Friday, April 24, 2015

Breast milk is proven the best food for infants during the first months. Besides all the necessary

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The first year of a baby's life is characterized by rapid growth. To illustrate this, we mention these two facts - within the first 12 months, the baby gains weight average three times and growth by 50% by weight and height at birth. Therefore, the child requires relatively tea light food warmer much energy and nutrients, as well as a balanced diet.
Breast milk is proven the best food for infants during the first months. Besides all the necessary nutrients, milk delivers the baby and the necessary antibodies, which build their immune system. We recommend that if the mother is able to breastfeed your baby for at least the first 6 months. During this period, if the mother has enough milk, this is enough tea light food warmer for the baby - it does not require supplemental food, does not even need and water. The optimal time for weaning the baby is between the sixth and ninth month, ie in the third quarter of the first year. Of course, weaning occurs gradually, substituting breastfeeding and nutrition. After the first year, breast milk is losing its nutritional value and breastfeeding soon becomes annoying habit that began inconvenience to the mother. Supply
Power began shortly before weaning, ie between the 4th and the 6th month, but not earlier than four months. Nutrition, according to World Health Organization (WHO) must be: Timely - to choose the optimal age. We recommend that the interval 4-6 month; Adequate - to deliver the necessary nutrients and energy a child's body; Safe - to have the right choice of products, the way of their processing, storage and compliance with the rules of hygiene; Meals correctly, the amount and number of meals are tailored to the child's tea light food warmer age. Rules for feeding the baby
There are a few rules, compliance with which will allow you to follow the WHO recommendations and create proper eating habits tea light food warmer in your baby. Here they are: Mark your any new food - when entering any food, make note of what day (and if possible how many hours) you have entered. Thus, possible occurrence of allergic reaction can easily track of exactly which food was brought. You can easily enter all meals a baby in For this purpose, you must register and create a diary of their child; Start power not earlier than the end of the fourth month following the package directions - all infant age is specified, which is suitable for food. Do not give the baby food, which is of greater age group; By the sixth month energize child with gluten-free food - and thus avoid the risk of developing celiac disease. Packaging of paste that are gluten-free, expressly stated that (these are paste, rice, corn, buckwheat, wheat gluten-free). Do not hesitate to ask in the store itself, if not navigate; When introducing a new food the child should be securely enter any new food gradually - starting with 2 -3 tablespoons of the new food, then baby supplement as already introduced with food or milk if still not fully implemented food; If an allergic reaction (vomiting, diarrhea, rash) stop the introduction of this food. After a week try again; Feed the baby with a spoon - this will create a proper and lasting habit of eating; Do not force the baby - if the child stubbornly refuses to accept a particular food, do not force it. Try again with the same food after about a week. Note that tastes the baby change and food is quite possible that at the beginning I liked then to become his lover and vice versa. We had the following case - in the eighth month, our baby refused categorically tea light food warmer to eat spinach. Only four months later adored him; Check your food before you give your baby - if you use takeout, opening the pot should hear rupture. Try to scoop the food before you give your baby to make sure that a suitable temperature. If you remove it from the refrigerator warm food in a water bath to room temperature; Do not use stale food - if you opened tea light food warmer the jar, the food should not be stayed more than 24 hours after opening the pot (even if kept in a refrigerator); Do not give food or liquids on your cutlery or your utensils tea light food warmer - even if you are perfectly healthy, you are a potential winner of numerous disease-causing microbes that your body is doing, but they can be very dangerous for the baby. In addition, if you smoke or have consumed alcohol could further burden the fragile baby o

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