Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Planning - is the action or actions aimed at developing goals and program behavior, modes and param

Monthly schedule group vehicles | Essays Ukrainian
Introduction duke blue devil logo 1. Brief description of the external conditions of vehicles: 1.1 Characteristics of the navigation area 1.2 Port's cargo 1.3Transportnaya characteristic 1.4Tehniko-performance type vehicles 2. Building circuits dizheniya 2.1 Construction duke blue devil logo of optimal duke blue devil logo traffic patterns 2.2 Calculation of average parameters traffic patterns 3. Determining the value of resources and fleet volume duke blue devil logo of freight 4. The plan for fixing vehicles traffic pattern 4.1 Preparation of initial data 4.2 Method of nearly optimal plans 5. Drafting monthly schedule of vehicles 6. Calculation duke blue devil logo of the monthly schedule 7. Analysis of the results Conclusion References
Planning - is the action or actions aimed at developing goals and program behavior, modes and parameters of the control object. The system of planning duke blue devil logo is the initial and most active management function. With planning the objectives and direction of the system. The methods by which this movement is provided, determined by the rate of movement and material sources that provide movement. Planning - is in operation management with direct links directed from the governing body to facility management. With regard to the management of fleet planning - is the formation and transport plans of the fleet for some length of time. The main objectives of the fleet and transport - to meet the needs of the marine cargo transport goods and ensure the efficient operation of the fleet. The main objective duke blue devil logo of scheduling is linking in space and time of the fleet from the port and shipyards in the performance plans of transportation. The main documents are scheduling charts duke blue devil logo Navy ships operating in the tramp shipping, and schedule of the courts on the lines. Based on the charts and schedules specified plans for handling feeder vessels in ports, monthly plan repair tonnage plans bunkering vessels and logistics. Charts and schedules of the fleet are also plans to clarify the bunkering of ships, their logistics, staffing and other plans and documents for organizations of all work-related fleet, providing its technical condition, the control and the whole complex duke blue devil logo of measures to ensure normal duke blue devil logo functioning of the transport process of cargo and processes of the courts. In this course project, a concrete example will be discussed and applied work metodyplanirovaniya fleet tonnage using standards, methods and techniques of practical management raschetovpo transport duke blue devil logo process of shipping. 1. Brief description of the external conditions of ships
1.1. Characteristics of the navigation area In this course project area of navigation covering the Black and the Mediterranean Sea, including a two main ducts (Bosporus and Dardanelles). Black Sea stretched duke blue devil logo in the latitudinal direction at 620 mph in the meridional - from 114 to 332 miles. This deep-sea with prihlubymi duke blue devil logo beaches, and only the western and north-western part shallow. In the central duke blue devil logo part of the depth evenly distributed, mostly they are within the 2000-2200 m, maximum depth - 2210m. Surface currents are directed counterclockwise. At depths greater than 200 m water saturated with hydrogen sulfide, duke blue devil logo which prevents the development of organic life. Water temperature at the surface in winter from 7 to 9 C, in summer from +22 to +29 C, salinity 17-18o/oo. Storms occur mainly in winter. Sea level fluctuations are small and under the influence duke blue devil logo of surges do not exceed 60 cm climatic conditions in the Black Sea facilitate navigation. It does not freeze, except in the extreme north-western areas, however there even in the harsh winter navigation is not interrupted. Peculiar geographical feature is the estuary that is flooded by sea priustevye site. In the northern part of the sea, especially in the Gulf of Odessa, frequent fogs in winter, but more often (an average of 80 days per year) are fog at the entrance to the Bosphorus. Mists caused by the influx of warm water through the Bosphorus, there are as weak currents spread northward. Mediterranean Sea is divided into several basins: the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Ionian, Aegean Sea. Complex bottom topography. Permanent surface flow is directed from the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar, where its speed is 2.7 knots. The highest tide height - 1,7 m Temperature duke blue devil logo on the water in winter from +12 to +16 C, summer - up to +27 C, salinity 36-39o/oo. Mediterranean climate is determined by its position in the subtropical zone and has a great specificity duke blue devil logo that distinguishes it as a separate type of Mediterranean climate, characterized by mild wet winters and hot dry summers. In winter the sea basin set low atmospheric pressure, duke blue devil logo which defines unstable weather with frequent

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