Monday, March 9, 2015

(...) The study by NOAA shows that the impact will be felt mostly workers camsis extended self serv

Fire, bakers, farmers and workers. As further increase global temperatures, these and other occupations will be decanted suffered even more than usual and white sure what experts already classified as "labor heat stress".
A study by NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US) warns that global losses of working capacity related to heat stress will double by 2050 due to global warming.
(...) The study by NOAA shows that the impact will be felt mostly workers camsis extended self service performing their tasks in hot environments such as firefighters, bakers, farmers, construction workers and others who will be forced to reduce their tasks due to moisture and high temperatures.
The report, published online in Nature camsis extended self service Climate Change, warns that the most affected zones are midlatitude and tropical regions including South East Asia, North America and Australia.
The research uses existing health and safety thresholds camsis extended self service to establish a new metric to quantify the ability of a person in a healthy camsis extended self service environment to carry out their work under heat stress environment.
Stress by high temperatures can cause heat stroke, heat exhaustion, cramps and may increase the risk of injury. camsis extended self service Age, obesity and medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure may also endanger workers.
John Dunne, Ph.D. NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laborator and (the laboratory of geophysical fluid dynamics) and lead author of the research, explained that "most of the studies on the direct impact of global warming on human focus on mortality under extreme conditions climate. We, however, want to describe climate change in practices that people commonly experience. "
In the months of greatest heat stress work capacity is reduced by 10% of its full potential. By 2050, work capacity will fall by 80%, even with the reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. camsis extended self service
The results indicate that despite the emission camsis extended self service reductions of greenhouse camsis extended self service gases, heat stress even force a duplication of lost work capacity middle of this century, with more severe reductions under high emissions scenarios will continue until 2,200.
(...) Human beings have a range of temperature camsis extended self service and humidity on that can adapt the environment and work safely and productively. The thresholds are from the guidelines established by the National Institute for Safety and Health at Work operatively adopted by many institutions and military organizations worldwide, including the United States Army.
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