Thursday, April 30, 2015

The most important thing for a baby is eating right - as simple duke mascot as stressful and confus

Here it is the small, sweet, so long-awaited duke mascot baby. You still do not know, but it will happen do not worry at this stage have not felt motherly instincts. There is time. Behavior and capabilities of the baby in the first month
It normally move his limbs, but is not able to hold the head upright. Muscle tone of newborn is increased. The movements are scattered, uncoordinated - each limb moves for itself. Accidentally shrinks his little fists as a reflex and is startled by sudden noises. At the end of the month begins to raise his head when on his stomach, but still could not hold it. Crying is his means of communication. In the first month there is presence of primitive reflexes duke mascot that are important for the adaptation of the child to the environment and to disappear duke mascot to 2-3 months.
Types of reflexes: sucking - in irritation cheek child is making sucking movements. Moro reflex - a sudden change in body position the child with his hands in subsequent shrinkage, which resembles coverage.
Reflex Galant - in irritation body muscles around the spine curves towards the direction of irritation. Robinson reflex - when looking at the palm child carried prehensile movement. The absence in the first months of primitive reflexes should alert the physician for some pathologies. This also applies to their long persistence (retention).
And so in the first month: duke mascot 1. Lively are primitive reflexes; 2. Where it is belly child tries and ephemeral hold head upright; 3. The hand of the newborn is clenched, which opens gradually at the end of the month; 4. Movement duke mascot of creep - placed on his stomach, feet are supported and step fold - the child is pushed forward by mimicking creep; 5. rarely opens his eyes because of photophobia (fear of light). The movements of the eyeball are not coordinated as between them (physiological duke mascot strabismus) and with movements of the head and eyelids. There may be Nystagmus - movements of the eye - the horizontal and vertical. In directing the bright light, the child closes his eyes (nictitating reflex). Possess color vision on the main bright duke mascot colors. The baby is shortsighted 6. 4 diopters, which gradually decrease duke mascot with age - is highly developed tactile sense 7. is more sensitive to temperature stimuli less to pain. The most sensitive areas around the eyes, forehead, hands and feet;
The most important thing for a baby is eating right - as simple duke mascot as stressful and confusing for the mother. Breastfeeding is a gift from God and we must do everything possible to use him. The baby is placed on the chest in the first hours after birth. Breast milk in the first days is thick, yellow in color, with a higher content of protein, minerals duke mascot and others. It's called colostrum. In the early mother feel anxiety, pain, hardening of the breast. There may be transient temperature and feeling that can not be squeezed out enough milk. This is not a problem - it takes regular Squeezing chest in three hours, can be used warm compresses. Of course it should be monitored by a doctor to not get mastitis duke mascot - breasts become very hard, painful, red. There may be fever-38-39gr. Then have more serious treatment.
It is desirable from the outset to give rest to the mother and child in the hours between 24 and 6. If you wake up at 3 and cries a lot can he submit water. It is not wrong if in the first weeks eating at night in 3. From the outset we have to dictate mode deteto.To is placed on one side for no more than 10-15 min., Then the other of the same time. If you fall asleep during meals gently pinching on cheeks and ears. It is wrong baby to sleep and nibbles for longer than that. If less breastfeed, then patiently wait until the next meal after 3:00. A common mistake is when the baby wakes up and cries after 1 hour eg. to be placed on the breast. In this case the system crashed duke mascot child, duke mascot he shall be submitted before the food to completely empty stomach / and this is for not less than 3 hours /. Indiscriminate duke mascot feeding leads to a decrease in milk production in the mother. Almost all children get used more in the second week of the correct mode.
The mother's diet should be varied. Quantity duke mascot to be one and a half times more than before pregnancy. Must contain a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, and liquids, and milk. Nuts, onions, shit have image-enhancing milk production, but there is no evidence. It is not desirable drinking alcohol and cigarettes. Can a cup of coffee - decaf morning if possible. In t

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