Friday, February 7, 2014

Rudnenska 14, Lions All Offers

Promy'shlenny'j and optovыe goods on Potrebytelskye goods on services Water-, Gas-, teploobespechenye Machinery Machinery for vodosnabzhenyya Kanalyzatsyonnoe Zapornaya fittings sanitary water heaters AUTOMATIC rehulyatorы Equipment Hydromassazhnыe kabynы Dushevыe kabynы Hydromassazhnыe vannы check valves Vodoprovodnыe pipe Akrylovыe vkladыshy wamer in bath tub in the bathroom
Rudnenska 14, Lions All Offers
Ofitsiyne predstavnytst th in g. Ukraine - Joint Ukrainian-Latvian enterprises LLC Vanna vannā offers restoration of Soviet (cast iron, metal) bath method "bath in the bathroom." Technology is vmontovuvanni new acrylic tub-liner wamer in an old building radanskoyi bath without removing tiles and repair. New acrylic bath with environmentally safe, impact-resistant material will fit the shape of your old tub. New bathroom retains the properties of the two baths: 1. old cast iron or metal bath is a rugged, 2. new acrylic bathtub warm to the touch and easy to clean. installation of a bath in the bathroom takes an average of 2-3 hours; resulting wamer in the bath tub creates a "thermos effect", wamer while providing savings in hot water; Life-new bath 15-20 years; acrylic bathtub in the bathroom - reliability, wamer low thermal conductivity, saving time and money.
2012 - 2014 ETOV

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