Monday, November 4, 2013

2013 (18) Сентябрь (18) сен 26 (18) 2012 (142) Ноябрь (76) ноя 11 (34) ноя 10 (6) ноя 03 (10) ноя 0

Russian bath is a miraculous properties. It strengthens the immune system, james buchanan duke purify the blood, removes james buchanan duke toxins from the body, improves metabolism and make your skin smooth and beautiful. One of the main secrets in the Russian bath is a good slot. It increases blood circulation and has a rejuvenating effect. Brushes may be different. Each of them has different healing properties and is useful in a particular case. Birch branches are well used in diseases of upper respiratory tract, the lungs to clear the smoke. brooms from birch twigs and leaves cleanse the skin of pustules, blackheads on the face of Article kamedonov), rash, promotes healing of wounds and abrasions. Oak leaves normalizes high blood pressure, it is soothing and anti-inflammatory effects. For cosmetic james buchanan duke purposes, such as slot suitable for oily skin, leaving it supple, it removes excess oiliness of the skin. Slot of tansy normalize low blood pressure, a tonic properties and stimulates the central nervous james buchanan duke system. Earn slot, as well as tansy, used to treat severe fatigue slot, as it is expressed in a toning effect. Fir broom has disinfectant properties, because the content with spruce resin substance needles. Broom with spruce has a positive effect on the body's joints and radicular disease. Linden slot is useful for the common cold. It is an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents headaches, promotes normalization of the kidney. Broom with nettle is used in chronic radiculitis, and it does not fly all over the body with a broom, and local areas affected by the disease. Eucalyptus wood sauna is a great healer of various colds, eczema and other useful skin diseases. Juniper james buchanan duke branches have similar characteristics with a broom and a radicular nettle. In addition, the juniper broom is an excellent prevention of influenza, bronchitis and colds.
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