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Modern humans do not need to take a bath at ARI Nutrition Benefits of Echinacea for colds exaggerated Headaches colds and runny nose Aromatherapy for influenza and colds Sunburn can not "cure" yogurt - doctor
As you know, the bath has a beneficial effect on the body, especially if water is added sea salt, herbs, essential oils and other therapeutic ingredients. Bath fatigue, muscle pain and cleanses pores of impurities. But if you can take a bath with a cold? Usually, when we try to avoid sickness water treatment until full recovery, so as not to exacerbate the cold or flu. Is this approach justified? Let's look around first. Get rid of stereotypes!
Some doctors wonder given: "Where did the myth that during the cold can not swim or take a bath." density chart Other experts go further and argue that the disease bath is not only possible but necessary to take. True there are a number of features which will be discussed below.
Sometimes a cold last week, and avoid swimming in this case is simply inexcusable. Especially as a cold person, usually a lot of sweating (including sweating while taking credit). Sweat clogs pores and does not allow the skin to breathe normally. Therefore, swimming and bathing the patient will benefit. density chart The only thing doctors do not recommend taking hot baths (they are undesirable for healthy people), especially density chart if you have a fever. Observe
As you know, the bathing colds doctors give the green light. However, we must understand that your body is fighting the illness, and therefore while taking bath you need to follow some rules to hygienic procedure is not followed injury.
Here are the rules to keep in mind if you want to take a bath with a cold not mix with alcohol bath. Many of us prefer a cold while drink alcohol, for example hlinvteyn, grog and others. First, density chart once we note that the treatment of alcohol should be abandoned in favor of tested folk remedies and pharmaceutical drugs for colds. Well, if you do decide to "skip" a glass of hot mulled wine, then in any case do not do it in the bathroom, or just before taking a bath. Do not bathe in hot water. This is especially important if you have a fever. density chart Taking a hot bath, it may further increase, which will increase the painful density chart symptoms. The water temperature density chart should be between 34-37 degrees. Limit the time spent in the bathroom. This is primarily due to the high humidity in the bathroom. Normally, the humidity in the room should be at 40-65% (unfortunately, during the heating season, it is far below that promotes the common cold). However, the humidity also affects the condition of the patient. density chart Because of the high humidity in the throat and nasopharynx increased production density chart of mucus, resulting in may worsen cough and runny nose. Therefore, limit the time spent in the bathroom and keep the door slightly ajar, it will help to reduce humidity. Take the best bath in the evening, density chart and after it need to go to bed, while wearing socks on his feet. Also after a bath can drink a glass of warm milk with honey or herbal tea, such as chamomile. Herbs Bath
Herbal bath with a cold on the body recreational activity. To this must be added to the bath decoctions of herbs (mint, chamomile, sage, lime, etc.). Taking a bath, you essentially perform inhalation, as will inhale the vapor of herbs that will ease some of the symptoms of the disease. To contraindicated bath
We must give up bathing, if you have some chronic diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, varicose veins and poor circulation in the brain.
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