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A substance rational agent insoluble in the event called rational agent disperse into small particles to be visible in another rational agent substance. Insoluble events in the overall amount rational agent of solvent over the material, the amount of less soluble substances are called. rational agent
Cooking salt (NaCl) as a result of the water-insoluble ion-dipole attractive force pulls the ions into the liquid crystal phase plucked .Çözün called dissolution of ions formed as a result rational agent of hydration is surrounded by water molecules. If another solvent is used instead of water in this event is called solvation.
Examples of solvent-soluble rational agent
Liquid Liquid Water-Ethyl
Liquid Solid Water-NaCl
Liquid Gas Water-CO 2
Solid Solid Alloys
Solid Liquid Amalgams
The H 2 y of solid Gas Pd
Gas Gas All gas profits. rational agent
Soluble in 100 g or 100 ml of the solvent under certain conditions is called the maximum amount of material.
c) Effect of Pressure
A substance insoluble in the event called disperse into small particles to be visible in another substance. Insoluble events in the overall amount of solvent over the material, the amount of less soluble substances are called.
Cooking salt (NaCl) as a result of the water-insoluble rational agent ion-dipole attractive force pulls the ions into the liquid crystal phase plucked .Çözün called dissolution of ions formed as a result of hydration is surrounded by water molecules. If another solvent is used instead of water in this event is called solvation.
Examples of solvent-soluble
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