Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Code bother talking about drilling and Alinver and graphic signals, writings and characters from ol

Code bother talking about drilling and Alinver and graphic signals, writings and characters from old, funerary characters, signs Tthbtah, interpretation and analysis of signals in a scientific way athletic, follow the signs. rational uk , False dissemination of science and knowledge and the fight against witches and charlatans seeking the pleasure of Almighty Allah Azza. Special greeting rational uk to the brother Abu Faisal Al-Harbi of the ancient forum.
Diamond Greek word "Adamas" rational uk "" adamao means stone that does not damage nor invincible, origin carbon under very high pressure, which is the king of gems, including the advantage of its charm and attraction and splendor rational uk and beauty of a great and famous, rational uk and only traded on the rich and those with money and wealth. Diamonds cut diamonds rational uk ", diamonds and natural rational uk stone specular rational uk Mtlole beautiful scenery, and every piece of it called the" brilliant "because of the cut at a rate of 58 face, and these surfaces rational uk gives the diamond its sparkle Almtlole, especially when light enters the diamond and passes through the surfaces it breaks the light rays and analyzes and gives light brighter and brighter unparalleled, and this is what makes it superior to most of the gems and precious stones .. and there like English .... "Diamonds cut diamonds" ... which means ... diamond cut diamond, and indicates that there is no way to overcome the strength and rigidity but solidly and strongly similar .... Through this parable clear the most important feature in the diamond namely ... strength and rigidity ... where the stone is the most powerful yet, and also features absorbs heat nor broken only other piece of diamond. This is offset in the Arab proverb ... The iron in iron succeed not discouraged iron, but iron.. and using diamonds rational uk either in industry or in jewelry. The diamonds used in industry is often full of commas rational uk dark and has some impurities, the kind used in jewelry rational uk is characterized transparent color and free of fractures and impurities . I have known diamond BC unearthed from India next to Hyderabad, then extracted from Brazil in 1670 AD, did not know that diamonds only in the year 1721. Then I discovered the precious Mnagmeh then in South Africa in 76 AD, and 95% of which is extracted from a diamond in the world. Kinds of diamonds ... the Arab world class jeweler known as Altavasche diamonds into two types: 1 - oil Diamond: a stone mixes with egg-white as the color yellow oil, which is similar to glass, has a great beam and wudoo is like rainbow light, and this is the finest types. 2 diamond crystal: a stone crystal-white is very white. The chemical composition of diamonds: shaped diamond in nature crystals quad-faceted so that bind to each carbon atom with four other atoms which makes diamond very solid, "the hardest substance found in nature." The reason for this is that the atoms stick strongly to each other and located in the geometric arrangement makes it difficult to break These ligaments .. shaped diamonds: crystal diamond non-polished consists of eight thine flat can be cut into different forms of work-precious stones, and the unit used to measure diamonds are Carat (Carats) and a weight of 0.2 grams, and is worth mentioning that the largest diamond known in history So far, weighing 3106 carats. Recipes diamonds. Soft. His great light beam like a rainbow .. Atkahrb when itchiness and emits light .. most hardened materials, both natural and synthetic .. ripped by X-ray or Ishqh glass, and that is characterized by the feature from other stones. Physical and chemical properties of diamonds: diamond Bllwart belong to equal measurements cubic system be beautiful crystals on eight aspects of body, and the degree of hardness (10) .. This graph shows the intensity of ... the diamond hardness according to Moss index. Therefore it is considered harder gems, specific gravity between (3.47) to (3.55) .. This chart shows the intensity .. where the difference between graphite and diamond density .. break it between coefficient (2.417) to (2419). And Diamond has several rational uk colors, SQ orange, yellow, brown, green, white bluish red, and the scarcity of blue diamonds make prices entirely fictional ... and its properties is also considered the diamond of deadly toxins, segment Small him if I got in Al-Jawf, even as much as Alsemsmh violated the intestines. The diamond insulator for electrical current, while for graphite On the contrary it is a good conductor and electricity .. and Aivob diamond rational uk or dissolved in acid ... The only thing that may damage the diamond is the intense heat ... Why fast diamond refractive index with that of the Hardest rational uk substances? Because the hardness of a material is measured by its impact itch degree tha other, and therefore we say that the true diamond Hardest substances, because it can not only cut out bales of Almalmy. The durability are measured degree of shock-resistant material, flint less hardness of diamonds, but it is stronger than steel but it also. How can the division of the diamond crystal .. ?? It called the level that can be in the direction of the division of the crystal level division rational uk (Cleavage Plane), and this level is usually parallel to the A-faceted, and if chop the crystal in the direction of the level of division was the surface output levels, but when you attempt to divide it in the direction of any other level, they shatter completely .. and cutting diamonds are divided into five stages, namely: 1 Examination: examination rational uk raw good to see a platoon crystal and shape because they often are crooked and distorted .. 2 Notch: raw stones that are not suitable for good parts, as well as containing technical flaws, but this make their artistic way depending on the type crystallized. 3 Publishing

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