The crisis of consumer society promotes a process in place for several decades: the development of the information society. spinitron This development is allowed by the exceptional performance achieved by the computer and from the knowledge spinitron gained in the field of information technology and telematics. They have thus been able to develop science such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics. Beside this we have to remember how the general systems theory, the dynamics of nonlinear systems and fractal geometry in computer spinitron science have found a powerful tool for development and affirmation. This new knowledge has found numerous applications: they range from the industrial to the socio-economic development. spinitron Cybernetics as the science of control, it applies to all the fields that can be subjected to forms of planning and rational decision. spinitron In the industrial field it is not only the automatic control spinitron of machinery and equipment, but also the management and programming of entire production spinitron processes and research of optimization spinitron strategies. Optimization strategies, which have significant bases logical-mathematical, are similar to those that apply in the economic field, and that you try to apply in the field of social control. All this set of techniques spinitron and methods, which was once the result of intelligence and human creativity, is now entrusted to the computer and the so-called "artificial intelligence". Since this happens with growing success, pose several questions of an ethical, social, philosophical and cultural. We will examine spinitron later in the different aspects of the issue, even if we need to use an observation: the need to write these notes in a form accessible to machine translation is by no means an easy feat! The need to adapt to the logic of the computer and the cold rationality spinitron of the machines (which characterizes our current technologized world, to organize social life, plan for the future spinitron and to communicate) must leave a space vital to other forms of thought and communication . The natural language, despite its vagueness syntax-semantics and its continuous drift of history, is the real life of people and society. It can be a source of ambiguity and paradox, but it can arise only from the poem which is the highest form to convey emotions and feelings. These are elements that are alien to the strict mathematical logic of the computer, as well as the cold and impersonal logic viability of "technologically advanced societies."
The vagueness of natural languages (which also involves the known problems of translation) is a problem not very relevant if you adhere to the most common uses of language and tested. Something similar happens when the speech does not try to say something about the speaker or on the character of what is stated spinitron in another part of the speech itself. (1) The purpose of human speech, however, is not only to describe observational facts in a strictly objective and neutral. The speaker spinitron is always involved spinitron in every speech that concerns the human condition and its history and its relations with other people. Each discourse about the need to overcome spinitron the present condition and opening a horizon of meaning (capable of overcoming the size and operating purely factual) is not reduced to a mere grammatical error, as claimed by neo-positivism. (2)
"The Greeks saw in the pilot a man endowed with superior faculties to the common dimension. In fact, steering the ship to bring it into port, the pilot makes a clever continuity between the present and the future, so that it can be taken as a symbol of those who want to design their own destiny, and is thus committed against the adversities of everything. "( 3)
Want to remind you that the cybernetics, which certainly means effectiveness, can and must mean above all freedom. Again, that is, the warning of Wiener, that the human being, aided by the machine and not relieved of the portion of his creative work, to develop his best qualities, without becoming himself a living machine. "(4)
Norbert Wiener in the book: An Introduction to Cybernetics. The human use of human beings, (5) does not address the problem of cybernetics from a purely technical spinitron point of view and specialized. The book's purpose is to examine the social and human consequences related to the use of new technologies, the concern is the fact that they conform to the principle of the human use of human beings. The author seems to give voice to an anxiety, for an underlying fear: the final yield of homo sapiens before the overwhelming power of devices that become
The crisis of consumer society promotes a process in place for several decades: the development of the information society. spinitron This development is allowed by the exceptional performance achieved by the computer and from the knowledge spinitron gained in the field of information technology and telematics. They have thus been able to develop science such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics. Beside this we have to remember how the general systems theory, the dynamics of nonlinear systems and fractal geometry in computer spinitron science have found a powerful tool for development and affirmation. This new knowledge has found numerous applications: they range from the industrial to the socio-economic development. spinitron Cybernetics as the science of control, it applies to all the fields that can be subjected to forms of planning and rational decision. spinitron In the industrial field it is not only the automatic control spinitron of machinery and equipment, but also the management and programming of entire production spinitron processes and research of optimization spinitron strategies. Optimization strategies, which have significant bases logical-mathematical, are similar to those that apply in the economic field, and that you try to apply in the field of social control. All this set of techniques spinitron and methods, which was once the result of intelligence and human creativity, is now entrusted to the computer and the so-called "artificial intelligence". Since this happens with growing success, pose several questions of an ethical, social, philosophical and cultural. We will examine spinitron later in the different aspects of the issue, even if we need to use an observation: the need to write these notes in a form accessible to machine translation is by no means an easy feat! The need to adapt to the logic of the computer and the cold rationality spinitron of the machines (which characterizes our current technologized world, to organize social life, plan for the future spinitron and to communicate) must leave a space vital to other forms of thought and communication . The natural language, despite its vagueness syntax-semantics and its continuous drift of history, is the real life of people and society. It can be a source of ambiguity and paradox, but it can arise only from the poem which is the highest form to convey emotions and feelings. These are elements that are alien to the strict mathematical logic of the computer, as well as the cold and impersonal logic viability of "technologically advanced societies."
The vagueness of natural languages (which also involves the known problems of translation) is a problem not very relevant if you adhere to the most common uses of language and tested. Something similar happens when the speech does not try to say something about the speaker or on the character of what is stated spinitron in another part of the speech itself. (1) The purpose of human speech, however, is not only to describe observational facts in a strictly objective and neutral. The speaker spinitron is always involved spinitron in every speech that concerns the human condition and its history and its relations with other people. Each discourse about the need to overcome spinitron the present condition and opening a horizon of meaning (capable of overcoming the size and operating purely factual) is not reduced to a mere grammatical error, as claimed by neo-positivism. (2)
"The Greeks saw in the pilot a man endowed with superior faculties to the common dimension. In fact, steering the ship to bring it into port, the pilot makes a clever continuity between the present and the future, so that it can be taken as a symbol of those who want to design their own destiny, and is thus committed against the adversities of everything. "( 3)
Want to remind you that the cybernetics, which certainly means effectiveness, can and must mean above all freedom. Again, that is, the warning of Wiener, that the human being, aided by the machine and not relieved of the portion of his creative work, to develop his best qualities, without becoming himself a living machine. "(4)
Norbert Wiener in the book: An Introduction to Cybernetics. The human use of human beings, (5) does not address the problem of cybernetics from a purely technical spinitron point of view and specialized. The book's purpose is to examine the social and human consequences related to the use of new technologies, the concern is the fact that they conform to the principle of the human use of human beings. The author seems to give voice to an anxiety, for an underlying fear: the final yield of homo sapiens before the overwhelming power of devices that become