Many people do not like the heat-insulating materials, which are so heavily advertised manufacturers. Besides them, there are alternatives that are sustainable and lower cost. And if you ask the question: what should be the thickness of the layer of insulating material? What is the coefficient of thermal conductivity at opilkobetona certain brand?
Certainly, though manufacturers fib, but at least you can roughly determine their thermal conductivity. But with the same sawdust or straw almost nothing is clear, and no one can say something sensible. And there are quite intelligible density table explanation - to determine the thermal conductivity of the material is very difficult and expensive task.
Thus, the more you will not have to wrestle with, just weigh the necessary material in the dry state, determine its density (how much is contained kilogram density table per cubic meter), density table and then on the schedule, you can determine density table with great accuracy the thermal conductivity coefficient.
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