Although at the time the person made the first flight into space less than a lot of the time, but scientists appeared as new information on the bodies of the solar system as it was not a century of research before. The flow of this information is associated with the presence of modern science .so assistants dip warmer as ABL. They with their work so far failed to replace the man in the study of planets where life could exist.
Do not forget that if the existing somewhere living matter has a different chemical structure and quality organization and therefore in the process of nutrition, dip warmer respiration and excretion are involved at all other substances, the positive response of automatic devices working on the program criteria earth, there can be obtained.
The moon. Most scientists believe the moon completely "dead" (no atmosphere, different radiation not, encounter obstacles on the way to the surface, large changes in temperature and t. D.). However, some forms can live in the shadow of craters, especially when, according to the latest observations and research, there is still volcanic activity occurs from heat, gases and water vapor.
Venus. Venus also apparently lifeless, but for other reasons. According to the measurements, the surface temperature of Venus is too high for Earth-like life, and its atmosphere as inhospitable. Scientists discussed many ideas on this topic, including those related to the possible existence of a biologically active forms on the surface and in the clouds. Relative to the surface can be argued that most of the organic molecules that make up the biological structures evaporate at temperatures much lower +5000 C, and the proteins change their natural properties. In addition, the surface dip warmer is no liquid water, so the earth life forms apparently be ruled out. Enough artificial presented other options, including a kind of "biological refrigerators" or structures based on silicon compounds.
Power gas shell, a kind of thermal conditions, unusual own revolution and other features sharply dip warmer distinguish Venus from a family of planets. What gave rise to such unusual conditions? Is the atmosphere of Venus "primary" inherent youth of the world, whether those conditions arose later, as a result of irreversible geochemical processes caused by the proximity of Venus to the Sun - these issues deserve close attention and require further detailed investigations, up to a manned flight to the planet dip warmer so interesting dip warmer .
Mars. The most studied is the planet on which conducted searches - Mars, but not all scientists agree that there may be some form of life, some say Mars is uninhabited. Given this focus on this planet more. Arguments against life on Mars, compelling and well-known, dip warmer we give some. The average temperature is about -50 C (on Earth +15 C). The temperature of the planet dip warmer could fall morning to - 80 C. In the middle of the Martian summer near the equator the temperature was +30 C, but perhaps in some areas the surface never warmed to 0 C. As the fly "Mariner", the total pressure ranges from 5-7 MB (1000 MB on Earth). At this pressure the water will quickly evaporate at low temperatures. The atmosphere contains a small amount of nitrogen and argon, but the main weight - carbon dioxide, which should contribute to photosynthesis; but even less oxygen in the Martian atmosphere. However, many plants can live without it, but for most terrestrial plants it is necessary.
Watching the polar caps, astronomers have concluded that they are composed of water. It was believed that they may consist of solid carbon dioxide dip warmer (dry ice). The atmosphere has repeatedly observed clouds dip warmer of different types, which are obviously composed of ice crystals, although generally dip warmer cloud formation on Mars - a rarity. Spectroscopic was recently discovered water, but the humidity dip warmer there should be very low. This may indicate a wetting soil moisture of the atmosphere, dip warmer although dip warmer the phenomenon is very rare. No visible movement of liquid water on the planet, although moving water from pole to pole is really happening dip warmer (as the melting of the southern polar cap north increases). dip warmer
Virtually all of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun penetrates the thin atmosphere to the surface of the planet. This adversely affects all living things (at least on earth). The level of cosmic radiation is higher than on Earth, but for most calculations it is not dangerous to life.
Lots of the Martian surface, which scientists call the seas, show all signs of life: during the Martian winter, they fade and almost dip warmer disappear, and with the onset of spring polar caps begin to recede, and then the "sea" immediately begin darkle; This darkening is moving toward the equator, while the polar cap recedes to the pole. It's dip warmer hard to think of another explanation for this phenomenon, except that the darkening is caused by moisture, which
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