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Sprayed polyurethane foam is often categorized as either "open cell" or "closed cell". There are some major differences between the two types, which leads to advantages and disadvantages to both, depending on the application requirements. Besides, polyurethane foam is highly versatile material that is available in different densities and final physical properties. Therefore, the end user, it is necessary to understand these differences in order to choose such a sprayed polyurethane foam that best suits the specific application requirements. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the differences between foams with open and closed what is saturated steam cell.
Sprayed polyurethane foam with closed cells (Eng. closed cell foam insulation) is one of the most commercially available insulation materials, the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ 0.021 [W / m K]. Sprayed polyurethane foam with closed cells containing an insulating gas which is retained in the cells ("blowing") foam, causing highly efficient what is saturated steam insulating properties of the material. Thermal conductivity λ characterizes the thermal properties of the material and the sprayed what is saturated steam polyurethane foam with closed cells has the lowest (best) of any of the commercially available insulation. Moreover, the natural properties of the foam provide highly effective air barrier, low moisture vapor permeability and excellent water resistance. The most common sprayed polyurethane foam with closed cells has a bulk density of about 32 kg / m3. Years of research and commercial experience has shown that the foam with a bulk density of 28-36 kg / m 3 ensures optimum insulation and strength characteristics for most building applications. Sprayed polyurethane foam with closed cells, what is saturated steam in addition to the low value of λ usually characterized by rigidity and strength. what is saturated steam Previous studies indicated that the tension of the building structure can double or triplicate using a closed cell foam, it is especially effective for the construction of wooden houses what is saturated steam and the roofs.
Sprayed polyurethane foam with open cells (Eng. open cell foam insulation), on the other hand, is usually found in the range of bulk density of 7-18 kg / m3. One of the benefits that this lower density provides lower costs, because the costs are directly dependent what is saturated steam on the density (lower density = lower costs), and those costs can sometimes be up to three times lower. Thermal conductivity of sprayed polyurethane foam with open cells constitutes the λ 35-40 [W / m K], although these products provide excellent thermal insulation properties, creating an air barrier. Sprayed polyurethane foam with open cells is more permeable to moisture and steam, however, the foam allows for controlled dissemination of moisture vapor, which manages the consistency of the builder or designer. Sprayed what is saturated steam polyurethane what is saturated steam open cell foam should not be used outdoors or in applications where it may be in direct what is saturated steam contact with water. what is saturated steam Sprayed polyurethane foam with open cells is incredibly effective as a sound barrier, which has about twice the sound resistance in normal frequency ranges as closed-cell foam structure. Sprayed polyurethane foam of open cell structure has a softer, lower strength and stiffness compared to closed-cell foam.
Comparison of basic properties of the foams with open and closed cell are summarized in the following table. Closed what is saturated steam cell foam with an open cell foam insulation properties Top λ 0.021 [W / m K] good insulating properties λ = 0.035 to 0.040 [W / m K] The low vapor permeability high vapor permeability, but controlled air barrier air barrier in full wall thickness increases rigidity Water resistance (waterproofing) Medium what is saturated steam density 28-36 kg / m 3 (there is also a high
density of 60 kg / m 3 for a shed roof) Low density 7-18 kg / m 3 absorbs sound, especially bass best sound absorption in the range of normal noise frequencies economically advantageous (lower what is saturated steam cost)
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