Saturday, July 26, 2014

Apple gives up what is not his specialty connectors (or make it the default), since it

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The Member States what does it mean to be rational of the IEC has voted in favor of a technical specification for charging points what does it mean to be rational for laptops. Later, following a second vote on an international standard to make that all laptops can share charging points. By Mie Stage December 20, 2013 at. 14:01
Laptop computers must be able to be charged with any manufacturer's converter. It is the desire of the standardization organization IEC, if more than 70 members have been to the polls with standard 62700 in hand. It will pave the way for universal connector.
The standard specifies the dimensions of the inverter charging plugs that connect to the computer. So far it has been designed by the computer manufacturer's own specification, and it has given many varieties on the market.
So far there is support what does it mean to be rational from the member states, at least half said yes and thus adopted a technical specification is the first step towards a more solid national standard, says the Danish national secretary of IEC and project manager at Danish Standard René Nielsen.
"It takes two third of the votes in order to get the grand model through which becomes a national standard. But a technical specification can be a step up the ladder towards consensus, "he said.
From the Danish side are just Stofa with the AV committee is offering in its position on laptop chargers to Danish Standard, and since charging plug is not the company's core competency, Denmark, in this case chosen to vote blank.
"This issue is just the other selection than that which has been involved in the standard of charging points. Therefore, I also see how such a proposal here comes about environmental committees, "he said.
The technical specification will be released in May 2014 and then expect René Nielsen that it will have less than three years old, before the country prepares for a new poll, which will provide a greater consensus, so the standard is elevated to such. European and international standards.
Send See also Proposal for common charging plug can sabotage what does it mean to be rational electric vehicle deployment January 28, 2013 Apple fan on the agreement on the European standard for mobile connector 03 October 2012 Time to be a standard for standards throughout Europe June 20, 2012 Read also
Martin merch Munk 7 months ago Smart Safe
Apple's smart safe charging points system has more than once saved my computer for a rough ride by inadvertently forbipaserende who dragged their feet, so I would be sorry if it for posterity should be made into "normal" charging points.
6 4 review
My very average what does it mean to be rational laptop has a supply of 100watt in advance so that there is not enough free space on the USB capable nature, to supply the more serious laptop. A buddy has a more professional IBM, where supply is close to 200watt, it will mean that it runs out of power and / or can not charge what does it mean to be rational the battery while using the computer.
USB capable species have unnecessarily many legs and is fyssisk bigger what does it mean to be rational than some computer supply connector, what does it mean to be rational they also require a handshake between what does it mean to be rational the charger and PC, to provide full power, it means that the charger should be intelligent, which could mean that it will be expensive.
Should also be possible to connect a very small power supply to a PC requires a strong power supply? How does it have to end well? Should it be the type of connector used for the powerful PC that also will be used for less demanding PC? Or vice versa? what does it mean to be rational
Apple gives up what is not his specialty connectors (or make it the default), since it's one of the things they use to differentiate themselves. As do several other. what does it mean to be rational And in 5 years, they have certainly found something smarter.
I'm not an electrical engineer but by plenty of you should not only join other seems other equipment as resulting fire hazard reason of overwork or performance of laptop or power supply.
Would not it (theoretically, hardly enough in practice) be possible to elevate Apple's what does it mean to be rational MagSafe what does it mean to be rational connector for standard and then claim it licensed under the FRAND (fair, what does it mean to be rational reasonable, and non-Discriminatory) terms? I mean something what does it mean to be rational right end was done with MPEG2 and MPEG4 standards, but there were those companies to define their patents were part of the standard. I do not know if it can be done without Apple's approval.
First, it takes time to change practice and courage to be the first to leave defines as an option. Secondly, it is far from uncommon to have several per chargers. what does it mean to be rational unit. It is not uncommon to have a charger at home and at work, possibly a third lying in the travel bag. There is probably even more would have if you

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