606 c) 5 thermal izolcia side of vntornej 0.075 0.04 0.300 0.1733 3.606 a) a) the location otvorovch constructions in the middle of the wall b) location otvorovch constructions zalcovanch with vntornm edge thermal izolcie c) location otvorovch constructions in thermal izolcii
On vpoet and analzu tepelnch strt was elected tvorpodlan apartment building ALLEX [1], designed in kontruknom systme spinatron YTONG. spinatron Assessment of housing house is an object without having Suter four times for residential flooring. Object m tilted roof avak The very attic space is not possible use the bvanie. Vpoet value Δ U (sinitea from the outside heat transfer will tepelnch bridges) was implemented pouitmvpotovej metdy according Měňany [2] , [3]. Tto metda is created already on princpe treble 2D modeling spinatron of the whole building (obrzok 2 and 3) vhodnm potaovm program (AREA 2008) to rieenie Two-dimensional temperature poaanslednho spotania linernych tepelnch conductivity (permeability) L 2D [W / (mK)] vetkch treble. Liner thermal conductivity of details that nezohadnia in modelovanch treble building (floor to Ternate details that vychdzaj zpdorysu) is zapotaj value Ψ [ W / (mK)], thus linernym stratovmsiniteom. Spotanmvetkch linernych tepelnch the sweat conductivity Thermal conductivity (permeability) of the entire building. Before samotnmvpotom building is necessary to divide the characteristic treble (obrzok 2), and vertical and HORIZONTL. All audiences are created so e is modeled after kad different spinatron as the building of TBE (obrzok 3). Similarly for the Horizontal well Asti, kd

Saturday, April 26, 2014

as it is supposed to serve only as information for the lay public and which table is used for two t

We have prepared a table of coefficients of thermal conductivity by type of material. This information is very important if you plan to insulation, as well as when planning the new building. Literature states that the administrative building insulation can save energy consumption 10-15% of the cost.
In principle, we can say that the smaller the coefficient, the better the thermal insulation properties of the material. Calculation of additional thermal 3 tier buffet server insulation, according to current standards correctly according to the following formula: d insulation [m] = λ * insulation (3,0 - d wall [m] / λ Wall)
Expanded 3 tier buffet server polystyrene foam
Recommend to those who bore civil engineer, preferably with a construction authorization for comment 3 tier buffet server physics to such a high professional areas pub talk. -Yes For most materials has a major influence on the thermal conductivity Bulk density material 3 tier buffet server although in some nonlinear yes is totally stupid brother thermal conductivity of 100% dry state also has them because the material only when they come off the production furnace-average, consider the 5% humidity, but this in turn depends on the environment-but 3 tier buffet server it is neither true that in 2012 need to be taken dates stavbenych material from 2001 as STN 730540-Any material released must have a valid certificate which is given suc. heartbeat. conductivity and with rel. humidity 5% and this is exactly the value of which should be considered in the calculations
as it is supposed to serve only as information for the lay public and which table is used for two things. Layman like. and I are not looking for information on how much I have kg/m3 The density of our thermal insulation, but rather that such and such material at a thickness of 10 cm say me such and such permeability. By simply we compare the thermal insulation 3 tier buffet server properties of various materials. And not to wonder over what and how much I kg. For that ordinary dense concrete had such a coefficient 'such as thermal conductivity. plastic window, 3 tier buffet server ie 1.05 vs heat permeability U = 1.105 W/m2K. the FIVE-CHAMBER BASE PROFILE. Maybe it was not najslastnejšie comparison, I just for clarification.
Standard STN 73 0540 and its values are coefficients of 2005 while being taken from the CSN in 2002. In 2012, this standard was amended, but still does not take into account some new materials. The values of the thermal conductivity coefficient 3 tier buffet server was during that time have not changed much but some materials and standard progressed it does not take much into account. the only thing in this standard has fundamentally changed the requirements for Normative thermal resistance RN. I personally prefer to take value from the manufacturer thus declared value, converted to design values. It is this standard provides actual conversion if I'm not mistaken. Alternatively have a few but really only a few companies already has a certificate and thus provided as well as the declared value of the coefficient calculation ....
Hello all! Data in tables are properly remotely from reality. Thus, for example thermal conductivity in EPS begin at 0,031 in flooring with gray polystyrene, 0,033 at the Grey Facade Board. In addition, Standard setting eps 70F facade, has a value of thermal conductivity coefficient 0.038, already the bulk density from 16 to 16.5 kg/m3. When mineralnych waves is certainly, in addition naviazaniena objemovku is perverse, since it was done in 50-60 years of last century, when production was as it was. Now you know kupit glass wool with a coefficient of 0.033, 3 tier buffet server 0.036 without problems and definitely not 90kg/m3 mineral wool as the best in that table. When facade mineralnych waves I guess coefficient is 0.038, abbot elsewhere as reported in Table. Knife and peak inaccuracies are, of course, masonry materials, whether tan or adobe, where those values somewhere else. I recommend an editor before we takyto fallacy released to the world you verify the data from reality.
The data, of course, draws either the manufacturer or the professional literature available. Anyway, does not claim that there is no manufacturer who had failed to improve these values and achieve even better example, mass or volumetric heat transfer coefficient. Thus, for example Nobasil are produced in bulk density 55, 65, 80 and 100 kg/m3, so this is definitely the limit table. 3 tier buffet server It is true that today is already coefficient values for mineral wools stands at 0.04. This in Table Repair / accordingly. The polystyrene reports the value of 0.034 which is one thousandth more than you stated. Bulk density is the reverse depends on the particular manufacturer. For other materials also may vary, but our goal was almost Data overview of the general public as an expert by Fach. By this, of course, they apologize and leaves the case discussion in

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

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پایان نامه ها و مقالات برق کنترل پروژه MSP پایان نامه ها مقالات تخصصی روش تحقیق پروپوزال پروژه کارافرینی پروژه مالی پروژه کارآموزی مهندسی نرم افزار SSADM مهندسی نرم افزار UML پروژه مستند سازی پروژه طراحی وب پروژه شبیه سازی پروژه دایرکتور/ Director پروژه دلفی پروژه پاسکال پروژه ویژوال بیسیک پروژه C++ , C پروژه #C پروژه PHP پروژه ASP پروژه پایگاه داده پروژه های آماری آمار مهندسی Access و Excel پروژه های مولتی مدیا صفحه نخست پست الکترونیک آرشیو وبلاگ عناوین مطالب وبلاگ پیوندهای روزانه پروژه های مستند سازی پروژه های کارآموزی پروژه مهندسی نرم افزار/تجزیه تحلیل تماس با ما پروژه های کارافرینی آرشیو پیوندهای روزانه club rational نوشته های پیشین شهریور 1389 شهریور 1388 مرداد 1388 تیر 1388 پیوندها پروژه های دانشجویی

Monday, April 14, 2014

Integrated Environment: Windows XP SP2; Ratinal RequestPro (trial version); MS SqlSer

Integrated Environment: Windows XP SP2; Ratinal RequestPro (trial version); MS SqlServer 2005 (Developer countertop food warmer Edition). Note: This document is for a research purpose, such as for commercial applications, please use genuine software; 2 Ratinal countertop food warmer RequestPro can not be used in Vista, such as to use the upgrade to under Vista... Prerequisites: correctly installed Ratinal RequestPro and MS SqlServer 2005, has operating system and database administrative countertop food warmer privileges. Assuming Ratinal RequestPro installed in the X: \ Program Files \ Rational \ RequisitePro in. Installation steps: 1 Create a MS SqlServer 2005 on the database name is:... RequestPro, and the compatibility level to 80; 2 to Sa or Windows administrator login, select the default database for RequestPro 3 because countertop food warmer MS SqlServer 2005 increased password validity check, so the original Login and user.sql countertop food warmer not run through into the following statement in MS SqlServer 2005 run: CREATE LOGIN ReqPro with PASSWORD = 'reqpro', DEFAULT_DATABASE = RequisitePro, CHECK_POLICY = OFF Go sp_adduser 'ReqPro', 'ReqPro', 'public' Go Grant Create Default, Create Procedure, Create Rule, Create Table, Create View To ReqPro Go to create a user, relational database; 4 gives sysadmin server role and RequisitePro database db_ddladmin role ReqPro users; 5. In ReqPro user to run in MS SqlServer 2005 Tables and indexes.sql, create tables and indexes; countertop food warmer 6 ReqPro user to run Triggers.sql in MS SqlServer countertop food warmer 2005, create a trigger; 7 to ReqPro user in MS SqlServer 2005 Run Initial data.sql, initialize the database; 8 open RequisitePro, countertop food warmer create a new project, database selection "SQL Server", countertop food warmer and then click "Properties ..." button. 9 In the pop-up "Database Properties" window, click "Configure ..." to configure the data source; 10 Select the server; 11 to set the connection user name and password; 12 Select the database; 13 to complete the database configuration; 14 test data. source, the test is successful, countertop food warmer said correctly configured; 15 Click "Account Info ..." set the database user accounts; 16 click "Validate" to verify the configuration; 17 Click "OK" to complete the project configuration. Related Resources: Central China Power Grid Rational Installation Manual Review
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Sunday, April 13, 2014

اولین صفحه که همان خوش آمدگوئی شروع نرم افزار است را میتوانید پس ازقراردادن سی دی نرم افزاردرسی دی ر

اولین صفحه که همان خوش آمدگوئی شروع نرم افزار است را میتوانید پس ازقراردادن سی دی نرم افزاردرسی دی رام دید.دراین مرحله طبق معمول گزینه Next را انتخاب می کنیم. مرحله دوم نصب انتخاب گزینه rational rose enterpreise editionاست تا اولین قدم درنصب این نرم افزار رابرداشته باشیم.سپس می توانیم تعیین کنیم که نحوه نصب می تواندبه چه شکل باشد.
حال buffet warmers آماده نصب نرم افزار شده ایم.  باید توجه داشته باشیم که کلیه برنامه های درحال اجرا را متوقف کنیم تا برنامه نصاب بتواند به بهترین حالت اقدام به نصب نماید. دراین مرحله یک اخطار را مشاهده میکنید. دکمه Next مارابه مرحله بعد وانتخاب یا پذیرشlicense نرم افزارمی برد. ما میتوانیم میسر نصب رانیز تعیین کنیم.(با انتخاب دکمهchange) . دراین مرحله شما باید انتخاب کنیدنحوه نصب برنامه را براساس فاکتورهایی که قبلا نصب کرده اید. بعد از انتخابNext فراخوانی میکنیدبرنامه های (فاکتورهای) نصب شده قبلی را . گزینه installما را به سمت نصب کامل نرم افزار می برد. بعد از کامل شدن setup نصب نرم افزارشمابایدتنظیماتی رانیز انجام دهید تابتوانید واردمحیط نرم افزار شوید. این تنظیمات رافقط یکبار انجام می دهید: 1- درپنجره buffet warmers فعال شده شما گزینه import a rational buffet warmers license file راانتخاب وNext میکنیم. 2- دکمه Browse را کلیک کرده وفایل alllic را از داخل سی دی نصب برنامه انتخاب می کنیم. 3- دکمه Improt4- بازهم دکمه Improtحال کلیه تنظیمات ومراحل نصب تمام شده نرم افزار آماده استفاده می باشد. اگر پس از نصب نرم افزار به خطای object.dll بر خورد کردید از controlpanel تون نرم افزار Rationa rose را مجدد repair کنید. اگر فرصت بود حتما روش کار با این نرم افزار آپلود خواهم کرد.
ارسال نظر خصوصی :
مجتبی علیزاده(9) آرشیو موضوعی اخبار فناوری اطلاعات(6) اخبار کامپیوتر و نرم افزار(10) اخبار دنیای مجازی(12) buffet warmers اخبار دانشگاه(4) سورس برنامه(19) دانستنی های برنامه نویسی(6) دانستنی های اینترنت(10) فیلم های آموزشی(4) کتاب های آموزشی(12) مطلب جالب(17) صفحات جانبی کارگاه مدیریتی قسمت اول کارگاه لینوکس
ابر برچسب ها دانلود استنفورد انتقال داده میان فرم موتور جستجو با سی شارپ کتاب حل تمرین استیو جابز حل تمرین Garsia حل تمرین شبکه1 garcia لینکستان جای پای باران گل افشان دانشگاه علوم وفنون مازندران گروه نرم افزاری رویال پلاس(پیشرفته) علوم وفنون کلاب شبکه فناوری buffet warmers اطلاعات ایران گروه فناوری اطلاعات علوم وفنون88 buffet warmers دانشجویان IT پیام نور بابل دانشجویانIT تهران جنوب گروه نرم افزاری دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران دانشجویان IT آزاد واحد بوشهر دانشجویان IT صنعتی شیراز پرتال تفریحی | فانتزی . کام مرجع اسکریپت / گرافیک IT AREA دنیای کامپیوتر سیستم عامل مرجع تخصصی برنامه نویسی پرشین آی تی جامعه مجازی دانشجو وبلاگ تخصصی کامپیوتر مهندسی آی تی بابل اخبار دنیای الکترونیک و فناوری اطلاعات همه لینکها لینکدونی عصرظهور لینکستان وبلاگ ها milad ابزار مورد نیاز وبلاگ نویسان محب 315 مرکز فرهنگی buffet warmers هیئت محبان الرضا (ع) شهرستان بابل بهترین سایت کلیکی ایرانی جدید ترین جک ها و طنز sms60 (* روز ای تی تکنولوژی فردا *) پول در اینترنت است .::بروز ترین سایت تفریحی و دانلود::. افزایش بازدید تا سر حد مرگ شمارشگر .:: fungozar buffet warmers ::. کد جمله های پـ نه پـ برای وبلاگ دانلود تلاوت قرآن ساخت بنر رایگان فــــــــــــــــــــــارم فـــــــــــــــــا buffet warmers آپدیت نود32 رایان اس ام اس مرجع تخصصی ابزار وب اشعار و متون زیبا فروش آنلاین کارت شارژ با جوایز ابزار وبلاگ نویسان جوان آپلود سنتر پارمیس همه چیز در یک جا سایتی پر از شکلک برای وبلاگ شما آموزش زبان خرید اینترنتی کارت شارژ عصر موسیقی بزرگترین سایت عمومی کشور افتتاح شد همه لینکها ارسال لینک آخرین پست ها تست یک برنامه کاربردی وب WebApp Testing توجه - حتما بخونید!! وب سرویس در #C راهکارهای مقابله با کندی سیستم عامل نکات کلیدی مبانی فناوری اطلاعات Turban وب معنایی چیست مدیریت کنترل پروژه فناوری اطلاعات آموزش نصب SQL Server2008 آموزش نصب رشنال رز (ratinal rose) آموزش کرک Office 2013 لیست آخرین پستها آرشیو دی 1392 مهر 1392 تیر 1392 اردیبهشت 1392 فروردین 1392 اسفند 1391 بهمن 1391 دی 1391 آذر 1391 مهر 1391 شهریور 1391 مرداد 1391 تیر 1391 خرداد 1391 اسفند 1390 آرشیو كل مطالب آمار وبلاگ کل بازدید : بازدید امروز : بازدید دیروز : بازدید این ماه : بازدید ماه قبل : تعداد نویسندگان : تعداد کل پست ها : آخرین بازدید : آخرین بروز رسانی :
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

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Friday, April 11, 2014

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yes we have a repository and different analysts work with the model buy the classes which are dissap

Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA) - Business Process Analysis - Business Analyst Community & Resources | Modern Analyst
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      Modern Analyst Forums     Business and Sy...     Business Proces...     Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA)   Previous   Next    3/11/2014 9:11 PM   Maryam Masouimrad 3 posts Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA)  
The hatgo problem is that after some "commit"s, we find out that some   classes are deleted from some diagrams and models accidentally and unconsciously. In other words, no one have deleted that class, it   is in the models up to a revision and after that revision hatgo it is   disappeared.  I am writing to ask you about the reason of this problem and a solution to overcome that if it is possible for you    3/12/2014 7:44 AM   fred 11 posts Re: Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA)  
 Do hatgo you have a repository or is it just a file system that you are saving it in? Are multiple people working with the model or just one?    3/13/2014 4:01 AM   Maryam Masouimrad 3 posts Re: Problem hatgo with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA)  
yes we have a repository and different analysts work with the model buy the classes which are dissapeared are not deleted intentionally. Sometimes after an analyst's commit, a class from a different analyst's diagram is dissapeared.    3/14/2014 9:46 AM   fred 11 posts Re: Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA)  
Ok, so if your repository is organized around packages and you have each package as something you can check in or out and there is a relationship between two packages (are you with me so far?) and two different people check out those packages hatgo and make edits to diagrams that have the same object then RSA will get confused and hammer your model. 
We have used a solution somehow like what you recommended since 6months ago, but the problem persists. We do not work with RSA at the same time. Each analyst updates the RSA, locks it, changes his/her package and after he/she commits his changes, another analyst starts using it but we face the same problem yet.
Anyway, thanks for your reply. Now we are sure that it's the problem of RSA not our way of using that because some of my colleagues believe hatgo that a tool by IBM could not have such problems and it is our mistakes that cause these difficulties. hatgo    Page 1 of 1   Previous   Next       Modern Analyst Forums     Business hatgo and Sy...     Business Proces...     Problem with Ratinal Software Architect (RSA)
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Sunday, April 6, 2014

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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Heat Conduction

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For the separation of thermal insulators from heat conductors invented baymarie a special feature - the thermal conductivity. As they say, the name of correspondence. The Greek letter λ (lambda), standing in the table characteristics baymarie of the material will show how much heat it is able to miss. For a point of reference adopted the "capacity" of the sample thickness of 1 m and an area of 1 m 2. Exposure time to produce results - 1 hour. The temperature difference on opposite surfaces of the sample - 1 C. The smaller the number, the closer our stuff to the heat insulator. Modern baymarie insulation materials have λ, measured in hundredths of percent. Nice wall material has λ equal tenths. But widespread concrete, alas, far exceeds the allowable heat conductivity. Not surprisingly, the review baymarie panel houses in the thermal range of radiation pattern resembles the Martian chronicles. The intensive heat of concrete walls with the environment leads to sad thoughts of thermal pollution of the atmosphere. And aimlessly baymarie spent energy resources.
In pure form, the thermal conductivity baymarie is not very convenient for the material selection. Especially in terms of construction, where decisions have to be made quickly. But the ratio of the thickness of the material and the notorious factor has an objective picture. The fact that this ratio, called the heat transfer thermal resistance R, a geographical basis. That is, it is constant for each climate zone. So for an average strip of Russia and Moscow in particular, the ratio R = 3,16. According to the testimony, to ensure sufficient heat the building, built in the Moscow region, the thickness of the concrete wall should be equal ... 6 meters. Such arithmetic here. Much more comforting look red brick wall - 2.6 meters and brick - 1.64 meters. Far removed in thermal performance aerated. But classic pine frame can not exceed 60 cm Against this background look comforting foam and wool - 16 cm each. In short, the alternative to the new insulating materials in nature.
In order to determine the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, have to resort to arithmetic. To begin with, the wall thickness of each participant of the "pie" should lead to the thermal conductivity coefficient λ. The resulting thermal resistance add up. To complete the picture, add the regulatory thermal radiation roof, walls, partitions (SNIP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings"). If the result exceeds performance standards (the same source SNIP), then everything is fine. The truth is too much difference in terms of rated and design can reveal excess insulation. That, however, may face unnecessary costs of building materials, but not thermal deterioration of performance.
Due to the fact that the insulation has a high absorbing capacity, can be used for lining a ceiling, flooring, interior partitions. For its intended use, produce heat insulators lining the exterior walls, the walls separating heated and unheated spaces. Floors above the "cold" garages, underground, purged foundations also need insulation. We should not forget about the ceilings separating living spaces and unheated baymarie attics, lofts. And finally, if you have a basement, its walls and ceiling must be so thoroughly warmed.
Having defined the type of building being erected by opting for one of the types of exterior finishes, comes the time to choose the means of thermal protection. If you head on this construction site, something like an architect - builder - foreman in one person, the burden of responsibility (including baymarie economic) will have to bear alone. Such proud loneliness able to share all kinds of reference materials. But in order to take advantage of them have yet to learn the basic selection criteria.
Heat Conduction

Friday, April 4, 2014

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, , , . , . : Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct , .
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Thursday, April 3, 2014

We should also mention the problem of applying adaptive grid with a finite-difference approximation

About Mathematical Notes quasilinear heat equation in 3D and Stefan problem in permafrost alternating direction method for nonlinear heat equation implicit scheme of variable directions and intermediate boundary conditions implicit scheme of variable directions and intermediate boundary conditions finite-difference approximation of boundary conditions 2 and 3 - second kind for nonlinear heat equation On the application of adaptive static partitioning of the computational domain Computational Geometry algorithms and mathematical calculations constructing voxel grids cylindrical shape Transfer boundary conditions on orthogonal hexahedral grid algorithm excluding conflicts of several geometric shapes in cell hexahedral meshes technique of constructing a three-dimensional geological model based on information about wells with an optional partition of condensation on the end of the fast algorithm for computing the volume of an arbitrary polyhedron ess sobeys portal in 3D Technical Advice Project Template for the CUDA architecture to MS Visual Studio 2008 Troubleshooting space in the user name when you compile the project in Nvidia CUDA Runtime MS Visual Studio Company site
Posted ess sobeys portal on: 05.12.2013
Many software packages for numerical calculations allow users to use a static adaptive (hereinafter, simply adaptive) step in the construction of orthogonal structured hexahedral computational grid. That is, based on my own experience, a user wanting to get a more accurate calculation while not significantly increasing the computation time, such programs may specify the places of the computational domain, which is necessary, in his opinion, to apply more detailed partition (use a smaller step space) as compared to the rest of the computational domain.
When properly used, static adaptive partitioning of the computational domain is a powerful tool in the numerical calculations, increasing their accuracy. However, in the case of abuse of the above option can significantly increase the computation time and accuracy of the calculation will not change significantly. In this paper we present the theoretical advantages and disadvantages of using an adaptive partitioning of the computational domain, and give two examples of numerical calculations of thermal fields in the soil. In the first example, the use of adaptive step is appropriate, and the second is not.
In the numerical solution of unsteady problems the time step is selected from the stability criterion of the numerical scheme. For example, for the numerical solution of heat conduction problem by finite difference approximation of the time step selection criterion has the form:
In the case of adaptive partitioning of the computational domain should be avoided strong step reduction ess sobeys portal in space along some direction in the vicinity of a single node. Since the strong reduction step in the vicinity of one node will not give tangible improvements in the accuracy of calculations in general, but, as follows from (1), will greatly reduce the time step, and hence increase the calculation time.
We should also mention the problem of applying adaptive grid with a finite-difference approximation of differential operators. The problem is that the order of the approximation of differential operators generally decreases. Consider, for example, ess sobeys portal finite-difference ess sobeys portal approximation of the operator. Applying ess sobeys portal the approximation to a standard template, we obtain the following formula:
Despite ess sobeys portal the fact that in general the difference operator is approximated with first-order accuracy, in practice, if not and will differ fundamentally term in (5) is sufficiently small and will not have much impact on the accuracy of the approximation.
Also worth noting is that if the user wants to get a more accurate solution on a small area, then it makes sense to mesh refinement only in this area, instead of thickening the grid throughout the computational domain. In this case, the use of adaptive mesh can significantly reduce the number of nodes of the computational grid, thereby significantly reducing the computation time and memory usage.
Need to use adaptive mesh arises when you need to get the detailed sampling of small objects of complex shape. Using a uniform grid in such cases resulted in an excessive number of nodes, which makes it difficult as building a model for the calculation and further calculations on it.
The computational ess sobeys portal domain contains four boxes, ess sobeys portal and feature an asterisk in the middle. The width and height of the calculated area of 60 m height - 20 m Physical parameters of materials shown in Table 1.
The phase transition temperature in all materials is 0 o C. At the boundaries of the computational domain as a boundary condition specified zero heat flux.
To construct the model described above, a computational grid, using a uniform step in all three coordinate axes. Grid pitch of each coordinate axis - 1.0 m so ra

Do customers have a desire to apply once, asked us to agree (to insulate the ends of reinforced con

Fuckers and nanokraska 2 I already wrote about twice razvodilovo called "astratek." Wrote about how quite suitable for hot climates emulsion is positioned as something highly versatile insulation with magical properties. Wrote about the fact that the simple laboratory suddenly all these properties are not such as in advertising this "nanoproduct." But loot triumphs over evil. In this case, evil classical Thermophysics clearly defeated ... We are waiting to make changes to technical regulations ... So: Here, for example, coefficient of thermal expansion calculator "the Russian innovation heat Astratek material" coefficient of thermal expansion calculator whose manufacturer unabashedly declares its coefficient of thermal conductivity of 0.0012 W / m * K, recently received a certificate of conformity from its TU Rosstandart and authorization to use at hazardous production facilities of RTN, although subject coefficient of thermal expansion calculator to strict compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations (probably paint thickness of no more than 1-2 millimeters) After more decisions on the development of nanotechnology around the corner began to sell nanonoski antibacterial, now out of stock thermoinsulator is there, coefficient of thermal expansion calculator in the most convenient form for use. It remains to add "nano - sound insulator" and silence, peace in the house, only brush work! Incidentally, his twin brother is very interested Luzhkov as saying. So probably soon be warm and at home in Moscow. For information: Ufa colleagues bought MIRACLE krasochki and in his spare time zabodyazhili eksperimentik. Containers were tested from different materials and forms, at temperatures of 60 degrees to the carrier and a cooling medium 5 and 24 degrees. The purpose coefficient of thermal expansion calculator of the tests was the selection coefficient of thermal expansion calculator Astrateku equivalent to insulate the effect of thickness of an ordinary polystyrene thermal conductivity 0.0400 W / m * C. On the graph shows that the claimed 0.0012 W / m * C, at a thickness of 1.2 mm to 40 mm designed coefficient of thermal expansion calculator to replace, not replace even 18 mm, and it is strong. Expected conductivity paint at least 0.0200 W / m * C. Is a revision of the test program, because comparison should be carried out with thin layers of polystyrene. For comparison, here's a plate of accompanying documentation nanochudo: Final result: thermal resistance of insulation for thermal ink "Astratek" 1.5 mm thick styrofoam heat transfer resistance is 1.7 mm thick. This is true for the temperature range -15 ... +95 degrees Celsius. Thus, the calculated thermal conductivity "Astrateka" not less than 0.0350 W / m * C. The accuracy of the final result is evaluated within + \ -20%. When declared 0.0012 W / m * C ratio of deception is 2900% with an accuracy of + \ -20%. for comparison coefficient of thermal expansion calculator - leaflet nanoshulerov That is as one would expect miracles session ended their full exposure ... Congratulations gentlemen sovramshi ... Several feedback from specialists to experiment: *** We popypytalis coefficient of thermal expansion calculator to test samples provided by the company that sells the paint. Colored portion of the pipe was measured and the temperature on the surface of the painted and unpainted pipe. But the words of the firm, this method is not suitable, you see you can not correctly measure the temperature on the surface coated with this miracle paint. After analyzing the situation, we concluded that the paint does not give any effect, coefficient of thermal expansion calculator and a decrease in temperature due to its colored tubes rough surface. When claims related to the painted surface would have to be at ambient temperature. ***
Do customers have a desire to apply once, asked us to agree (to insulate the ends of reinforced concrete beams, the classical method is not enough thickness). I asked for the test results - instead some strange article written by someone unknown and promise to bring hotplate half of which is painted with paint and water on it does not boil, and the other half spit and it sizzles. I did not argue long and advised them to apply without my matching (I'm not an architect), but the customer has expressed the opinion that it can not be a substitute for the full insulation. The paint is not used - the sellers were afraid to give independent assurance and customer said, "Our product is a thermal insulator, use it as holodoizolyatora us can not be guaranteed." After this, all the questions about those who have fallen ... it sells **** 8 years ago chef puzzled me - he lucidly explain coefficient of thermal expansion calculator the properties of these fantastic colors. Chef businessman from the former Soviet scientists functionaries of ac. Sciences. Something in physics thinks. The main objective of the use of colors in his version seemed unexpected - protection against heat. According to his calculations using such paints could make large profits on energy coefficient of thermal expansion calculator savings for air conditioners, such as hotels, office coefficient of thermal expansion calculator buildings, etc. City of Kiev. Results were provided to me a couple of days. As it turned out, miracles do not happen. To paint layer thickness

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Further in the text will use the term

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Since I am not a builder, a programmer, had to deal with all sorts of features and construction, and insulation space. Shoveled a lot of information on the Internet on the topic of insulation balconies, carpeting, the calculation of the thermal trinity health self service conductivity of materials, filling floors and laying the cable tie. Theoretical basis was obtained, but the practice was not natural. Tantalizing question - is there enough power infrared trinity health self service sex? Or is it better to use a resistive cable? What flooring is best used for balconies? What materials trinity health self service are best to use for insulation? Etc. Legitimate questions, everyone who conceives insulate a balcony or loggia, facing them. Experimenting and stepping on rakes own somehow did not like, because any mistake trinity health self service - this is money down the drain. In the literal sense. Since our city north, winter is very cold, and heat can evaporate into the street, and electricity will come a huge bill.
I was in no hurry to, so for two years I watched the heat loss in different conditions, was the table, subscribed to the temperature outside, on the balcony and the apartment, checked the room. And gradually pondering trinity health self service the next steps on warming.
Described in this article experience - not economical. I have long understood the building materials, and choose the best quality. Because it came from a simple idea that "we should try to make the loggia of the dwelling". Below I will give calculations that could be used in its calculation. Some generalized material on this subject on the Internet I did not find, so I decided to write a detailed article. In addition, the article is written based on the results of the work, it mentioned the problems I encountered. Deciding to them, I have gained experience and want to share it. Climate
In my case, the coldest month is January, with a minimum measure of -11 C, but as this number is an average value, then it should focus in the calculation only if the loggia no plans to living quarters! At night the temperature I am guided not by chance, since dark winter in our northern city comes long before we go to sleep. Well, since I'm interested in the maximum load on the heating system, the calculations I consider it lower temperatures.
The next thing that is very important to understand loggia / balcony - this is the room in which the heat is not generated! All the heat that enters the loggia is lost to the environment. And the more intense the higher the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors.
In fact, with insulation loggia / balcony is important trinity health self service to solve two problems: (1) conserve heat and (2) to generate heat. The problem is most important heat saving, because in the end it saves our money (how warm the loggia, see end of article). The thermal conductivity of materials
Another important point - all materials have different thermal conductivity. trinity health self service And to answer the question "what kind of material is best?" trinity health self service Should not listen to ads and compare their coefficients of thermal conductivity. For example, the thermal conductivity (W / (m * K)) 0.18 small clay pellets and foam 0.023. Ie so as to effectively retain the heat, expanded clay half asleep, its layer should be 0.18/0.023 = 7.8 times greater than the layer of polyurethane foam. Ie instead of 8 cm layer of polyurethane, it is necessary to fill 62 cm expanded clay. On the other hand, polyurethane less durable than concrete block, so when you use it you can not forget about ventilation and waterproofing.
Further in the text will use the term "thermal bridge" and thermal conductivity. What it is, I will explain with an example. Suppose you have used the best materials for insulation space, could qualitatively conserve heat, happy with the result of their work. Figuratively speaking, if you drill a hole in the wall to the outside, this aperture

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

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