Friday, December 26, 2014

If you get this far, I saved a lot of energy, we see that so well

Blog is a livable environment for thought, or what has become lazy philosophers: sustainability, community, self-sufficiency, brandy, alphatech stuff like that. ~ Is already "standing between fields, border-edge small group home" for more introductory and found
Heating: wood waste gas
dmwd - Flint ... saccharin ... (. 24.11.2014 11:06) 230v sustainability Kovacs Nocraft Jozsefne:dmwd: "I do not tell the buyer the price used in the business." We do not store .... (11.11.2014 17:27). 230v sustainability dmwd:Kovacs Nocraft Jozsefne: The problem is that the reverse sit on the horse. No customer s ... (11.11.2014 16:48). 230v sustainability Kovacs Nocraft Jozsefne:Bedi: the development of the inverter is not promised, stop not go for it. You would not know ... 230 volt sustainability Bedi (11.11.2014 14:58.)Kovacs Nocraft Jozsefne: Smooth cause millions in damage to the inverter fault .... (. 11.11.2014 13:24) 230v sustainability Last 20
Rákanyarodunk up a few positions in electrical matters, we look at what let's alphatech connection alphatech to the electricity bill, look to see if it is worth, it is how you should solar installation to think of, and at the end of the series we present a Farm Bush close friend already established and well-functioning, only four solar the solution containing the panel.
For starters, let's think a bit. What makes our consumption of electricity is sustainable? Absolutely right it would be if all the power we produce ourselves, we store and we used. Or do we use electricity at all. In one scenario is not realistic because alphatech of the use of zero would result in a decrease in levels of comfort, which can not be met, in addition to the average household alphatech consumption is almost impossible because of the complete autonomy of energy storage difficulties. The aim is to do everything in our power consumption, alphatech as well as in terms of a more sustainable environment for you. It is easier to save as megtermelni!
First task is to identify the electrical our consumers, finding the rejtőzködőket (stand-by state devices, chargers plugged, incandescent bulbs, etc ...) to try and get the real needs and Beloni. the associated power requirements. The latter can be very helpful to obtain a meter, but in itself is, once the electric meter reader gives a good picture of the consumer Template to you and all you do, pay attention only on that basis, will be reduced to one-third of the daily consumption - try it!
Who will come out at night when you pull the router if you do not use the printer plugged in once a month, if LED bulb you put in at least a couple of places, you've saved a monthly open more beer. It also will come out of the ones that produce heat flow is never worth it, of course, here are no longer quite sure that there is too much room for maneuver; In the absence of a fixed gas oven, hob can be operated intelligently replenished bottled gas means the stove beröffentei alphatech fílinges hot coffee, but it is not certain that all is well on the day of the week. The point here is that you need to find a sensible compromise acceptable - it will be for everyone else. But, for example. an electrical boiler elicit from spring to autumn, alphatech a solar panel heating season and the heat generating device er, all the aspects of good decision. Solar?
If you get this far, I saved a lot of energy, we see that so well're fine, in addition to have the more extensive facilities, you're worth checking out the remaining consumption of electricity demand could be met in their own production in the long term? How do we go about the design?
First of all, you should be aware that if we put a turnkey, just back up produces solar system, then in case of a power outage alphatech in vain street solar home will be all the same, as if there would be no one on the roof panel. Mandatory - and logical - expectations for the service provider alphatech to see if something is wrong with the system, it will automatically become detached alphatech from the household power because they do not want the mechanic to trim them from the houses of the regenerated power grid. Since we have solar panels, you should be designed to keep the critical infrastructure of a separate solar-akkuumlátoros circuit, operate as an isolated system, and if necessary, the less critical, not big consumers to be switched over. Wisely! alphatech
Let's think a little more and see that the household must always work with tools, without which it would be big enough to snag a radically reduced the comfort of the living environment or become hazardous. There will be elements that are not critical, but are serious comfort with decreased but did not require an awful lot of energy, alphatech so sustainably operated. Then there are the big consumers're fine without most of them, the other of one-is missing, but you can be without them for a while without any serious rebellion.
What is considered to be critical? The pumps and nothing else. HUL

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