Switch twocolumn between right-to-left and left-to-right with the package multiind in polyglossia
Writing a book in arabic, I want to obtain a dictionnary of used words in my document between arabic and english, the cambridge group and want that the entries of the dictionnary will be in two different orders, in arabic alphabetic order and in english alphabetic order. My idea is to use the package multiind which produces several indexes, to produce two idx files dic_english.idx and dic_arabic.idx .
will produce these two files, the same files, in english order for the first and arabic order for the second. My problem is that the twocolumn command will produce columnation the cambridge group on the right for the two files (first column on the right and second on the left)... but I want to obtain the index in english order having the first column on the left and the second column on the right. the cambridge group Someone the cambridge group have some idea for this ?... Precisely, How can I obtain an index right-to-left and an index left-to-right the cambridge group in the same time?
Hello, thank you for your interest. I post an example... The letters أ, ب, ت are (in right to left sense) the cambridge group the 3 first letters of arabic alphabet... I associate for this example a with ب, b with ت , and c with أ. the two indexes are written in the two orders, but in right-to-left for the two, and I want the english index in left-to-right sense, i.e. that the first column be in the left not in the right. I post in an answer. Thank you – Faouzi Bellalouna Apr 10 '14 at 16:37
Oh, but please put it in your original the cambridge group post (if you can edit it), not as an answer. There is also a tip for you: if you insert four spaces in front of a source code line, then that line will be typeset as a source code. – Malipivo Apr 10 '14 at 17:12
For solvers: we use imakeidx these days for that task, multind is an old package, the cambridge group if we want to get it, we could use wget http://ftp.cstug.cz/pub/tex/CTAN/macros/latex209/contrib/misc/multind.sty . – Malipivo Apr 10 '14 at 17:42
It's possible to change the page column layouts using the flowfram package, but it's quite complicated. The example below starts with a single column the cambridge group layout for the title page and first two chapters, the cambridge group then switches to a LR two column layout for the third chapter, followed by a RL two column layout for the fourth chapter and then switches back to a single column layout for the final two chapters. \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{calc} \usepackage{etoolbox} \usepackage{flowfram} the cambridge group \newlength\chapheadheight \setlength\chapheadheight{0.25\textheight} \newlength\chapflowheight \setlength\chapflowheight{\textheight-\chapheadheight} \newdynamicframe[none]{\textwidth}{\chapheadheight}{0pt}{\chapflowheight}[chaphead] the cambridge group \dfchaphead*{chaphead} \newflowframe[none]{\textwidth}{\chapflowheight}{0pt}{0pt}[chapmain] \onecolumn \setflowframe{2}{label=main} \twocolumninarea[none]{\textwidth}{\chapflowheight}{0pt}{0pt} \setflowframe{3}{label=chap-english-left} \setflowframe{4}{label=chap-english-right} \twocolumn[none] \setflowframe{5}{label=english-left} \setflowframe{6}{label=english-right} \lefttorightcolumnsfalse \twocolumninarea[none]{\textwidth}{\chapflowheight}{0pt}{0pt} \setflowframe{7}{label=chap-arabic-right} \setflowframe{8}{label=chap-arabic-left} \twocolumn[none] \setflowframe{9}{label={arabic-right}} \setflowframe{10}{label={arabic-left}} \newcommand*{\prechaphook}{% \dynamicswitchonnextoddonly*{chaphead}% \flowswitchonnextoddonly*{chapmain}% \flowswitchoffnextoddonly*{main}% } \preto\chapter{\prechaphook} \newcommand*{\switchonLRtwocolumns}{% \flowswitchonnext*{english-left,english-right}% \flowswitchoffnext*{chapmain,main}% \dynamicswitchonnextoddonly*{chaphead}% \flowswitchonnextoddonly*{chap-english-left,chap-english-right}% \flowswitchoffnextoddonly*{english-left,english-right}% \cleardoublepage the cambridge group \renewcommand*{\prechaphook}{}% } \newcommand*{\switchonRLtwocolumns}{% \flowswitchonnext*{arabic-left,arabic-right}% \flowswitchoffnext*{english-left,english-right}% the cambridge group \dynamicswitchonnextoddonly*{chaphead}% \flowswitchonnextoddonly*{chap-arabic-left,chap-arabic-right}% \flowswitchoffnextoddonly*{arabic-left,arabic-right}% \cleardoublepage } \newcommand*{\switchononecolumn}{% \flowswitchoffnext*{arabic-left,arabic-right}% \flowswitchonnext*{main}% \dynamicswitchonnextoddonly*{chaphead}% \flowswitchonnextoddonly*{chapmain}% \flowswitchoffnextoddonly*{main}% \clearpage \renewcommand*{\prechaphook}{% \renewcommand*{\prechaphook}{% \dynamicswitchonnextoddonly*{chaphead}% \flowswitchonnextoddonly*{chapmain}% \flowswitchoffnextoddonly*{main}% }% }% } \title{Sample Title} \author{Sample Author} \begin{document} \maketitle \chapter{Sample} \lipsum \chapter{Another Sample} \lipsum[1-5] \switchonLRtwocolumns \chapter{LR} \lipsum \switchonRLtwocolumns \chapter{RL} \lipsum \switchononecolumn \chapter{One Column Again} \lipsum \chapter{And the cambridge group Again} \li
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