The dependence of the specific heat milk and cream from the physical state of dispersion of fat was set Boven (Fig. 4.1). Such data Boven received when measuring the heat capacity of the cream for a fairly wide range of temperatures. Recorded in the chart, only one jump smooth increase and then decrease in the specific heat cream in the range 10-30 C with a maximum at 21 C due to changes in the state of aggregation of fat dispersion. GV Tverdohleb in this temperature range shows at least three peaks of increasing the heat capacity of cream. This is due to the presence of the four points detected by its solidification milkfat heater battery glycerides: at 20-23, 12-14, 4-6, and 3 minus - minus 6 C. When removing heater battery teploemkostnyh curves during slow heating cream, previously subjected to physical ripening (soak for 2-6 hours at a temperature of 2-6 C), there is a fractional melt solidified groups of glycerides with a sharp increase in the heat capacity jumps in temperature ranges of minus 3 - plus 2 , 11-15, 21-23 and 27-35 C. These data formed the basis for improving the design of oil-formers and the development of optimal technological modes transform high-fat heater battery cream into butter and its subsequent thermos tatirovaniya. Thermal conductivity of milk characterizes property of a substance to transfer heat and is determined by the ratio of heat transferred through the surface to the area of the surface and the temperature gradient. Per unit of thermal conductivity (SI) adopted watts per meter-Kelvin (W / m K). The thermal conductivity of the milk product depends on the composition, structure and temperature. Thermal conductivity cream increases with temperature and decreases with increasing heater battery fat content. Thermal conductivity cream (Ya) as a function of fat content (in the range of 20-45%) at a temperature of 273 K can be calculated using Eq. Classes Dairy Milk Lactose acid Enzymes milk vitamin content in milk Content in milk milk milk animals Properties Home Site Map Tags Tags udder molecular weight whey protein micelle peroxide oxygen carotene alcohol components of milk pasteurization hydrogen heater battery bacterium fat ion amino acid fermented sugar fat milk protein content of milk production 2011 - 2014 Dairy content in milk and its production
Construction and Housing Outside and inside wall structures - to reduce heat loss in accordance with SNIP, as well as eliminating the fungus, condensation, icing, duke smart home piping hot and cold water, how to reduce heat loss, and to remove the condensate Valves and fittings; Outside or the inside of the roof to reduce heat loss in winter and reduce the cost of air conditioning in the summer; Coverage window slopes to reduce heat loss. Up to 20% of heat loss occurs through the window slopes; monolithic Processing ends overlap with "wireframe" con-struction; Warming basements, including the inside of the basement walls. Method cylindrical layer or as it is popularly called the "method of pipe", known from the first half of the twentieth century, is simple to implement and gives sufficient accuracy in the determination of the thermal conductivity λ unknown bulk material. However, for solidifying liquid composite paste, consisting of thin-walled aluminosilicate and ceramic microspheres with Ø 200 .. 100 microns Intersectoral latex and acrylic filler (plus light titanium pigment), requires a special approach to the implementation of the named method. First, for obtaining high accuracy in determining λ, requires high precision control duke smart home of the thickness of the cylindrical layer of ultrafine composite. You need to develop a special tool for precise application of the liquid paste, followed by a high-precision thickness control of the dried layer. Secondly, based on the technology of drying pasta and principles in the outer layer of insulating material from the microspheres, it is impossible duke smart home and unacceptable to fill paste into the gap between the two pipes, as it is practiced in the classical method of the cylindrical layer. It is necessary that the outer layer of the paste was open to the surrounding airspace. But then, because of damage to the outer layer of non-dried pasta is unacceptable and all the contact methods for measuring the temperature of its outer layer. Requires specific compensation data for non-contact temperature measurement of the outer layer. Given the specificity of the method implementation called cylindrical layer to determine the thermal conductivity of liquid composite material preparation and measurement laboratory setup we conducted measurements themselves in three stages. Initially studied different methods of applying heat insulating composite paste on the surface duke smart home of a flat steel plate (brush, trowel, spray) and the degree of its subsequent duke smart home shrinkage duke smart home in its original "wet" thickness δ = 1,5 mm. The layer thickness was controlled by ultrasonic flaw detector with an error Δδ = 0,05 mm. After 24 hours drying, the paste layer is reduced to a thickness δ = 1,4 mm. In what follows, within the layer of paste (about the middle of its thickness) was implemented wren fine Chromel-Copel thermocouple Ø 0,25 mm diameter. In this case, the luminance infrared pyrometer "Python" measured surface temperature of the composite material and written evidence, tested in advance of the thermocouple. It turned out, on average, pyrometer "Python" duke smart home fixed temperature on the surface of 0,6 C lower than the temperature, which was inside a layer of dried pasta. This experiment allowed us to ensure sufficient accuracy of the temperature measurement of the outer layer of dried pasta infrared pyrometer at subsequent stages of the study. duke smart home Fig. 1. The axial sectional area of application of the liquid paste by precision bushings funnels. 1 - Lower sliding emphasis, duke smart home 2 - upper sliding emphasis, 3 - tube wall PETN, 4 - thermocouple wires 5 - liquid paste, 6 - Body-precision sleeve funnel. Fig. 1 shows a sleeve-hopper top and bottom. duke smart home Around the circumference of the tube PETN funnel had three equally spaced stops, allowing for slidably move along the surface of the funnel, which is applied to a liquid paste. The inner cylindrical groove was made with a tolerance d +0,025 duke smart home mm, which allowed (subject to a snug fit stops) to achieve set the thickness δ liquid paste the output of the funnel with a deviation 0,030 mm. First sleeve Funnel inflicted paste layer thickness δ = 1,1 mm. After drying, the layer thickness was reduced to about 1.0 mm. Second sleeve (moving it stops moving on the remaining three slots-trail from the first sleeve) made a second layer of pasta new 1.1 mm thick. After re-drying, a second layer of paste on the surface of the liquid throughout the tube obtained was uniform insulating layer with a thickness of 2.0 mm. The final thickness of the thermal insulation layer controlled ultrasonic duke smart home device. Wire thread thermocouples chromel-copel were laid on one sector of the tube and do not interfere with the promotion of the sleeves-hoppers, as were between adjacent sliding stops. Heater capacity (including cosφ) controlled power meter class 1 accuracy. Calibrated thermocouple readings were taken precision multimeter "ARRA-108M" (error
Hello I ask your help in solving state of minnesota employee self service the following problem. state of minnesota employee self service Need to model a particular physical process: heating semiconductor sample state of minnesota employee self service (Germany) due to photo-and electroluminescence. For this I use MATLAB and the heat equation. 1. General view of the equation: where - the thermal diffusivity; k - thermal conductivity material, c - specific (isobaric) heat, - the density of matter. 2. Photoluminescence a) In the case of photoluminescence. The initial temperature of the sample. b) The boundary conditions are as follows: At the point falls modulated laser radiation (square wave duty cycle and frequency of 2 Hz). Radiation power mW. At the point may be two options: bad and good heat. Poor heat - vacuum, good heat - heat sink holder. c) Initial conditions: uniform temperature along the entire sample. 3. Electroluminescence. a) In the case of electroluminescence is a square wave with a duty cycle 2 and a pulse duration of 10 ms (ie, the impact of this pulsed electric shock.) b) The boundary conditions are as follows: In point there is a heat sink on the cold finger. At the point there is a reflection of radiation from the boundary, ie derivative. c) The initial conditions are similar as for the photoluminescence. state of minnesota employee self service Further, the overall record in MATLAB equation is:. In our case. I get the following files function (most common type): 1. File function to baseline. function value = initial1 (x)% INITIAL1: MATLAB function M-file that specifies the initial condition for% a PDE in time and one space dimension. value = 298 2. File function for the boundary conditions. function [pl, ql, pr, qr] = bc1 (xl, ul, xr, ur, t)% BC1: MATLAB function M-file that specifies state of minnesota employee self service boundary conditions for a PDE% in time and one space dimension. pl = ul-298; ql = 0; pr = ur-298; qr = 0 3. File function for most of the differential equation in partial derivatives. function [c, b, s] = eqn1 (x, t, u, DuDx)% EQN1: MATLAB function M-file that specifies a PDE in time and one space% dimension. c = 1; b = DuDx; s = 0 4. The script for the solution of differential equations state of minnesota employee self service and the derivation of this solution in the form of three-dimensional graphics. % PDE1: MATLAB script M-file that solves and plots% solutions to the PDE stored in = 0;% NOTE: m = 0 specifies no symmetry in the problem. Taking m = 1 specifies% cylindrical symmetry, while m = 2 specifies spherical symmetry. % Define the solution mesh x = linspace (0,1,10); t = linspace (0,10,40);% Solve the PDE u = pdepe (m, @ eqn1, @ initial1, @ bc1, x, t) ;% Plot solution surf (x, t, u); title ('Surface plot of solution.'); xlabel ('Distance x'); ylabel ('Time t'); main problem: how to relate specific physical characteristics of the system and the heat equation. I'm confused. Thank you for your attention. I have a strong suspicion state of minnesota employee self service that the thermal diffusivity is indicated by the fact "kappa", or, as it is described in the form on the board because of the speed and carelessness. How can you have the laser light and the electric current are converted into heat, and why it is called electroluminescence and photoluminescence, I did not understand. I still do not understand why you are writing about as a numerical function, while, judging state of minnesota employee self service by your equation, state of minnesota employee self service it should be defined over the entire domain of the problem and why you call it a reflection of the condition of the radiation state of minnesota employee self service from the border. _________________ In mourning state of minnesota employee self service for RAS. - Mathematics state of minnesota employee self service in physics delivers all understanding. Room temperature - 0.025 eV. Atmospheric pressure -. Visible light - 1.7-3.2 eV. How can you have the laser light and the electric current are converted into heat, and why it is called electroluminescence and photoluminescence, I did not understand. As they turn the temperature as is heating the sample under the influence of either laser or through state of minnesota employee self service a sample of electric current. Photoluminescence and electroluminescence occur in the far infrared region of the spectrum due to interband pump and then relax on the shallow state of minnesota employee self service impurity centers. I still do not understand why you are writing about as a numerical function, while, judging by your equation, it should be defined over the entire domain of the problem This function sets an additional source state of minnesota employee self service in the case of electroluminescence. By x does not change. By the time scale represents the meander (value of the meander approximately state of minnesota employee self service 0.2 A at 14 V potential difference, in the second half-period value is 0). And why do you call a reflection of the condition of the radiation from the border. Reflection of thermal radiation. Maybe I screwed up with the terminology. Better to say "heat flux." Reflection is due to the fact that the flow across the boundary is equal to 0 (in this case determined by the boundary condition of the second type, that is, Since the specimen temperature is ambient state of minnesota employee self service temperature, and then the derivative is zero). In this case, a boundary temperature is constant (the condition state of minnesota employee self service of the first type). As they turn the temperature as is heating the sample under the influence of either laser or pr
Many people do not like the heat-insulating materials, which are so heavily advertised manufacturers. Besides them, there are alternatives that are sustainable and lower cost. And if you ask the question: what should be the thickness of the layer of insulating material? What is the coefficient of thermal conductivity at opilkobetona certain brand? Certainly, though manufacturers fib, but at least you can roughly determine their thermal conductivity. But with the same sawdust or straw almost nothing is clear, and no one can say something sensible. And there are quite intelligible density table explanation - to determine the thermal conductivity of the material is very difficult and expensive task. Thus, the more you will not have to wrestle with, just weigh the necessary material in the dry state, determine its density (how much is contained kilogram density table per cubic meter), density table and then on the schedule, you can determine density table with great accuracy the thermal conductivity coefficient. Comments are closed. Home Construction Real Estate Construction and Decoration Materials and Hardware Tools DIY items and interior design Landscaping Useful eBooks Building Directory About Feedback Top
As soon as the ambient temperature drops below +28 C, the human body begins to lose heat. The lower the temperature falls, the more intense the heat loss, especially if the body is not protected by clothing. From school physics course, we know that there are three ways of heat transfer: radiation, convection and conduction. Why devote a separate evaporation and breathing? Because the actions to eliminate heat loss through evaporation and breathing a little different from the rest. Rather, duke activestaffer breathing nothing we can do. Well, you can stop breathing, but then after five minutes we will begin to cool by more annoying reason. One lucky that breathing we lose comparatively much heat, if it is not a strong frosts. But in cold weather, heat loss vospolnimy breathing easily. We turn to the radiation. Any object that is heated duke activestaffer above ambient temperature radiates heat. Everyone felt it sitting by the fire. Bonfire radiates warmth and heats the objects around. duke activestaffer When this fire loses its heat. The human body starts duke activestaffer to generate heat as soon as the ambient temperature drops lower than the temperature of the skin surface. To prevent loss of heat by radiation, it is necessary to protect the exposed areas of the body. Thus, we will create a layer of air between the skin with clothes and the environment. The temperature of this layer is equal to body temperature and heat loss by radiation to decrease. Why not stop the loss of heat at all? Because now heated clothing will radiate heat, losing it. And even putting themselves one more layer of clothing, you do not stop radiation. But I have another good news. Heat loss by radiation is not too dominant. This is not true for convection. Convection duke activestaffer heat losses are quite large and they need to be able to eliminate. The essence of the convection process is as follows: our body warms the air near the skin becomes heated air is lighter duke activestaffer than cold and rises upwards, duke activestaffer and he is replaced by cold air that is reheated, it becomes easier and the next portion is displaced cold. If you do not seize the heated air through clothing, then this process will be infinite. When the wind blows, the situation worsens. Wind carries huge portions unheated air. Even when we put on a warm jacket, the wind does not cost anything to expel warm air out of it. The same thing happens when we move. Our body "bumps" in the air, and it flows around duke activestaffer us, acting like the wind. It also multiplies the heat loss. What is the solution? Wear windproof coat: windproof jacket and pants. Do not forget about protecting the head and neck. Due to the active circulation duke activestaffer of the brain, neck and head - the most heated areas of the body, so the loss of heat from them is very large. Also, in cold weather should avoid places like blown while driving, and when choosing a place to stay overnight. Easily blown open fields and mountain ranges. Loss of heat conduction occurs when direct contact with a cold object. At this point, our body gives up its heat. The rate of heat loss is strongly dependent on the thermal conductivity of the object, which we touch. For example, stone conductivity is 10 times higher than the timber. So, sitting on a stone, we will lose heat much faster. You probably noticed that sit on the stone somehow colder than not log. Solution? Insulate your body from cold items using bad conductors of heat. Simply put, settling for a rest, take a camping mat or bundle of clothes. At night, be sure to place them under a sleeping bag camping mat, appropriate weather conditions. Or, in extreme cases, a thick layer of dry grass or pine needles. Land is a good conductor (and thus "selects") heat and cools at night. In winter, do not take metal objects with your bare hands. Use gloves. Metal thermos can wrap the plaster. In severe cold metal objects can receive local frostbite. Be careful. From our list have only evaporation. Evaporation occurs when skin or clothing appears moisture. This happens either when we get wet in the rain, or when we start to sweat. Moisture is warmed by body heat and begins to evaporate, taking with it the heat. Reduce heat loss from evaporation will help control the selection of clothing. Clothing should be selected based on the weather conditions and the current activity. Do not be lazy to remove excess clothing when growing load. You will sweat less. And do not be lazy to wear it again when the load stops. Remove moisture and wind protection, if the rain with no wind, otherwise the clothes will get wet from the inside, from your sweat. A contact with the wet clothes, duke activestaffer we lose more heat and thermal conductivity. duke activestaffer Water in the air 25 times better heat conductor. So, in wet clothes, we lose heat 25 times faster. That is why it is important to keep clothes dry.
Video TCD grog "Furnaces and fireplaces with their own hands Enter your details in the form below to get a free download links course: Your name: * Your e-mail: * Sections portable food warmer for car blog Air furnace portable food warmer for car (9) Questions subscribers (24) Private section (4) Tools masonry (8) Fireplaces (15 ) Boiler (8) Barbecues, Barbecue (4) Materials for furnaces (13) News (27) Reviews (7) Furnaces (49) Stove Builders (7) poryadovkoy furnaces (55) bath (12) BBQ (2) fireplace oven ( 5) boilers (3) heating and cooking (15) Heating (13) Project How to be helpful (13) Miscellaneous (14) Case Studies (9) Tips Pechnikov (9) Popular Need advice ripped experienced masonry chimney. What is the reason? Lessons SketchUp portable food warmer for car for masonry Part 1 Best oven to heat your home. How to get the most from the furnace heat? Recent comments Alexander portable food warmer for car Zalutskiy recording Best oven to heat your home. Alexander Zalutskiy to record March 24 Alexander Zalutskiy portable food warmer for car recording Finish stoves and fireplaces portable food warmer for car to record Vitaly Best oven to heat your home. Paul recording Protected: Lessons SketcUp Useful Video Tutorial Part 2 "Fireplaces with their hands" video tutorial "Finish portable food warmer for car stoves portable food warmer for car and fireplaces" portable food warmer for car video tutorial "furnaces with their hands" Order poryadovkoy Subscribe to Site Search Search for: Archives March 2014 (22) February 2014 (4) January 2014 (3) November 2013 (1) October portable food warmer for car 2013 (1) August 2013 (3) July 2013 (5) June 2013 (1) May 2013 (3) March 2013 (2) February 2013 (7) January 2013 (3) December 2012 (7) November 2012 (6) October 2012 (7) September 2012 (3) August 2012 (3) July 2012 (10) June 2012 (11) May 2012 (4) April 2012 (7) March 2012 (11) February 2012 (3) January 2012 (6) December 2011 (5) November 2011 (6) October 2011 (5) September 2011 (7) August 2011 (8) July 2011 (3) June 2011 (7) May 2011 (10) April 2011 (4) March 2011 (4) February 2011 (2) January 2011 (31) Thanks for all the comments to the previous article. All unbelievers will give link Almost everybody spoke confirmed that fireclay bricks ceramic conducts heat better. For emphasis I put on my cooktop stove 4 types of bricks and measured their temperature several times during portable food warmer for car the furnace. Watch the video Hello, Alexander! In this connection, I ask: "Is it possible to do fireclay furnace with three sides furred red brick, and the fourth - goes back to the chimney without fencing red brick? And had I make fireclay furnace where one side (7cm) not lined ... Would not it be cool in the area of fire clay brick? Sincerely. Sergei. Alexander portable food warmer for car Zalutskiy 02/02/2014 Permalink | Reply bought their disc furnace rukami.pomogi portable food warmer for car each installation program. Antivirus swore avast. turned off the antivirus. uploaded program. including antivirus. program portable food warmer for car does not work. Alexander portable food warmer for car Zalutskiy 02/02/2014 Permalink | Reply Good for you, Alexander! Graphs and formulas of thermodynamics convincingly supported by such simple and accessible experiments and respected potters portable food warmer for car have this soglasitsya.Dlya purity of the experiment suggest each brick separately heated on the stove in a special place, well-defined quantity and quality of wood in kg by a single portable food warmer for car method. Require more time, but the experiment will be cleaner and more convincing. portable food warmer for car Alexander Zalutskiy 02/02/2014 Permalink | Reply Even if you are absolutely identical in weight put firewood, they will flare up in different ways (by time) and then heat differently. But if you are on the stove-heated to a temperature T will lay bricks in turn and measure the Tc (t) I think will be better. Maxim 01.02.2014 Permalink | Reply Alexander, tell me at what temperature fireclay brick is heated to red? I notice this in the area of dry joint, when the coals in the furnace of burning down. Drown oak, hornbeam and aspen. portable food warmer for car Alexander Zalutskiy 02/02/2014 Permalink | Reply In my oven fireclay to red is not heated. Iron begins to blush at a temperature of 530 degrees. My pyrometer measurements upper limit of 850 degrees. Probably portable food warmer for car temperature redness grog they measure will not work. Ivan 02/02/2014 Permalink | Reply I showed pyrometer 1050 degrees fireclay furnace kiln type P2 BIC. Fireclay color has not changed. When this metal on the door of the firebox 10 cm glowed portable food warmer for car bright red. Edward E.. 01.02.2014 Permalink | Reply I do not portable food warmer for car linked to the issues of thermal protection, thermal conductivity and pr.i has a cottage where rework oven and heating. we say-refractory fireclay bricks meaning in most cases. but .. not only Kiprich refractory chamotte portable food warmer for car and varieties of magnesia, etc.-as density, (there is also easy beats weight with low thermal conductivity) both acid
Calculated heat loss determination of the thickness of scale on the heating surfaces of the boiler | boilers and combined heat and power As a sample calculation we will KVGM boiler-4-150. Boiler alphatech heating surface - 86.75 m 2, passport efficiency - 93.9%, thermal power - 4.65 MW. For other types of boilers differences in the results of the calculation will be irrelevant, since the ratio of heat output to the heating surface will be similar. where t b = 1200 - 150 = 1050 C - a large temperature difference in heat exchange; t m = 153.8 - 70 = 83,8 C - smaller temperature difference; 1200 C - temperature combustion in the boiler furnace, 153, 8 C - the temperature of the flue gas boiler without impurities (excluding dilution air). We define the efficiency of the boiler contaminated with scale: It should be noted that a similar reduction in efficiency occurs substantially only scale having a porous structure. According alphatech to the literature, the thermal conductivity of scale is 0.2-5 W / m 2 K for carbonate scale, 0.5-2 W / m 2 K for gypsum scale, 0.07-0.2 W / m 2 - K for silicate scale and 0.1 W / m 2 K for scale oil-soaked. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr alphatech title=""> alphatech <acronym title=""> <b> alphatech <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong> Select Category Journal FAQ (5) Destinations (16) Security (6) Biofuels (6) Heat pumps (1) Energy Saving (6) Equipment (33) Types of Equipment (24) Water heaters (5) Burners (2) Boilers (10) Heat generators (2) Heat (5) Electric boilers (1) Resale (10) Manufacturers (14) Clayton (6) ÖKO THERM (1) Promgazapparat (3) Chemical Automation (1) Objects (17) Automation (1) Water boiler (1) Gas (2) Hot water supply alphatech (1) Heating (8) Air heating (2) steam boiler (5) Reference (2) Services (7) Service (2) Design and construction (2) Design (2) Chemical Wash (3) Our clients in Ukraine: Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Lvov, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev, Mariupol, Lugansk, Sevastopol, Vinnitsa, Makeyevka, Simferopol, Kherson, Poltava, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Sumy, Khmelnytsky, Gorlivka, Rivne, Kirovograd, Dniprodzerzhyns'k, Chernivtsi, Kremenchug, alphatech Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, alphatech White Church, Lutsk, Kramatorsk, Melitopol, Kerch, Nikopol, Severodonetsk Slovyansk, Berdyansk, Uzhgorod, Alchevs'k, Pavlograd, Evpatoria Lisicansk, Kamenetz-Podolsk . Region: Kiev region, Donetsk region, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv region, Lviv region, Odessa region, Lugansk region, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Zaporizhia region, Vinnytsia region, Poltava alphatech region, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Khmelnytsky region, Cherkasy region, Zhytomyr region, Transcarpathian region, Mykolayiv alphatech region, Sumy region, Rivne region, Chernihiv region, Kherson region, Ternopil region, Volyn region, Kirovohrad region, Chernivtsi region. Agreement on the use
From this explanation is not clear nonlinearity of the thermal conductivity of the pressure Here is the schedule thermocouple pressure gauge. = ... ZjhjYWRlMg Left and right line tends to the vertical (ie the thermal conductivity is independent of pressure). "Thermal conductivity decreases with decreasing pressure," starting with some pressure, then it drops to zero and no further changes. I do not understand about what you say ... you bring a graph axis x (division) shelved current thermocouple (in divisions galvanometer), proportional to the temperature junction space (minus the temperature of the day, which is equal to room temperature). Place heated junction ohmic heating with strongly exposed filament current, so the flow of heat from the thermocouple constant ... More explanation needed? A literary hero, Pudikov also not needed my food plate methodological advice my food plate ... If you can explain my food plate that for such a hero Pudikov my food plate ... first time I hear ...? This is from the 5th volume of War and Peace. my food plate Munin wrote. (It seems, in collaboration with Gorky.) my food plate _________________ my food plate MNF after jogging, standing at the blackboard "Chariton, drunk meth, standing my food plate in front of the women ... and uttered bad words. Thus began a nice summer day." "Every hour the solar system is approaching the forty-three thousand miles to the spheroidal ..."
Perhaps a way out of the superconducting my food plate state with decreasing temperature? A classic - like, no. HTS - and fuck knows, the theory my food plate has not yet been created. Experimentally, like, no. _________________ In mourning for RAS. - Mathematics in physics delivers all understanding. Room temperature - 0.025 eV. Atmospheric pressure -. Visible light - 1.7-3.2 eV. I do not understand about what you say ... you bring a graph axis x (division) shelved current thermocouple (in divisions galvanometer), proportional to the temperature junction space (minus the temperature of the day, which is equal to room temperature). my food plate Place heated junction ohmic heating with strongly exposed filament current, so the flow of heat from the thermocouple constant ... More explanation needed? You can find this picture (from the book), in which the left and right ends of the graph go vertically. That is how the vacuum air to a certain value, and increase the degree of vacuum after some values do not affect the thermal conductivity of a rarefied environment. This iron experimental fact. (Thermocouple current does not change, it means the filament my food plate temperature, which stands Joule heat does not change with increasing degree of vacuum) (Thermocouple current does not change, it means the filament temperature, which stands Joule heat does not change with increasing degree of vacuum) So what's the problem then? First (large pressure), the thermal conductivity is not dependent on the concentration of the molecules and hence of the pressure corresponding to values of the order of the mean free path dimensions of the chamber, the bottom (low pressure) - thermocouple temperature increases so that heat radiation is discharged my food plate sufficiently well, this type of heatsink my food plate is also independent concentration. my food plate Further it is necessary to change the sensor and measure the ionization vakuumetroi Also this type of heat sink is independent of concentration. I wonder if the thermal conductivity depends on the degree of rarefied gas evacuation? Heat transfer mechanism should be dependent (molecule stuck to the thread, then flew away and stuck to the body of the tube). Smaller residual molecules, the less often it occurs and the smaller the thermal conductivity? But at atmospheric pressure at which to begin the process of pumping the mean free path, if I'm not mistaken, my food plate the order of a millimeter, my food plate and the distance to the walls of the vaccine. chamber of the order of several cm in such concentrations with falling really my food plate becomes smaller molecules transfer energy, but it is carried on, ie, at a greater distance, due to the increasing length of the communication. path to clashes with less energetic molecules and odds. heat conduction is not dependent on the degree of dilution At these concentrations, with falling really becomes smaller molecules transfer energy, but it is carried on, ie, at a greater distance, due to the increasing length of the communication. my food plate path to clashes with less energetic molecules and odds. heat conduction is not dependent on the degree of dilution is You will explain the independence of thermal conductivity of the pressure when the mean free path smaller than svobdnogo. And what happens when it is more (scheduled thermal conductivity in this case, too, does not change, why) (Scheduled thermal conductivity in this case, too, does not change, why) I already wrote that in the graph on the x-axis is not the thermal conductivity and the temperature, which does not change because of the radiation (make up the balance equation, the influx of heat constant care of two terms, one proportional my food plate to the first power of the temperature on the coeff. thermal conductivity is proportional to the concentration of both proportional my food plate to the fourth power of the temperature and concentration dependent. At sufficiently low concentrations
Eraglavnaya Eraspam Erafoto Eralyapy Erastihi Eramuzyka Eralepka and eradr. How Erabukvar determined that how it works ... Technique Recipes (havchik) Medicine (recipes) Our videos (to writings) Our writings ("new" science and ... Our poster Eraforum Where to send Where we send Entertainment Science Nefedov food warmer trays IV, Doudkin AV, Bogotopov YA, Kobelev DI with the support and the comments of Department of Chemistry NCSTU in Stavropol food warmer trays and Nevinnomyssk. Thermal conductivity is performed by one of three ways: heat transfer, convection or radiation. It is written in the textbooks. In fact, the thermal conductivity is always carried out with the help of radiation: heat transfer and radiation - the same thing, but at different distances, and convection begins with radiation, and then the heated portion of a gas or liquid, which behaves as a separate body rises. The proof is a simple experiment: put your hand gently to the cold iron pipe, provided that its temperature is equal to the ambient air (long lies / stands on the street) - you will feel more intense heat loss even without touching the heat sink. If you put your hand very smoothly, then you will realize that the amount of heat that you give heat sink depends only on the distance food warmer trays to the last and has a qualitative leap in the "point of contact". This point does not exist - because if you squeeze more heat sink, the heat will be further enhanced. Is it true concerning the modern theory of light emission photons? After all, according to this theory food warmer trays the radiation intensity depends only on the temperature and type of the emitting food warmer trays body, and the distance to the heat sink at all should not matter. True distance is important in terms of heat transfer, however, the thermal conductivity should decrease / increase linearly in this case, which was not observed in the experiment with the hand. With appropriate equipment (two thermos with different insulation thickness, for example), you can prove it more accurate experiment. Let's turn our attention to the thermal conductivity of graphite. Graphite is interesting because it is different and the heat conductivity depending on the direction (and | | hexagonal rings of the crystal lattice). food warmer trays Graphite p = 1,58 g / cm3: T - pa, C Thermal conductivity, l * March 10, cal / (cm * s * c) Data [1]. Unfortunately, data on the thermal food warmer trays conductivity at the same temperature we have, so we use interpolation. Considering the general quadratic dependence food warmer trays of conductivity on temperature (see data for various substances [1]), as well as the fact that the thermal conductivity at 0 K is zero (because there is nothing to hold), we conclude that the graph - branch of the parabola food warmer trays of the form y = ax 2 + bx (at least in a particular area - rescheduling thermal conductivity observed in the same place for different substances (complex relationship) there is, in our opinion, from the - for the transition to a new type of structure, which for graphite in the temperature range we think is not observed). Two available points for the direction | |-tion plane hexagonal rings find the equation of the parabola: 415 a * 2 + b * 415 = 42.6 a * 828 2 + b * 828 = 279 => => function of the parabola is y = x2 0.000567 - 0.13279 x, hence thermal conductivity at 50 C, which equals 323 K is : y is approximately equal to 16.26 * 103 cal / (cm * s * g) (see Fig. 1). Figure 1. Dependence of the thermal conductivity of graphite temperature for directing | | - On the plane hexagonal rings (interpolation). Thus, the thermal conductivity of the graphite, based on experimental - calculated data at 50 C and decreases depending on the direction of heat transfer (and | | plane hexagonal rings, respectively) 105.5 / 16.26 approximately equal to 6.49 times. What causes this phenomenon? Modern science says something like: "pi - communication between the planes are more mobile and better spend on this email. current and heat. " Since all that we know about pi - bonds today significantly - this data X - ray structural analysis (the distance between atoms) and the fact that graphite is easier wears across (no one saw neither the p - communication, nor how they spend heat), so a different number of atoms per unit area from different food warmer trays sides of graphite can play a decisive role. Diagram of the structure and interatomic distances for the graphite lattice are shown in Fig. 2. The data [2]. Figure 2. Diagram of the structure and interatomic distances of the crystal lattice of graphite, as well as the direction of the thermal conductivity used for the calculation. Calculate the number of atoms per square centimeter of the surface of graphite for conductivity respective directions (see Fig. 2), with the proviso that only participates teploprieme atoms "first front line" - ie, the atoms belonging to the nearest plane to the radiation source than Moreover, this plane is perpendicular to the direction of radiation. For directions perpendicular to the plane of the heat hexagonal rings: food warmer trays area = 0.052 nm 2 => 1 * 10 14 / 0.052 = 1923076923076923.077 (amount
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Bayern e favorita Oferta din Bundesliga pentru Vlad Chiriches. rational animals Ce echipa mare il vrea pe roman Tragere la sorti Europa League. Vezi meciurile si programul din sferturi Copos risca 4 ani de inchisoare in Dosarul Loterai. Cum a aparut la Tribunal Tragerea la sorti pentru sferturile Champions League. Vezi meciurile si programul National Arena nu poate organiza meciuri de la EURO. Ce schimbari trebuie sa faca Primaria » » « « FII ALATURI DE NOI: Espanyol : Kiko Casilla, Raúl R, V. Sánchez, Stuani, Moreno, Javi López, Fuentes, Colotto, Álex, Córdoba, rational animals Torje. Real Madrid este la 6 puncte rational animals in spatele Barcelonei si al celor de la Atletico Madrid, iar Carlo Ancelotti nici nu concepe ca echipa sa nu castige meciul cu Espanyol. Ancelotti nu va putea conta pe Fabio Coentrao, Raphael Varane si Sami Khedira, toti accidentati. Real Madrid a inceput cu bine anul 2014, reusind sa castige meciul cu Celta Vigo din Primera Division si cel din Cupa Spaniei, 2-0 cu Osasuna. Javier Aguirre nu va putea conta pe Sergio Garcia care este suspendat, in timp ce David Lopez nu este complet refacut dupa o accidentare la bicepsul femural. Stoke: Butland, Cameron, Shawcross, Wilson, Pieters, Walters, Nzonzi, Adam, Whelan, Arnautovic, Crouch. (captura Eurosport) Spania Tata Martino isi face super-echipa! Un jucator de 20 de milioane a semnat azi cu Barcelona! Cine ii ia locul lui Dani Alves Record FABULOS! Meciul dintre Real Madrid si Barcelona este cel mai scump din istorie! Cat valoreaza rational animals jucatorii celor doua echipe "Messi? E cel mai bun, dar nu el ne-a pus cele mai mari probleme!" Care a fost COSMARUL Realului in El Clasico Transfer de VIS pentru Fernando Torres! "Vreau sa joc pentru el!" Mutarea e programata la vara: Cea mai mare PIERDERE dupa El Clasico! Omul care s-a duelat cu cei mai mari jucatori din lume va renunta: Barcelona cumpara rational animals doi fundasi centrali! Tata Martino are 100 de milioane sa aduca intariri! Primele rational animals tinte: Omul care a inteles cel mai bine prin ce a trecut Jese aseara: Ancelotti s-a accidentat la fel in urma cu 30 de ani! VIDEO Cat ARDA pe el? ESPN a pus mana pe lista secreta de transferuri a Barcelonei! rational animals Ce jucatori a cerut Tata Martino in vara: Pusca si CURELEA lata! Debut fantastic cu 6 goluri pentru Balint la Craiolguta "Am fost golgheterul echipei! Am dat un gol in proprie poarta si unul unde trebuie!" :) Executiile cu precizie rational animals de chirurg VIDEO Sumudica i-a raspuns lui Chirila! "Vorbea despre altceva, masina lui a facut accident cu autocarul Stelei" Ce a spus despre meci DINAMO 0-0 PANDURII, LIVE text la 21:00. Vezi echipele de start. Ultimul meci pentru Stoican inainte de derbyul din Cupa NO COMMENT! Beckham nu a crezut ce vede! 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Actele pressure unit conversion chart de violenţă se înmulţesc pe zi ce trece în Mexic! Un fost jucător al lui Cruz Azul şi al naţionalei Mexicului, Ignacio Flores Ocaranza, a fost împuşcat mortal în plină stradă. Victima era însoţită de doi fraţi ai săi şi un copil de 10 ani. Mai mulţi bărbaţi înarmaţi pressure unit conversion chart l-au atacat, împuşcându-l de 27 de ori, nu se ştie din ce motiv. Fostul fundaş al echipei Cruz Azul şi al naţionalei Mexicului, Ignacio Flores Ocaranza, în vârstă de 58 de ani, a fost împuşcat de 27 de ori în craniu, piept şi abdomen! Ocaranza se afla în maşină, alături de doi dintre fraţii săi, care au fost răniţi, şi de un copil de 10 ani, care a scăpat nevătămat. Incidentul a fost anunţat de autorităţile mexicane. Agresorii au urmărit maşina lui Flores mai mulţi kilometri înainte de a-l împuşca, la doi kilometri de intrarea în Cuernavaca. Din câte se pare, fostul jucător pressure unit conversion chart se întorcea dintr-o vizită de la mama sa, iar ipoteza unui jaf este exclusă, pentru că bunurile victimelor au fost găsite intacte. Ignacio Nacho Flores a evoluat alături de naţionala Mexicului la Cupa Mondială din 1978 şi a câştigat cinci titluri de campion în tricoul echipei Cruz Azul. Statul Morelos, unde se află Cuernavaca, este teatrul activităţilor mai multor organizaţii criminale, cum ar fi cartelul fraţilor Beltran Leyva sau cartelul Pacificul Sud , iar actele de violenţă s-au înmulţit în ultimii ani. Derby-ul fotbalului moldovenesc, pressure unit conversion chart Sheriff - Zimbru va avea loc în etapa a 23-a din Divizia... » Noua generatie Mazda MX-5 va avea un propulsor de 1.5 litri! Sunt oare tinerii imuni în faţa propagandei ? Nicolae Pascaru (acum 4 ore) Made in URSS! VEZI 12 automobile unice produse în perioada sovietică (FOTO) (VIDEO) Ucraina a semnat partea politică a Acordului de Asociere cu UE Măsuri dure din partea Bruxelles-ului: Summitul UE-Rusia a fost anulat, iar lista neagră a oficialilor ruşi a fost extinsă Patriarhul Kievului: pressure unit conversion chart Vladimir Putin este diabolic A lăsat fără cuvinte pressure unit conversion chart juriul, dar şi publicul. Prin ce i-a uimit o călugăriţă pe cei de la "Vocea Italiei" (VIDEO) AVERTISMENTUL premierului de la Kiev adresat pressure unit conversion chart Rusiei: Vom răspunde militar tentativelor de anexare a estului pressure unit conversion chart Ucrainei Federaţia Rusă ar putea fi exclusă din Consiliul Europei Revista presei: Ratingul Rusiei a fost redus, iar un senator american ia în derâdere sancţiunile impuse de Kremlin Asistenţa Medicală Urgentă va avea ambulanţe noi: O singură maşină specială costă aproape 2.000.000 de lei (FOTO) PING-PONG DUR al declaraţiilor între Iurie Roşca, Cristi Tabără şi Vitali Catană (VIDEO) Băsescu: Dacă Rusia atacă militar Moldova, România nu va interveni în niciun caz Dmitri Rogozin: Chişinăul nu se gândeşte aproape pressure unit conversion chart deloc la Transnistria, deci nu mai este pământul Moldovei Zi crucială pressure unit conversion chart pentru Ucraina. Peninsula Crimeea îşi decide soarta la referendum Rogozin către ambasadorul Ucrainei la Chişinău: Fiu de căţea! Ce l-a nemulţumit pe demnitarul rus Vladimir Putin a semnat un decret de "recunoaştere a independenţei Republicii Crimeea" Ministerul rus al Apărării și cel din Ucraina au încheiat un armistiţiu. AFLĂ ce au promis pressure unit conversion chart autorităţile Vladimir Putin a SEMNAT actul prin care Crimeea şi Sevastopolul devin subiecţi ai Federaţiei Ruse (VIDEO) PD îşi consolidează forţele la Bălţi. Plahotniuc: "Putem demonstra că suntem mai buni decât mulţi alţii" (VIDEO) Criza din Ucraina va fi discutată de Parlament cu uşile închise. Diacov: Avem toate şansele să ne pierdem ţara
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Ce spune Regele despre noul presedinte FRF Reghe a primit avertisment dupa judecata de la Comisii Borussia Dortmund, calificare cu emotii: 5-4 la general cu Zenit Manchester United e in sferturile Ligii dupa 3-0 cu Olympiakos Dezvaluirea lui Mourinho dupa 10 ani: ce i-a spus lui Mutu in 2004 Gigi Becali nu iese din inchisoare » « rational response squad kelly o connor FII ALATURI rational response squad kelly o connor DE NOI: 1-0: Etxebarria inscrie cu un sut superb din marginea careului. (Min 17) CLICK AICI PENTRU VIDEO 1 Barcelona 12 11 1 0 39 15 24 34 2 Atlético Madrid 12 10 1 1 25 11 14 31 3 Real Madrid 13 8 2 3 32 10 22 26 4 Málaga 13 6 4 3 19 9 10 22 5 Real Betis 13 7 1 5 20 22 -2 22 6 Levante 12 6 2 4 15 16 -1 20 7 Rayo Vallecano rational response squad kelly o connor 13 6 1 6 18 29 -11 19 8 Real Valladolid 13 5 3 5 18 14 4 18 9 Valencia 13 5 3 5 16 18 -2 18 10 Sevilla 12 5 3 4 18 14 4 18 11 Real Sociedad 13 5 2 6 16 16 0 17 12 Getafe 12 5 1 6 14 19 -5 16 13 Real Zaragoza 12 5 0 7 15 21 -6 15 14 Athletic Club 12 4 2 6 17 26 -9 14 15 Mallorca 13 3 3 7 13 22 -9 12 16 Celta de Vigo 12 3 2 7 14 18 -4 11 17 Granada 13 3 2 8 11 20 -9 11 18 Deportivo La Coruña 12 2 4 6 18 27 -9 10 19 Osasuna 13 2 4 7 11 15 -4 10 20 Espanyol 12 2 3 7 13 20 -7 9 25 martie 2012 MURINATILOR , KRAKANATILOR .... ....CE FACETI PRIETENI CU ...VEDETELE DE LA ...halal rational response squad kelly o connor madrid ??SUPER MECI A JUCAT REALUL VOSTRU !!! DE ALA CU ....cremele rational response squad kelly o connor CE SA MAI SPUN ??? PE-NI-BIL !!! O FI IN DEPRESIE DIN NOU !!!hehehehehe CE LOVITURI LIBERE , CE SUTURI [ in tribuna } A REALIZAT tristinel !!!! EL , CARE SE CONSIDERA CEL MAI ...CEL !!! LA ORA ASTA SI IBRA SI RADAMEL PAR MAI BUN DECAT EL !!! MESSI ??? HEHEHE ..... CE DISTANTA URIASA INTRE EI !!! 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Spania Cea mai mare PIERDERE dupa El Clasico! Omul care s-a duelat cu cei mai mari jucatori din lume va renunta: Barcelona cumpara doi fundasi centrali! Tata Martino are 100 de milioane sa aduca intariri! Primele rational response squad kelly o connor tinte: Omul care a inteles cel mai bine prin ce a trecut Jese aseara: Ancelotti s-a accidentat la fel in urma cu 30 de ani! VIDEO Cat ARDA pe el? ESPN a pus mana pe lista secreta de transferuri a Barcelonei! Ce jucatori a cerut Tata Martino rational response squad kelly o connor in vara: Masura DE URGENTA luata de sefii lui Real Madrid, dupa accidentarea lui Jese! Ce se intampla maine: "Baby Classico"! Toti fotbalistii care vor juca in Real - Barcelona sunt tatici! Cum arata primul 11 Messi si-a decis viitorul astazi si va fi cel mai bine platit rational response squad kelly o connor fotbalist din lume! Unde va juca in urmatorii ani Gestul superb al lui Messi dupa ce i-a batut recordul lui Alcantara. 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Publicat pe 5 septembrie 2013 Petroliştii au ajuns aseară la Razgrad, în Bulgaria, iar astăzi au efectuat primele două şedinţe de pregătire. Singurii care nu au participat au fost Laurenţiu Marinescu şi Vlad Morar, cei doi jucători efectuând bane marie pregătirea sub îndrumarea bane marie preparatorului fizic Nacho Martinez. bane marie Lupii au efectuat antrenamentul la „Sport Complex Ludogorets”, bane marie baza campioanei Bulgariei, un centru dotat cu un teren gazonat impecabil. Dimineaţă a avut loc şi o confruntare inedită. Staff-ul tehnic al petroliştilor a jucat un meci împotriva omologilor de la Ludogorets, bane marie „lupii” impunându-se după executarea loviturilor de departajare. „A fost 10-10 la finalul timpului regulamentar, golurile ploieştenilor fiind înscrise de Alberto Peribanez (3), Laurenţiu Roşu (3), Bebe Ioniţă (2), Cristi Vlad şi Cosmin Contra, bane marie pentru ca, la penaltiuri, gazdele să rateze de patru ori, în vreme ce „galben-albaştrii” doar de două ori”, se precizează pe site-ul Fc Petrolul. Un al doilea antrenament a început la ora 18.00, când petroliştii s-au întors la „Sport Complex Ludogorets”. Mâine, de la ora 17.30, aceştia vor susţine bane marie testul cu Ludogorets Razgrad, partida urmând să se dispute pe arena principală a campioanei Bulgariei. Vacant după plecarea lui Mircea Rednic, postul de antrenor principal este, în aceste zile, preocupare a oficialilor Astrei. Preşedintele executiv al grupării din Cartierul de Vest, Dinu Gheorghe, a declarat că, în cel mai scurt timp, echipa va avea un nou staff tehnic. ,,Miercuri vom numi ... Site-ul aparţinând suporterilor petrolişti a publicat o scrisoare de mulţumire primită din partea unui suporter al echipei olandeze Vitesse. Gestul vine ca urmare a afişării în peluza stadionului Ilie Oană a unui banner în memoria fanului bane marie olandez care a murit la Ploieşti, ... Începând de astăzi, 9 mai, la casele de bilete ale stadionului Ilie Oană" vor fi puse în vânzare biletele pentru partida dintre bane marie FC Petrolul Ploieşti bane marie şi Gaz Metan Mediaş. Întâlnirea, contând pentru etapa a XXXII-a a Ligii I, se va disputa duminică, 13 mai, de la ora 17.00. Preţul biletelor ... Gazeta Sporturilor a publicat un amplu material despre bane marie scandalul provocat de alegerile pentur conducerea bane marie AJF Prahova. Biroul Executiv judeţean a aprobat pentru scrutinul bane marie de vineri doar dosarele actualului cuplu preşedinte - "vice". "Au mari nereguli în statut, cu modificări operate ... Mijlocaşul brazilian Romario Santos Pires, legitimat în tur la Gloria Bistriţa, este dorit de conducerea clubului Petrolul Ploieşti, potrivit Acesta a fost convins, se pare, să vină în România la negocieri, deşi are mai multe restanţe salariale înregistrate la fostul ... La această oră, la stadionul FC Petrolul Ploieşti, are loc prezentarea oficială a lui Adrian Mutu ca nou jucător pentru echipa ploieşteană. Finanţatorul echipei, Daniel Capră, a declarat în urmă cu câteva minute că este foarte încrezător în transferul bane marie lui Mutu de la echipa ... Peste 1000 de suporteri bane marie au făcut deplasarea la Braşov, bane marie pentru a-i încuraja pe petrolişti, bane marie în ciuda preţurilor mari la bilete impuse de clubul de sub Tâmpa. Chiar dacă evoluţia favoriţilor a fost una modestă, petroliştii i-au încurajat non-stop bane marie pe elevii lui Contra, ... Răzvan Lucescu a semnat ieri şi a fost prezentat bane marie oficial în funcţia de antrenor al Petrolului, iar astăzi a vorbit şi Adrian Mutu, căpitanul prahovenilor, confirmat chiar şi de noul tehnician în această postură. Mutu a explicat care este relaţia sa cu noul antrenor al echipei: "Emoţii ... Evoluţia atacantului Petrolului, Gicu Grozav, în meciul amica cu Slovacia, l-a scos din sărite bane marie pe antrenorul echipei naţionale, Victor Piţurcă. Intrat în repriza a doua a meciului România-Slovacia, Gicu Grozav s-a remarcat doar cu un şut pe lângă poarta oaspeţilor. Evoluţia ... Astra a plecat în efectiv redus în primul stagiu de pregătire al anului. Şefii din ,,9 Mai'' şi-au dus ameninţarea la capăt şi au disponibilizat jucătorii cu cele mai mari contracte: Ousmane N'Doye, Osvaldo Miranda, Bruno Miguel şi Chigozie Udoji. În afara celor patru, din lotul pe care ... Gigi Becali vrea să forţeze revenirea Stelei în Ghencea cu o declaraţie-şoc. Latifundiarul din Pipera a spus că, în cazul în care nu va pica la pace cu oficialii bane marie M.Ap.N, iar Arena Naţional va fi închisă, va duce Steaua pe ,,Ilie Oană! Adică, exact în locul unde steliştii au ... Începând din data de 17 noiembrie, vor fi puse în vânzare abonamentele pentru returul ediţiei de campionat 2012-2013. Acestea vor putea fi procurate online, accesând siteul www.ev
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Misterul unei declaratii date in graba: Steaua, Valceanu si "negocierile cu Barcelona" Steaua l-a transferat pe Alin Tosca de la Viitorul Pilotul care a terminat pe 2 cursa de la Melbourne a fost descalificat Nico Rosberg a castigat MP al Australiei » « FII ALATURI DE NOI: Nacho, pustiul de 21 de ani, convocat de Mourinho de la echipa a doua pentru meciul de pe Camp Nou, a fost impresionat de stadionul Barcelonei si nu s-a putut abtine sa nu faca poze. Granero, care se afla langa Nacho, a parut stingherit de gestul fundasului care are 2 meciuri la echipa mare. Cortina a cazut, fotbalul a invins, un regizor este aproape de Oscar! Barcelona este in FINALA! Barcelona plate warmers 1-1 Real! 100.000 de aplauze si zambete pentru omul care si-a recuperat viata in Barcelona - Real! Cel mai fericit extraterestru de pe Pamant: VIDEO! Eliminarea cu Barcelona i-a lasat FARA CUVINTE! Gesturile lui Mourinho si Cristiano Ronaldo dupa meci Cristiano Ronaldo a dat primul atac impotriva Barcei abia dupa meci! "Sezonul viitor sa le dea direct trofeul!" UN MARE ACTOR : Vezi cele mai TARI reactii ale lui Mourinho! SUPER FOTO 4 martie 2011 fan AUREL Ba fanule care esti, prostu satului care esti...etc, etc DE CE XAVI, MESSI si INIESTA au fost cei trei oameni care au intrat in finala balonului de aur ? DE CE R45@ M@T11 ai impresia ca barca nu putea sa dea 4 goluri daca era chiar nevoie ? DE CE M0r7z11 M@T11 nu intelegi ca Di Maria si Cristiano (nu merita sa fie numit Ronaldo) plonjeaza de 2x mai mult decat toata echipa barcei ? INTELEGE ODATA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA CA SOARTA CALIFICARII NU A DEPINS IN NICI UN MOMENT DE REAL, CI DE CAT DE MULT EFORT DOREAU SA DEPUNA CEI DE LA BARCELONA. (btw vezi ca nu trebuie sa scrii cu litere mari, vedem la fel de bine si literele mici) 4 martie 2011 yo daca va uitati in DEX la cuvantul ``prostie`` si la espresia ``senilitate absoluta`` vedeti imaginea asazisului ``Aurel``,care da dovada de o prostie inimaginabila.dupa ce i s-a zis de vreo 100 de ori,si i s-a explicat ca acel gol a fost anulat pe buna dreptate,si ca real a fost ca sperma pa langa barcelona,pt ca a stat numa cu fundu in poarta,el mai comenteaza. 4 martie 2011 AUREL UNUI DOBITOC CARE ASTEPTA LAUDE PT BARCELONA CAND TOATA EURPA ESTE SCADALIZATA plate warmers DE ARBITRAJUL EXCRCABIL CONDUS DE UEFA ,NU TREBUIE SA I SPUI ALCEVA DECAT CA ESTE DOBITOC SI CU ASTA BASTA . RAMAI IN PROSTIA TA RETARDATU LE !!!AVORTONU LE !!! Liga Campionilor Marti, 21:45 Chelsea - Galatasaray, Real Madrid - Schalke. Cine se califica? Un mod unic de a urmari Champions plate warmers League! Se califica Chelsea in sferturi? 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Faza pe care n-ai mai vazut-o la NIMENI Marti, 21:45 Chelsea - Galatasaray, Real Madrid - Schalke. Cine se califica? Colectia de tricouri la care viseaza orice suporter: plate warmers de la Totti, la Chiriches, Gardos si Tatarusanu! Lucian Goian le vinde pentru o cauza nobila! Care a fost cel mai scump: Un mod unic de a urmari Champions League! Se califica Chelsea plate warmers in sferturi? Di Matteo iti raspunde plate warmers pe Twitter Motivul incredibil pentru care acesti jucatori au intrat pe teren imbracati asa! SUPER FOTO Scene socante la derby-ul Angliei! Un fundas a fost lovit dur de portarul sau! Cum au glumit cei doi colegi dupa meci Romania, tara care a reinventat REGULA PENALTYULUI! Toate cluburile din Liga I au fost anuntate de asta N-a rezistat si a facut un gest pe care nu-l astepta nimeni in timpul meciulu
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Titlu: Gateste cu Sara pizza de ciocolata Descriere: Sara gateste cea mai delicioasa pizza, dar nu orice fel de pizza, ea va face o mancare dulce, va pregati un tort in forma de pizza, plin cu ciocolata, bomboane si alte bunatati. In joc pentru a invata reteta trebuie sa te lasi ghidat de Sara, ea iti va da o lista cu ingrediente rational combi oven si ustensile necesare pentru gatit intr-o bara din stanga jos, tu trebuie sa le cauti prin dulapuri si prin frigider pentru a le pune pe masa, dupa ce ai terminat, va incepe gatitul propriu zis. Tot prin bara de stanga jos Sara iti va arata urmatorul pas ce trebuie facut in gatirea acestui minunat tort. Fii atenta la fiecare miscara rational combi oven si devin-o o bucatareasa desavarsita impreuna rational combi oven cu Sara. Daca ai invatat cum, incearca si tu sa gatesti in bucataria ta o pizza de ciocolata! Jucat de : 658,624 ori Categorii de jocuri: jocuri de gatit jocuri de gatit cu sara jocuri de facut mancare jocuri barbie rational combi oven jocuri cu sara jocuri desert jocuri in bucatarie jocuri gateste online jocuri de gatit online rational combi oven Imbracat chelnerita Pentru a atrage cat mai multi clienti trebuie sa ai chelnerite cat mai frumoase si aceste trebuie sa se imbrace rational combi oven cat mai... e frumos jocul eva December 28, 2013 Bai bananelor rational combi oven vreau sa majoc Alexia rational combi oven August 25, 2013 Bai sara tu esti nebuna cum poti sa sa spui : "e frumos rational combi oven jocul meu' e jocul tau cumva ei bine sa trecem la joc. JOCUL ASTA E SUPER TARE mrfa nu am mai jucat niciodata un joc super tare cel care a creat jocul ii spun bravo pentru creatia ta bafta in continuare!! Sofia June 6, 2013 bruneto rational combi oven de 16 ani nu te mai lauda ca esti bogata poate lucrurile acestea nu sunt adevarate pa urato narcisa May 1, 2013 e foarte frumos acest joc cu sarA DE DECORAT PLACINTA adi February 21, 2013 adica eu sunt aia??deci ma pricep la gatit?da daca asa o cheama,eu sunt!:)))))))))))))))))))))Inafara de asta jocul este ok,super,grozava idee,grozav,frumos si interesant!! marianaviorica81 December 31, 2012 jocul este superb anne November 30, 2012 frumos joc mi-ar plaea,atat de mult sa-l joc,dar atatea de multi de ani asteptam cu drag jocul asta.Nimanui nu-i placea dar numai mie,cu drag jocul acesta e frumos,si a urez la multi ani pentru ca vine ziua mea dar nota mea pentru acest joc este 9.Ma bucur ca mi-ai spus de acest joc,maine mrgem la un ceai,k as dori sa merg cu tine,cu drag o colega buna.Eu gatesc acasa,la mine de odata am de treaba si cat odata ma apuc de lucrat. karina November 8, 2012 este foarte frumos jocul acesta Tabita July 28, 2012 cartoon footvolley jocuri d