Monday, February 10, 2014

Pits dug in the case where there is no way to drill the hole. It is somewhat more laborious water v

Rowed - this is the easiest storage for fruits, vegetables and other fresh and canned products which store them for a long time, the main terms of preserving food is low temperature, moderate humidity, shading and flow of fresh air. All these conditions are continuously maintained in the cellar, built with all the fairly water viscosity calculator simple rules. The optimum temperature in the cellar, in practice, should be 2-6 C, relative humidity - 85-95%. This product does not rot and does not shrink over time. Such conditions are achieved in furnishing reliable water viscosity calculator waterproofing and well-functioning ventilation, and ventilation plays in this case a special role. But more on that later. The choice of construction cellar So you've decided to build a cellar. Where to start? Of course, the choice of the place that is most suitable for this purpose. water viscosity calculator In terms of ease of use can be made of existing cellar under construction: houses, garages, water viscosity calculator sheds, water viscosity calculator etc. Recently, these cellars are building more, as it saves land space and material costs for construction. But if the space on the plot enough, you can build okremorozmischenyy a cellar. Before you start building, you must have accurate information about the level of groundwater, the soil properties and the depth of freezing it in place for the construction. Will determine the design and method of waterproofing the cellar, and in the end - its operational properties: durability and quality storage water viscosity calculator products. Ground water level best to build the cellar dry higher ground or on a steep slope, as this will greatly water viscosity calculator facilitate the issue of waterproofing. But often the terrain does not match the desired optimal option. In any case, remember that the groundwater level should be located below the floor (bottom) of the cellar for at least 0.5 meters from the level of groundwater depends on how much you can bury cellar. For example, if groundwater is found at a depth of 2.5 m from the surface, the cellar can bury all his height (2 m), that is to build an underground cellar. If the groundwater level is at a depth of less than 2.5 m from the surface, semi-built cellar. Ground cellar built in the event that groundwater is occurring at a depth of 0.5 m from the surface. In low-lying areas with very wet soil make artificial sand and gravel "cushion" to lift the bottom of the cellar above the water table. Among the groundwater allocated a type as bleak. During the construction it is important, as bleak is temporary, usually dependent on seasonal water penetration of different origin. Formed water viscosity calculator within the vadose zone of aeration due to accumulation of water infiltration on a relatively small lenses water viscosity calculator of impermeable rock. Scheme of formation of groundwater is shown in Fig. 1.
Rice. 1 Scheme of the formation of groundwater shallow groundwater can be determined visually with a reasonable degree of certainty. This is evidenced by the bright luscious vegetation, abundance of mosquitoes and midges. In places grow moisture-loving plants - sorrel horse, forget, horsetail, andromeda (coltsfoot), bog plants - sedges, reeds. Nearby, usually a natural or artificial reservoir. The ground water level is recommended to determine at the time when it is highest: in the spring or fall during water viscosity calculator heavy rains. With aneroid barometer can determine the level of the aquifer in the well if it is on a large distance from the construction site. To do this, first remove the barometer readings near the well, and then in place for the construction of the cellar. The difference in the depth of terms indicate the groundwater. For example, evidence barometer 742.7 at the well, and the future site of the cellar - 742.4. This means that groundwater occur at a depth of 3 m, as a price barometer of a point (0.1 mm) corresponds to a change of depth (height) by 1 m If there are no wells, carry out exploratory drilling or digging pits. Well drilling is carried out dredging. In soft ground for drilling operations using garden storms (Fig. 2). If the soil tight, use a manual drill-coil (Fig. 3), which can be made from old automobile springs and drilling spoon (Fig. 4), made from a scrap tube diameter of 60-80 mm. Drilling depth leading to 2-2,5 m Bur removed from the well every 0.5 m and examined soil samples.
Pits dug in the case where there is no way to drill the hole. It is somewhat more laborious water viscosity calculator way, as have the shovel to dig a deep hole in the form of a narrow slit (hole). water viscosity calculator In intelligence work can be found quicksand. Quicksand - is incoherent soil saturated with water. Usually it is a fine-grained sand or sandy loam, in rare cases - loam. Quicksand is not subject to drainage, build a cellar at this point is impossible.

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