Thursday, October 31, 2013

The crisis of consumer society promotes a process in place for several decades: the development of

The crisis of consumer society promotes a process in place for several decades: the development of the information society. spinitron This development is allowed by the exceptional performance achieved by the computer and from the knowledge spinitron gained in the field of information technology and telematics. They have thus been able to develop science such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics. Beside this we have to remember how the general systems theory, the dynamics of nonlinear systems and fractal geometry in computer spinitron science have found a powerful tool for development and affirmation. This new knowledge has found numerous applications: they range from the industrial to the socio-economic development. spinitron Cybernetics as the science of control, it applies to all the fields that can be subjected to forms of planning and rational decision. spinitron In the industrial field it is not only the automatic control spinitron of machinery and equipment, but also the management and programming of entire production spinitron processes and research of optimization spinitron strategies. Optimization strategies, which have significant bases logical-mathematical, are similar to those that apply in the economic field, and that you try to apply in the field of social control. All this set of techniques spinitron and methods, which was once the result of intelligence and human creativity, is now entrusted to the computer and the so-called "artificial intelligence". Since this happens with growing success, pose several questions of an ethical, social, philosophical and cultural. We will examine spinitron later in the different aspects of the issue, even if we need to use an observation: the need to write these notes in a form accessible to machine translation is by no means an easy feat! The need to adapt to the logic of the computer and the cold rationality spinitron of the machines (which characterizes our current technologized world, to organize social life, plan for the future spinitron and to communicate) must leave a space vital to other forms of thought and communication . The natural language, despite its vagueness syntax-semantics and its continuous drift of history, is the real life of people and society. It can be a source of ambiguity and paradox, but it can arise only from the poem which is the highest form to convey emotions and feelings. These are elements that are alien to the strict mathematical logic of the computer, as well as the cold and impersonal logic viability of "technologically advanced societies."
The vagueness of natural languages (which also involves the known problems of translation) is a problem not very relevant if you adhere to the most common uses of language and tested. Something similar happens when the speech does not try to say something about the speaker or on the character of what is stated spinitron in another part of the speech itself. (1) The purpose of human speech, however, is not only to describe observational facts in a strictly objective and neutral. The speaker spinitron is always involved spinitron in every speech that concerns the human condition and its history and its relations with other people. Each discourse about the need to overcome spinitron the present condition and opening a horizon of meaning (capable of overcoming the size and operating purely factual) is not reduced to a mere grammatical error, as claimed by neo-positivism. (2)
"The Greeks saw in the pilot a man endowed with superior faculties to the common dimension. In fact, steering the ship to bring it into port, the pilot makes a clever continuity between the present and the future, so that it can be taken as a symbol of those who want to design their own destiny, and is thus committed against the adversities of everything. "( 3)
Want to remind you that the cybernetics, which certainly means effectiveness, can and must mean above all freedom. Again, that is, the warning of Wiener, that the human being, aided by the machine and not relieved of the portion of his creative work, to develop his best qualities, without becoming himself a living machine. "(4)
Norbert Wiener in the book: An Introduction to Cybernetics. The human use of human beings, (5) does not address the problem of cybernetics from a purely technical spinitron point of view and specialized. The book's purpose is to examine the social and human consequences related to the use of new technologies, the concern is the fact that they conform to the principle of the human use of human beings. The author seems to give voice to an anxiety, for an underlying fear: the final yield of homo sapiens before the overwhelming power of devices that become

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Meanwhile Bergoglio has appointed a new Secretary of State in place of the discussion, to say the l

The sea in autumn to celebrate a birthday, a family outing or a weekend of relaxation. Every occasion is good to go to sea. Also in October. And the favorite destination is (almost) always Miami ..
Barbablog {}
54 days ago | by Annamaria L. | Thanks Lara accept the apology and if I exaggerated even I scuso.Non are resentful as you think (one of your many opinions.) We have one thing in common: I also think that you can keep your Mature opinion.
54 days ago | Lara | really do not understand this your resentment, if somehow I offended you, I apologize sincerely. cm101 As for the rest, I'll leave your (respectable) opinion and, if you do, I'm keeping mine. Lara58
54 days ago | by Annamaria L. | Lara doubts belong to you and not me! Papa Francesco personally like and have a style of communication is not simple and straightforward to complex and sophisticated mind. With all due respect, you should revise your concept of ...
54 days ago | Lara | Annamaria, I do not know how old you are, but I think you're pretty young (30-35 years at most, probably less). I do not know if you have ever seen some footage of Pope John Paul I (Albino Luciani) ...
54 days ago | by Annamaria L. | I like Papa Francesco for its genuineness .... the fact is this: we believe it is revolutionary because everything he says and does we have not seen it done by others who preceded him, at least not everything, I believe instead ...
I tell you this: I want to meet the Pope Francis. I've never felt the desire to meet a Pope and not ever happened to me, even from a distance, even in an Angelus. Papi I have seen pass several, including Pope John Paul I, and I never thought this person would like to look into her eyes. Now that I think about it, I never wanted to meet any famous person (if you can call a famous person Pope). It may seem strange, with the transmission I do, yet it is so. My son anticlerical opposite approach seemingly revolutionary Bergoglio Pope turns up his nose, he says, "we see the facts," asks concreteness, but the truth is that a little 'like him too. At a Pope who says "who am I to judge homosexuals," and that makes the self-timer with students, it is hard to resist. "It's just a good communicator," says the teenager cm101 scrofulous, "expect open to women priests, the stem, gay unions, to innamorarcene." So 'boys: absolutist extremes. I tell him in a nice Italian women priests cm101 do not want even the nuns. "If something is right should be done even if no one asks, 'replies the Savonarola of the playstation. Francesco I want to meet him, to feel his energy. Maybe even ask him to invasion, and that is able to come. I do not see it as Vespa, Pope Bergoglio, with all due respect.
But it is not my desire professional, absolutely, and even spiritual. I do not know what it is, but I feel that should be catered for. I have already called my Twitter friend, Don Dino Pirri, and I asked him how do you meet a Pope "Depends on what you mean to meet him," he replied. "To have a private audience cm101 is not easy: the whole world wants to meet Pope Francis."
It's just that I have a passion for change here, I think this. I have always had it. The first program cm101 I wrote, Modern Times, told the changes in society. In the first episode, which aired a spring cm101 fifteen years ago, attended by nine gay. I believe that on television they had never seen, nine gay, and perhaps even three. But the company was changing, and it was time to tell it. I realize that sounds hagiographic writing and vain, but you get the idea, try to convey cm101 the feeling. Now, on closer inspection, the teenager would say, Pope Bergoglio has not even said "Who am I to judge gay people ': that was a synthesis of the newspapers. In fact, the exact words were: "If a person cm101 is gay and seek the Lord and good will, who am I to judge? You should cm101 not discriminate or marginalize these people, it also says the Catechism. The problem for the Church is not the trend. They're brothers. When one is lost so he must be helped, and you have to distinguish whether it is a good person. " So in Reata, the Pope said that gays are lost and need to be helped, perhaps, is really just a great communicator, as my son says. Call personally, do self-timer, kisses the lord, his informal style will match as many changes?
Meanwhile Bergoglio has appointed a new Secretary of State in place of the discussion, to say the least, Tarcisio Bertone: Archbishop Pietro Parolin. The youngest 'premier' Vatican for eighty years in this part: it has fifty-eight years. We'll see how he will act, the new Secretary. Let's keep our eyes open, but

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2013 (172) October 2013 (24) Exercises 49 and 50 page 53 IIC geometry Calculation Calculation l

2013 (172) October 2013 (24) Exercises 49 and 50 page 53 IIC geometry Calculation Calculation literal literal second lesson IIIC IIIC first lesson page 60 Exercise 31 Exercise car train horn 32 IIIC circle and circle and circle circumference IIIC page 60 Exercise 34 page 60 IIIC circle circumference and Exercise 36 P. 60 IIIC circle circumference and Exercise 2,110,131 2,110,132 Exercise fractions IIC and IIC Pythagoras Pythagoras car train horn and fractions 1,610,131 car train horn Exercise circumference and area of a circle ... Exercise 301 P. 468 expressions with numbers raz ... Exercise 302 P. 468 expressions with numbers raz ... Exercise 292 467 page IIC - expressions with n ... Exercise 291 467 page IIC - expressions with n ... Exercise 285 467 page IIC - expressions with n ... Exercise 284 467 page IIC - expressions with n ... Exercise 39 page 61 IIIC - circumference and cord ... Exercise 38 page 61 IIIC - circumference and cord ... Problem 0710132 IIC - IIC Pythagoras and fractions Problem 0710131 - Pythagoras and fractions Exercise 277 P. 466 - expressions with numbers r ... Exercise 276 P. 466 - expressions with numbers r ... Exercise 275 P. 466 - expressions with numbers r ... Exercise 274 P. 466 - expressions with numbers r ... September 2013 (35) August 2013 (27) July 2013 (12) June 2013 (4) May 2013 (13) April 2013 (4) March 2013 (12) February 2013 (18) March , 2013 (23) 2012 (130) December 2012 (29) March 2012 (58) March 2012 (43)
Geometry: problem 16_1_13_2
I am a naturalist specializing in plant ecology. I started in 2012 the naturalistic study Nature Mea, reality with which development projects to make cost-effective environmental sustainability and the preservation of nature. I'm also working as a teacher teaching and popularization of mathematics and science at the secondary schools of First Instance. I really appreciate the manual labor in many cases are the creator of my projects for the construction of green areas. I fight every day trying to make the economic crisis positivity and optimism in situations in which I am involved. I firmly car train horn believe in the will of man and the effectiveness of the commitment and work. In any field, dedication is essential to achieve significant results. View my complete profile

Monday, October 28, 2013

The flap is therefore obtained by means of two incisions: the first starts distolinguale corner of

This blog aims at communicating and sharing ideas and knowledge in dentistry. party food warmers The dentists who made it illustrate their clinical work and research, but there are also works by other authors. It covers all the topics of dentistry such as invisible orthodontics, implantology, endodontics, party food warmers implants, hygiene, allergology, periodontology, the conservative. The desire is to grow together without ever presume to teach

The extraction of the lower wisdom teeth is the most common surgery in oral surgery, and, like all surgeries, it is sometimes associated with more or less serious complications. Among these, party food warmers the most feared the damage to the inferior alveolar nerve.
planning of
Today, in some circumstances, since the OPT is not able to establish the position of the roots and of the neurovascular bundle in the buccal-lingual, recourse to '3D imaging, in particular to technology cone beam (Cone Beam).
From the operational point of view, an indication to '3D imaging is the need to know on which side of the tooth begins the alveolar party food warmers canal, to properly plan the bone resection and odontotomia. party food warmers
The opt, out of 48, it is observed: cross between alveolar canal and eighth at the bifurcation and interruption of the radiopaque line that demarcates the alveolar canal (risk score according to Rood & Shehab, 1990). party food warmers
Despite party food warmers 3D examinations represent party food warmers a significant help in the planning party food warmers of the intervention, to date no studies have been published that demonstrate a better ability to prevent neurological damage.
A tray for surgical extraction of elements including dental includes, in addition to standard party food warmers tools for surgery (scalpel, periosteal, tissue forceps, needle holder and forceps rongeur) also some dedicated tools, such as the spreader, levers Friedman, both standard and reduced, and a clamp for fragments.
strip of access: Damage to the lingual periodontium of the seventh and
In particular, the systematic odontotomia performed according to rational criteria serves to preserve the bone useful, to reduce the forces, to reduce the need to carry the tools in depth and therefore plays a key role in reducing damage most dangerous, especially those at 'inferior alveolar.
The incision of soft tissues must be designed so as to:
The eighth is not a rule, just beside the seventh, as you might suspect from the observation of the OPT, but rather moved buccally, with the long axis directed medially.
The flap is therefore obtained by means of two incisions: the first starts distolinguale corner of the seventh and moves buccally and forth, for about 15 mm, with an angle of approximately 45 , the second part from the first and continues forward into the gingival sulcus seventh, to the corner mesiovestibolare. party food warmers
In case of seminclusione, the first incision begins in the most distal point of the area of eruption eighth and then continues in the direction buccal and distal to about 1 cm.
Bone resection and dislocation of the tooth
The eighth Odontotomia included and seminclusi they can never be extracted whole, because the trajectory of extraction can affect the seventh, the branch pillar of the jaw or tongue party food warmers shrine.
To break up the tooth using tungsten carbide burs with cutting head for high speed, which divide the teeth in a very short time, even where the

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Strongly agree across the board. In this season it took the beating of butterfly wings (on the othe

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Obviously we have to start from current events. And the actuality has a name and a surname. Felipe Massa. I have read many criticisms of Ferrari's decision to confirm to the contract. I do not think to share them all. Ok, it comes from a dark period. And I realize that two or three races spot-they can not make a difference (although it seems to me actually back in shape). But what I would consider more carefully in judging the choice of Maranello is the overall impact on team. A team that is clearly focused cheese dispenser on Alonso, and therefore has as its main objective to allow the Spaniard to give their best.
I personally think that more than the new-found form, guaranteed to have in Massa - still a good driver - confirmation has been the ability to build a good personal and professional relationship with Fernando. In this sense, I find it understandable that you have not wanted to go to try new and risky situations, and potentially destabilizing. He went ahead with the old. It is not exciting? I understand that. But it is rational. And sometimes what is rational is even better.
Filed Massa, I'd talk about another issue that I see in sharp contrast with what I read around. The duel Vettel-Alonso. In my opinion, the outcome is less obvious than you say. For goodness sake, Newey's car looks outstanding, cheese dispenser and Sunday was frightening. But I would point out that three gp ago people cheese dispenser said the same as the McLaren. I want to say that this season has been very balanced from the outset. There has never been a net domain. cheese dispenser McLaren was the first to scare everyone. cheese dispenser Then it was the Lotus, then the Ferrari, then back to McLaren and now Red Bull. My impression is that there is such a leveling of values that just a trifle to question cheese dispenser everything. Then, for heaven's sake: whether Red Bull's engineers have managed to finally break this balance and their car will continue to speak on these levels, well then the chances are slim. But there are still many races to go and I do not think that the games are already made.
Finally let me space for a small vent. The drs. I, you know, I like to call, with a little 'of vanity, a purist. And I like these little tools. In general. For me, if you want to surpass what is before you I'll have to sweat with the brain and the heart. But, okay, I understand that the race may also have a sense of such a device. M, holy poverty, what's in qualifying? You will have realized that the performance between qualifying and the race will change as if the machines would change the engine. What's the point? In my opinion no. It 'just another concession to the possibility of inventing tricks that emptied of meaning competitive this extraordinary spectacle. Do not you find?
Strongly agree across the board. In this season it took the beating of butterfly wings (on the other side of the world?), To move from a situation that saw the McLaren impregnable to that seen in the last two races, in which the silver arrows plodded cheese dispenser between the positions of reinforcement. Similarly, the Ferrari will also be the same as five, six races. But this also means that it is the same car that flew in Spa or Monza and trudging in Singapore. In short, there is a huge confusion, under the sky of circus and I do not think you can gamble too much explanation. On the other hand, admitting, by contradiction, that Ferrari should the delay to technical problems in the wind tunnel, as it would explain the miraculous recovery - purely technical - mid-season?! Agree also on Mass: in the absence of the possibility of taking a new squire faster, you might as well keep that half crippled. With the hope that the workshop cheese dispenser confirms the recent performances. Perez would have given me so much trouble and does not even appear the phenomenon that is said around. Of course, if it had had the Ferrari Button or Rosberg, the speech would have been different but, in my humble opinion, nell'attendismo of Maranello, you

Saturday, October 26, 2013

My manager makes me believe in heroes, those in the film they

Chapter sixty-good game lasts much as you want
It is like dissecting the entrails of animals, I look for positive signs. big plate of food I have to start a new life, there is also written in the header of this column. The order of my managers is to grasp the between the lines, I can not allow to resign myself to the silence of non-response: the wait is there, but can not become negative variable that affects mood. My manager is perfect, rationally decides for me. One day I did not want to go to an appointment because I did not feel well, especially big plate of food the head: I was sad, for climatic reasons, and all that existential corollary that drives modern man to sit still and close your eyes. My manager found me inside that I was in the gym, weights that moved unwillingly, pissed there too, for the repeated incidents that have forced me to stop looking for the overthrow of my record of 116 pounds, bench press barbell. I did not know how to defend big plate of food myself from him and at the end of the workout I had to call and to jump through hoops to get the appointment then it was successful. A great lesson that I tattooed big plate of food in my experience, along with the number 116 which is the symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom.
Wild at Heart, the need to believe in my existence: are you in a room and someone behaves rude: you have to stop the music and to demand an apology from this person and then you get to sing Love Me Tender.
My manager makes me believe in heroes, those in the film they're fine. In recent months, after the death of my father, I was losing speed, intristivo me, and then I came to the realization that cynicism had to take over, because I do not have a fixed salary and therefore are in a difficult economic and psychosocial without return which, being too extreme, it can become a challenge exciting and challenging, only if I decide. My father would be pleased if he saw me happy. big plate of food I think this is reflected in the plaque me of its existence. At the bottom it has always done what he liked, or boater. And yet I have to overcome the opposite big plate of food of fear, awe that can create news on the crisis and all that crap. Our ancestors have tolerated wars, plague and extermination, big plate of food and we would like to complain about a fucking crisis: we shout Sergeant big plate of food Hartmann in Full Metal Jacket. That's why I want massive and dreamy.
My manager big plate of food called in to assist the electric cowboy and they forced me to believe in myself more and fottermene of the emails that do not arrive and responses suspended already do it with the phone. Every day model my monument, big plate of food the perception I have of myself better. I thrive on signals and fate becomes friend, he draws energy from you and then things happen. Monicelli hated the hope, it was an ecumenical settle: you just need to make and create dynamism. The fate welcomed me, because I have changed: the surprise was in the private messaging: it took a video camera to catch the expression on my face when I found out that I was chosen, I will come a box of toys, the ones I favorite and then I can test them and talk about it freely. My impressions backdated, in the age of us can move in reverse. The urge to gamble when you almost big plate of food 50 years, not rhetoric. I fuck age, I feel good, a mood directly proportional to the capacity in which I distract myself, become estranged from the contexts. As a child I was the noise of the engines. You should create an App on purpose, which reproduces the mechanical means more consistent with your noise. They contacted me via the web, the network is becoming a reality, I turn to the apparent big plate of food emptiness behind the monitor. I can try and play with the toys, taste them, turn them towards subjective when I was smaller. I was smooth and taken by myself, it probably has not changed much: I'm always in the center and it is important big plate of food that fate has taken me by the hand.
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The history of the airport Lecce is perhaps the richest and most important of the Armed Forces, just think that in fact lAeronautica after l8 September 1943 was reborn right here at Otranto, airport consists of 31 March 1931 as a Field of Fortuna and named after Lieutenant Pilot Fortunato pressure table Cesari. In the postwar period is intended to Flight School pressure table and more recent pressure table history sees in the sixties the name in Flight School Home Basic Period and the replacement of older T6 Texan with the new MB-326 jet aircraft to start a new training doctrine called ab-initio jet that will lead to a change of name of the school pressure table in Flight School Home Basic Jet aircraft. After 20 years and 400,000 hours of flying this aircraft is replaced with the more modern T-339A/MLU currently in service along with its updated version and advanced FT-339CD II. In 1986 the school was renamed Air Brigade pressure table of 61, while in December 1996 the present 61 Stormo pressure table under Tenente Carlo Negri. pressure table To emphasize the great operational pressure table activity we only give some basic numbers that relate to the Wing that since 1945 has totaled pressure table approximately 1,112,305 pressure table hours of total flight time, of which about 729,507 f

Friday, October 25, 2013

62. There are reliable simulations on convenience between adherence to pension funds and severance

Alternative investments: a rational process - previnforma 12v heater for car | previnforma
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We publish a series of slides presented by Professor Giuseppe Corvino, a director of the Fondo Cometa, the workshop organized by MondoAlternative (Rome, 10 April 2013), entitled "Portfolios pension and investment niche: what and why?". The slides were commented on by the author in the 'round table' 12v heater for car coordinated by the Marco Conte.
"Previnforma" is proposing for some time reflections and analysis about the evolution of the products (potentially) available for investment activities of pension funds, and because the opportunities are changed in parallel with changes in the markets 12v heater for car and the development of different countries, and because it poses a growing attention to sustainable investment, and, finally, because there are new challenges in the relationship between development 12v heater for car and protection of pension savings, alternative financial products and role of institutional investors in national development.
In the recent period have been put forward by some political and social proposals on the possible use of funds set aside in savings rates in order to contribute to the economic development of the country. Proposals in itself interesting, but these require appropriate equipment and a complex body of knowledge to assess the impact and consistency with all the regulations and financial instruments used by institutional investitotri.
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What is the complementary pension A little 'history Types of complementary forms Who is How it works Membership Benefits Investment Supervisory Bodies Read more
62. There are reliable simulations on convenience between adherence to pension funds and severance 12v heater for car pay left in the company? The company Progetica routinely makes this type of calculations. 12v heater for car For example, 12v heater for car if you take the guaranteed pension schemes of type (2%) or an equity on the distance of twenty years both fight at 100% the performance of severance 12v heater for car pay left in the company. In ten years, it always beats guaranteed 12v heater for car in 100% of cases, the'' share in 76% of cases. Also in the first half of 2013 the TFR has appreciated by 1% while negotiating Funds 1, 3%.
Perseus 12v heater for car Assembly Anci by Vittorio - No Comment Time for debt funds by Vittorio - No Comment Sri Week / 2: Pension 12v heater for car funds and economic democracy by Vittorio - No Comment Sri Week / 1: Ecpi, the sustainability of Italian companies by Vittorio - No Comment savings to finance the real economy by Vittorio 12v heater for car - No Comment fee by the pension fund: best before end ... by admin - 119 Comments CGIL: pensions 12v heater for car in the budget law by Staff Writer - 6 Comments INPS Circular: incentives for 'exodus by Vittorio - 4 Comments Artifond to Fon.Te 12v heater for car by Editor - 4 Comments Solidarity with the Venetians by admin - 2 Comments Gianni Ferrante: 12v heater for car Ransom of the pension fund: best before end ... luca: Ransom of the pension fund: best before end Maria Rosaria D'Errico 12v heater for car ...: Ransom of the pension fund: best before end ... Maria Rosaria D'Errico: Ransom 12v heater for car of the pension fund: best before end ... Maurizio: Ransom of the pension fund: best before end ...

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Eclipse is the novel of the Twilight saga that is made better, has a history of less slender, less

the badly-dressed Blog Archive Twilight Saga - Eclipse Part: I tried to understand rationally what would have thought a fish
Eclipse is the novel of the Twilight saga that is made better, has a history of less slender, less flattened, the more complicated and adventurous of the other novels in Twilight and in New Moon Bella is sent that moves in a single direction in line straight and the little that is around us is shunned and neutralized crisply - the only direction is: being able to rub his crotch with legs of Edduccio - but here Bella ends up in centrifugal between several ugly problems that take different directions and befall him at once, and these problems are all quite sharp and pressing until the end of the story, so that compared to other novels Eclipse has a course a little 'less obvious, dull and muddy, you see that there was someone warming trays who had a hand we can do, who knows how to pack a dot polpettazza active irresistibly fragrant fountains salivary readers bimbominkia - but you would not think it takes a certain science warming trays and a certain intelligence also pack a polpettazza so, and to say a Stephenie Meyer definitely no it can - everything anyway for the note, of course, always limited to the universe of ruined romanzoni hairpieces assembled doing up and down the junkyard of ideas and situations and outcomes characters, there is nothing that is really nice interesting and surprising, it is still a polpettazza stuffed with ground scraps and artificial flavors, crap, but the beginning of crap is effective, there are
- The creaky old trick of 'avantilampo thrilling that acts as bait (there warming trays was already in the prologue of the first two novels and then there will be also in the fourth, it always works like a charm) - ruminations worry that form the essential news from the first sommarietto two novels, all of the terrible dangers threatening the head of the protagonists - a new one just mentioned some strange deadly mystery that is going to lie on the head of the protagonists - the dreamy ruminations that make up sommarietto of the important reasons why the vampire is Er Mejo and with werewolf is no contest warming trays - the family problems that are more serious, the conflict with his father who hates vampires and the future after high school that is uncertain warming trays and scary - the werewolf anabolizzato warming trays that suffers wagging without dignity and Restraining Orders jealous warming trays of the vampire - the humorous bickering brain Bella vs. Reality (with the brain of Bella that makes the figures of shit) - the clash melee between werewolves and vampires "aho me that you're in imbruttì?" - a shocking revelation about sexuality werewolves
the beginning of the novel instead is pretty quiet, so-so, then things are not going so well, Bella is distressed - there is a dire threat that drags behind by two novels,
the Volturi - the vampire royal family with their small army of warriors - determined to stop the beating of my heart, sooner or later, in the near future, because no human being was allowed to know of their existence
In the family, by the mere fact that Bella ran away from home with an intercontinental flight and for the second time she came back bruised beaten almost died of Edduccio, the father hath been dazed and put it in punishment, is terrified the idea that if they go to college together, Edduccio is not at all sympathetic, warming trays
Edward was allowed warming trays to see me only from seven to nine thirty warming trays in the evening, always within my confines of the home and under the supervision of the inevitable sour look of my father
"Now you are of age, but you're still young, Bella, warming trays and there are several important things you need to know before ... well, 'before I let you go on a physical level with ..."
were not for Bella, right!, a while now it would be tied up like a salami hanging in the basement of the Cullen house with a black leather mask on his face and bare ass straight in the air,
Any model in the world would sell his soul for a face like his [...] the square jaw, the softer curve of his full lips, which at that time showed warming trays a smile, the straight line of his nose, the sharp angle of the cheeks, the smooth marble span of his forehead, broken by a bunch of bronze hair that the rain had made it darker ...
The eyes I kept them for the last, certain warming trays that he would fix me lose my train of thought. They were big, warm golden liquid, framed by black eyelashes and thick. Beware

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


"What's more dangerous in violence is rationality. Certainly, the violence is terrible in itself. But violence rational entertainment enterprises limited is deep anchorage in the form of rationality that we use. Has been said that if we lived in a world dominated by reason, there would be violence. But this is absolutely rational entertainment enterprises limited wrong. Between violence and rationality there is no incompatibility. did not intend to make a process to reason, but to determine the nature of this rationality that is so compatible with the violence. " Michel Foucault
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To rejoice because we have slowed the fall, or we stop, but we are on the ground, but survived the

The new Stock Exchange bluff rising - the blog of Marcello Foa
We live in the era of '"rational man." There is the theory of rational citizen, the consumer's rational, rational voter and of course rational investor. According to this theory, our behavior would be dictated by the ability to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each choice in order to opt for the one we are most convenient.
In fact if you think about how you act in the life of every day, you will notice countertop food warmer how your behavior is mainly determined countertop food warmer by instinctive behaviors, emotional, impulsive or non-rational, it is normal that it is: the heart, the soul, the personality, mood, the need to belong (family, patriotic, social), the need to be accepted prevail often (almost always?) on the reasoning. And who knows who is in charge of communication to manipulate both the individual and the masses need to leverage psychological techniques that act on the non-rational part of us.
And 'what he understood very well one of the few economists really free in Italy, Alessandro Penates, which, as inconvenient, rarely finds space on the front pages of newspapers. Yesterday he wrote an extraordinary article in which he shows how the recent growth of the stock will be based not on reasonable expectations and an objective analysis of reality, but on the management of perceptions and directed decisive (and it is not a surprise) by Mario Draghi and Ben Bernanke who can count on courteous and interessatissima countertop food warmer willingness of the big banks, which have a key role in guiding the flock of small and medium investors, and thus amplify movements upward or downward.
The economic policy has become a matter countertop food warmer of communication. The Fed has created an expectation of continued quantitative easing, with the aim of injecting confidence, the stock market, countertop food warmer more sensitive to the moods, salt, creating a wealth countertop food warmer effect, the people, feeling more rich should consume more and businesses return to invest. But if Wall Street has posted strong growth, credit, consumption and investments languish.
Draghi has also embraced the approach the media (...) The aim is to convince you that if the growth is coming, the crisis is over, the public debt becomes sustainable, country risk and the spread disappear, and the reduction in interest rates raises credit, consumption and investment.
If the recovery countertop food warmer is around the corner, the corner, however, is not seen. The credit is a sensitive indicator of the economic cycle. But credit is not expanding, and even continues to contract (-2% to businesses Eurozone in June, down 4% in Italy). It is the same policy of the ECB to aggravate the problem: The Fed has purchased financial assets in the market, mainly by families, injecting money directly into the private sector, the ECB has done in quantities similar to the Fed (removing gold and currencies, 19% of GDP, compared to 21% of the Fed), but by banks.
To rejoice because we have slowed the fall, or we stop, but we are on the ground, but survived the crash, it means you have lost sight of the problem: Europe has suffered countertop food warmer the same time the worst episode of double-dip recession countertop food warmer and the longest period of contraction seen in the post-war period. Not if it comes with political ads. As in other cases, it seems aimed at influencing the markets, but that only creates the illusion of being able to solve the underlying economic problems.
ANTONIO MANTERO August 19, 2013 at 16:43: In fact, before they had to do a single state called Europe, what I believe impossible, and then do the sovereign currency countertop food warmer of that state, chiamandala EUR or as they like, but the story not done with itself. However, I think Germany has always been by far the largest European industrial, since the nineteenth, the largest factories countertop food warmer in the chemical also have always had them, we have had many small factories or that no one knows. ANTONIO MANTERO August 19, 2013 at 23:42:
Maurice and Girda, I carefully read your speeches countertop food warmer of 17 and 19 August. I guess we can at least agree on two things, the scaffolding cultural, theoretical and conceptual euro is not an economic system, is nothing. A State without money is not a State, countertop food warmer a State or a monetary sovereignty is or is not a State, countertop food warmer it is only free land for the raids of international speculation. The other thing, and much more compelling is that we have to escape as soon as possible by quest'euro that there is devastating physically and inevitably, avendoci countertop food warmer removed many certainties, morally! Not to forget: 1) Italy's Lira in 2000 was the first in Europe for industrial production, today we are among the last.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Categories Images (15) Issues (102) Regulations (1) Recently on Conlemele A cube has three orthogon

The square of 61, the second part | With apples | pears and
To reach this point we followed a road visual, geometric say, but if we take the path algebra, the landscape changes dramatically. Just like heating, we see that it also makes sense for the triad, and in fact. This monster 12v heater for car is a doubly degenerate triangle rectangle: it has two angles of degrees, two hypotenuse parallel between their long one, a zero angle and a single catheter, too long zero. Urgh!
If, one side of the triangle becomes negative. Negative segments can be thought of as oriented segments. You can for instance think of star gazing the triangle 12v heater for car on the other side of a mirror. 12v heater for car We are still facing triangles, but they are the same but we get by. In fact, if it is a positive integer, and to arrive to the same triangle. This is because the side for, exactly like. The same goes for the other sides, being equal to.
The shape of a triangle does not change if we multiply its sides for any number different from: how to observe is the same map with a different scale factor. For this reason a triangle with sides rational can be transformed in a triangle sides integers multiplying all sides for their least common multiple. We can then choose a value for the parameter also rational and continue to generate triangles "whole." If, then ee, with least common multiple. The Pythagorean 12v heater for car triples
The hypotenuse is longer than a cateto and longest of the other. It 'simple then build such a right triangle whose sides are in arithmetic progression of reason a perfect square, say. And that will be enough, that is. Then.
We return to the method previously seen, based on the trick that if, then. We Pythagorean triples for perfect square. We now want to write a triad with two sides of difference data, such as. To obtain equal to a square, it is sufficient that. Since it is odd, even should be, so let's say for example. Solving the system and we find, and in fact. The beauty of follow different methods is that you can find new results, as now, we were able to find a triangle where two sides, and having a difference, whereas 12v heater for car before the difference had to be a square.
Let's try to use this triad to have sides in arithmetic progression, not necessarily square with reason. Specifically, 12v heater for car the difference must apply as, from which. The only solutions are, that is degenerate, and that leads to the triad. We found the hot water! To have a right triangle with sides in arithmetic progression of any reason simply scale the triangle, he's right. Trivial as long as you want, but it is visibly pleasing:.
and it is interesting to see that so we have two triangles 12v heater for car with one hand, in common. Of course, because all sides are integers, and must both be equal to or both odd, such as and, for which you have the triangles and rectangles, with the side in common.
Varying the parameters we have a family 12v heater for car of pairs of triangles, with a catheter in common. What is the minimum area of the sum of two triangles, one of these pairs, where the short sides are not in common between them as is to?
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Categories Images (15) Issues (102) Regulations (1) Recently on Conlemele A cube has three orthogonal channels Along doodles Parallelograms between two of a kind and one of the other parables in front of the chariot That convolution, a tetrahedron! Ferrara, 2013 - Divertissement 18-20 The most wonderful thing in the world Cube without a vertex A corner circumference Mathematics highest Tags
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Monday, October 21, 2013

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Our brain is characterized by a subdivision bicompartmental of the cerebral cortex. In other words, the brain is divided into two parts - right hemisphere and left hemisphere. Each of these two parts fulfills different cognitive food warmers electric exercises. The left one is related to analytic functions, linguistic, logical and linear. It reveals rational thought. The right one, in contrast, is of visuo-spatial nature, or is associated with emotional world images; food warmers electric his method is intuitive, not rational. Since it is generated creative thinking.
The neuropsychology studies by time differences food warmers electric that characterize the two hemispheres of the brain, focusing on epileptic patients who have suffered a cerebral commissurotomy - or neurosurgical food warmers electric operation that allows you to dissect the corpus callosum, which connects the two parts of the brain, thus separating the two hemispheres . Another field of study is represented by that of patients who have suffered brain injuries. For example, damage to the left hemisphere are often linked to deficits in language understanding. It is therefore a scientific discovery? Far from it. The breakdown of these human qualities has always been depicted in the iconography esoteric. One of the reading levels of the symbols of the Sun and the Moon, for example, is just that. The Sun (left hemisphere) food warmers electric is the representation of the reason, the Logos, as such linked to male characteristics. The light of reason illuminates the darkness of ignorance. Are related to the Sun the solar deities such as Osiris, Horus and Jesus Christ.
La Luna (right hemisphere), however, is intuitive and feminine impression. Paper XVIII of the major arcana of the tarot, the Moon represents the unconscious, the dream, the woman. In it are related to female archetypes as Isis, the Sophia and the Virgin Mary of Christianity. It is in the Hermetic tradition, however, that we find especially these two archetypes - the Sun and the Moon - expressed in a bipolarly opposite, as is the case of the cerebral hemispheres. Here are some illustrations belonging to the collection Rosicrucian Prodromus rhodostauroticus of 1620:
In conclusion, we see that the two aspects of human nature today identified the right and left hemisphere of the brain to science are in fact always been recognized as such in the esoteric tradition.
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My normally do not belong to the category. The same can not be said of many comments from readers w

My normally do not belong to the category. The same can not be said of many comments from readers who participate in our discussions, especially when through the leverage of the climate debate, we come to speak of broader and easier access to the common sentiment, opinions that for which it is not necessary have a technical background, but enough eyes to see and common sense. electric food warmer tray
It 'happened too often on our pages to comment on the exhortations of the United Nations on the need to ensure the availability of low-cost electric food warmer tray energy abbbondante to that large part of the world's population electric food warmer tray still can not afford it. At the same time, precisely because of these exhortations, often read of the projections on the world's energy needs that seek to take account of these exhortations, assuming that is, a world where the demand for energy, always on the rise, could rise further to achieve the targets electric food warmer tray proposed in the supranational minimal. According to Pielke write and Brazilian However, those targets are almost always more minimalist minimal in the sense that the availability electric food warmer tray of energy per capita underdeveloped populations is always seen as very low, enormente lower than they have access to the populations already developed .
This approach has two main implications. On the one hand it means that the projections on the global energy needs are potentially much lower than what will be the real needs on the other hand, however, implies that a large proportion of the world population will continue to stay long in a state of underdevelopment. Access to energy, which in practice means progress and poverty eradication, must therefore be imagined in such a way that makes sense, that really allows electric food warmer tray to progress and exit from the conditions of poverty in which much of the world.
It 'also true that in spite of the more or less good prospects in the field of renewable and energy mix in the coming decades (presumably many), most of the work will continue to do fossil fuels. And it's a dirty job, in the sense that, if one believes - just because we're talking about something else - the decisions and the IPCC projections on the impact of anthropogenic amissioni on the dynamics of the climate, to use a more massive and for a long time yet of fossil electric food warmer tray fuels, should / could match many climate problems. electric food warmer tray
This poses a problem for those who make policy but also for those who have to support, to decide whether it is more appropriate to continue today in the direction of a drastic reduction of emissions in order to mitigate the impact electric food warmer tray of human activities on climate looking to the world of end of this century electric food warmer tray the forms of which we have not the faintest idea, or focus today, immediately, on the issues of development and growth electric food warmer tray of those populations whose needs are known and, unfortunately, electric food warmer tray also very visible. electric food warmer tray The two are now in conflict, there is a lot to do philosophy. How many of those who would ban the use of fossil fuels have set this problem? How many have reflected on the fact that access to abundant energy, low-cost means development, and increase the resilience compared to the catastrophic events that already abounds with or without climate change, decline in the birth rate, increased expectations and the quality of life ?
How many? I do not know, but I know that they are not speeches that happen to hear very often, as often happens instead of being bombarded with meaningless climate activism, which for many regions, but especially for the above does not fall in the category of rational thought. Here, Blog Judith Curry, an interesting digression on this agomento.
One of the points that impressed me most about the importance he assigns to the development of a reusable rocket as a premise to make "multiplanetaria" the human species: the fuel of a vector for an orbital affect 0.3% and reusability of a rocket therefore increase a hundred times its efficiency electric food warmer tray ... and then see a movie of a rocket electric food warmer tray high a hundred feet which takes off vertically, hover, and then lands again remains in place.
Finally I hit her reflection about thinking by analogy, effective for the majority of everyday electric food warmer tray problems and think for basic principles (laws of physics), which is essential for new problems, or fundamental.
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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Since ancient times it was said that rationality is essential to the specific difference that makes

Roberta Corvi - Man and rationality. Some voices in the debate neopragmatist |
"I wonder who it was defined man as a rational animal. It is the most reckless definition that has ever been given. The man is anything but rational. " So says Lord Henry Wotton in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. And Wilde did not know what the science instead of the last decades has established thanks to the mapping of the human genome, namely that 'homo sapiens differs from chimpanzees only thanks to two or three per cent of its DNA, then all the more urgent and disturbing should appear the question on which you are engaged philosophers of all times: what is man? What is the difference between man and other animals?
Since ancient times it was said that rationality is essential to the specific difference that makes humans so different from other animals that it deserves to be placed in a different ontological category than all other finite beings, living and non-living.
In contemporary thought, alfa tech india however, the definition of man as a rational animal was challenged to demolish the idea of man as a rational subject, self-conscious and autonomous, which was understood by modern philosophy and what we can not understand it after Freud believed that once those great mortifications for humanity.
The founder of psychoanalysis noted bitterly that "in the beginning of time, mankind has had to endure two great mortifications that science has brought to his naive self-love. The first when he learned that our earth is not the center of the universe, but a tiny particle of a cosmic system that, with regard to size, it is hard to imagine. This finding alfa tech india is associated for us with the name of Copernicus, though the Alexandrian science had already proclaimed alfa tech india something like that. The second mortification occurred then, when biological research alfa tech india destroyed the alleged privileged position of man in creation, the demonstrated its origin from the animal kingdom and the inestirpabilità of his animal nature. This subversion alfa tech india of values has been made to this day under the influence of Charles Darwin [...] But the third and most scorching mortification, megalomania of man is destined to endure by modern psychological research, which has l ' going to prove that he not only ego is not master in his own house, but must rely on little information about what happens unconsciously in his psyche alfa tech india '"[1].
In these pages I will examine the position of some contemporary American philosophers, who have dealt with the problem from the assumptions common to the pragmatic thinkers, drawing, however, alfa tech india divergent consequences. It will initially be examined to Richard Rorty, who, openly accepting the vision set out by Freud, has come to believe that the same question about human nature no longer had meaning. Later, will be considered the ideas of Donald Davidson, Nicholas Rescher and Hilary Putnam, which capture different aspects of rationality, but basically agree that this is an essential component of human nature. Finally I will try to show which profile of rationality emerges from the comparison between these authors. Rorty against rationalism
Rorty, after leaving the analytic philosophy, in which it was formed, came up with James and Dewey to the American pragmatist tradition, combining it with influences from Nietzsche and continental thought. As a result, he was opposed to the whole tradition of which, in his view, analytic philosophy is the outcome of the most recent, alfa tech india namely alfa tech india that line of thought that especially from Descartes then did the theory of knowledge first philosophy. It follows its declared aversion to the argument that the distinguishing alfa tech india feature of human beings is the ability to know and, in particular, the ability to discuss matters relating to the nature of man. [2]
"At the time, the question" What is man? "In the sense of" alfa tech india What is the nature ahistorical appreciation of human beings? "Owed its popularity to the canonical answer he received - we are the rational animal, the 'only one capable of knowing and not only to hear "[3]. Today, alfa tech india however, no longer interested in discovering the ahistorical nature of man, because it would not be of any use, and if you do not see the point, Rorty concludes that as a good or a pragmatist alfa tech india that nature does not exist, or is not significant in terms our moral choices. Therefore, "we are much less likely than our ancestors to take seriously the" theories of human nature, "to make ontology, history or ethology a guide to living, to put an ontological question like" What are we? "This is because we realized that the main

Saturday, October 19, 2013

If the Federalists thought that the three-fifths clause of the Constitution was oppressive, would c

United States: secessionism in New England in early nineteenth century (4th part) | Independence
We propose in PREVIEW for Independence dish warmer is a complete translation in Italian of the fourth part (here the first, second and third) of the essay Yankee Confederates: New England Secession Movements Prior to the War Between the States, by Thomas J. DiLorenzo, based on the book Secession, State and Liberty edited by David Gordon. Thomas J. DiLorenzo is professor of economics at Loyola University-Maryland's Sellinger School of Business and Management, senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and an associate member dell'Abbeville Institute. Economic and political essayist and historian independent author of the books The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War and Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed dish warmer To Know about Dishonest Abe. (Translated by Luca Fusari) The first Yankee and their attitude towards slavery
In the early years of the nineteenth century, the Constitution allowed that five slaves could be counted as three whites to determine congressional representation. This procedure provided, according to the "Confederate Yankee", was yet another rational reason for secession: they believed that this provision was artificial electorally against them. As Josiah Quincy dish warmer argued,
"The representation of the slave is the cause of all the difficulties that we have. (...) [Because of this provision,] the Southern states have their influence in our national councils of all proportion to their wealth, their power and their resources. dish warmer " 37
The Federalists dish warmer had not expressed moral objections to the three-fifths clause. In fact, they claimed that the blacks should be counted dish warmer as zero, rather than three-fifths of a white man, for the purposes of congressional representation. Also did not move any objection on slavery in the South so that it ended.
Its insensitivity toward slavery dish warmer should not be surprising, considering the beliefs rooted in the Federalists regarding dish warmer the primacy of ethnic homogeneity and their belief in the superiority of English descent. Even though slavery itself was abolished in Massachusetts in the 80s of the XVIII century, communities of Massachusetts, from the end of the last century, had "strengthened their laws for the poor, the blacks away from their borders, and established schools and segregated churches. " dish warmer 38 The leaders of the Federalists were also held conferences so that free blacks did not try to hard to climb the ladder of economic and social but "they were pleased humble station in which Providence has placed you," said Jedidiah Morseun, a cleric in a speech Federalist the Negro Congregation of Boston's African Meeting House of 1808. 39
If the Federalists thought that the three-fifths clause of the Constitution was oppressive, would consider the abolition of slavery in the South and the extension dish warmer of voting rights to blacks as an absolute disaster. As historian James Banner concluded: "a negro released, it appeared as a political threat more than a slave. What the Federalists wanted to achieve in their attack dish warmer on the three-fifths clause was not the abolition of slavery, but the abolition of the representation of the Negro. " 40 Because of their belief that the political power of the South was perpetual, the Federalists saw no prospect to eliminate the three-fifths clause, at least not in their lives. The secession was therefore the only sensible option.
The statesman John Randolph of Virginia dish warmer was a supporter of limited government much more consistent than his countryman Thomas Jefferson. He often put in the pillory Jefferson on issues such as the embargo, and eventually became a close friend and collaborator of political Federalist Josiah dish warmer Quincy. Randolph worked with the Federalists opposing interventionism Jeffersonian, including dish warmer the War of 1812.
In the last moments of congressional dish warmer debate before dish warmer the war was declared, along with Randolph Calhoun fought against going to war until it was declared by the Speaker of the House Henry Clay and supporter of the war. Calhoun later prepared a bill that declared war on Great Britain which was approved 79 votes to 49, with New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and throughout New England who voted for peace. 41
For the Federalist dish warmer leaders, the war was the last straw. "We dish warmer are taxed beyond our means, dish warmer and subject to military conscription," he wrote alarmed George Morris, governor dish warmer of New York, Timothy Pickering. 42 "We can not exist in poverty and contempt, without foreign trade," wrote Pickering, and "with

Friday, October 18, 2013

The language used is often strong and full of incisive significance of images in the reader

17/10/2013 Only butterfly wings - My soul Katia Debora Melis GDS Publishing, 2012 Pages: 61 ISBN: 978-88-97587-78-1 Price: 8 Review of LORENZO plug in heater for car SPURIO The poet walks into a flame and think at the top of the evil, and you think to rain. (38)
Only butterfly wings (GDS, 2012) is a rich collection of poems by the writer Katia Debora Melis, who has other valid and awarded plug in heater for car works behind. The collection is from me called "rich" is a purely quantitative judgment usually avulsed to the critic (the collection has fifty-five poems), which for reasons of aesthetics, quality and strong expressive. The poems here are unlikely contraddistinguibili in a genre that is in the theme for the style used (most of them are very short so as not to exceed ten verses, but there are some longer plug in heater for car and more descriptive slightly from the metro).
The language used is often strong and full of incisive significance of images in the reader's mind ("The heart of a storm / uses a dark desperate," 7; "Like a needle in my veins, / in the brain like a worm," 8; " the heat criminal, "27," discovered her shoulders, "52;" eyelids dismayed ", 52, etc..) plug in heater for car that allows the poet to give his poetry a certain material concreteness, even plastic. plug in heater for car The images that Katia Debora Melis delivery that evokes and the reader are clear, without blurring and shadows: the poet presents us with the world around her the way he sees no particular formalisms anecdotal vagliandolo by its feel as a woman and of conscientious person.
Some poems are an attempt to put down on paper a memory, an event of the past that has been lost from the moment plug in heater for car in which it was concluded, and that you can experience only with arming of hope and confidence: On white paper is spreading hope dell'introvabile way out if I try to see beyond the wall one of my sunsets lost. (12)
Clearly the "sunset lost" to which the poet refers is not any one, but is a unique plug in heater for car and crucial plug in heater for car moment of his past and of his entire life of which we can not know more. The reader is not clear why the compilation of memory precisely because the poem insinuates itself in a time-timeless where past, present and future coexist. And it is for this reason that the dream (unconscious projection of being, not conjectured) becomes something that can even be governed by rationality: "I know the images of my dreams / who live in the memory :/ I can trace the cartography" plug in heater for car (15) but sometimes lose their clarity and vitality: "Those smiles / that will remain in my dreams / and, unfortunately, / washed out" (26). Then there are poems more natural: a clear interest in the animal nature is apparent in the continuous refer to animals that belong to the various levels of the food chain, but also the landscape (especially the sea) or the forest, as in "Arsonists" where the poet can only denounce, between the lines, the ignominious act of who was responsible dell'appiccamento a "ravenous fire" (33).
Other lyrics give way, however, to a mixture of apathy and dissatisfaction plug in heater for car that hover around a sadness which exudes from the wider suffering of the people lost and of which we try to live out the love through memory and thought, sometimes with poor results:
A message of hope, peace and openness to others plug in heater for car ("flicker of different languages," 51) is contained in the lyric "Freedom of emotions" that should be taken as a manifesto of a practical way of thinking and behavior, " Each entry in these words I do not know / I've never heard / is a time to walk together / in the freedom of emotions. " (51)
And the collection is also and above all, a stop on the card as if it were a personal diary, moments, experiences, encounters and moments of those "green plug in heater for car years" (13) that are part of the same woman Katia Debora Melis is now so to be built meticulously in his career as an accurate and rigorous "cartography" (15). And this process of continuous rethinking plug in heater for car the past, the moments that have marked a significant turning point in the life of a writer can be caught extremely well in the final verses of the poem "The Way of Flowers":
KATIA DEBORA Melis was born in Milan in 1973. Lives and works in Cagliari. He has published essays, short stories and popular books of poetry including: Twilight (2007), Ocean Strait (2008), Yggrasil (2010), Only butterfly wings (2012), Poems of the Sabbath without village (GDS, 2013).
"Tips", poem by Emanuele Marcuccio, with various critical comments
Recent articles "Only butterfly wings - My Soul" by Katia Debora Melis, review of Lorenzo Spurio

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Electronic Library Online Blog Archive 6. Plan your feed. Aft plan and balance
Lectures in Finance Lectures on banking with Credit bankivskkyh operations (IEK) Lectures on Economic Analysis Economic Analysis of Issues on the state exam in Theoretical Foundations of Economic Analysis economic control planning and organization of the company - Shtykov YE.O Money and credit basics of accounting in public organizations and institutions Lectures Lectures in Finance Marketing Technology of processing and storage c / d output Teaching of Statistics Complex Financial Accounting Finance Companies The production of agricultural statistic world market alfatech of goods and services Statistic Planning and Accounting unit cost Accounting Lecture on Environmental Accounting Lecture Lectures on Jurisprudence Basic Law Planning and organization of the enterprise technology industry
Planning forage on farms involves computing needs in food, determination of their revenues from their own sources and purchasing, planning sized acreage of forage, fodder and feed use, folding aft balance. It should be ensured need quality food for protein and other substances, as well as smaller size feed area and the cost of food.
Calculation of the need to feed livestock for a period called the plan needs to feed. So feeding plan - a science-based calculation of requirements management in the feed for a period of all types of feed and in accordance with labeled on livestock and livestock productivity. It consists of a year, stall and pasture period, quarter, month. The basis for calculation is the need to feed data on number of animals and production of their products, animal feed rules and regulations cost of feed per unit of output.
Apply the following methods of payment needs to feed: the planned number of livestock and poultry in the minds of individuals and the norms of feeding in natural pet foods, the planned number of livestock and poultry in conventional heads and regulations necessary to feed a conventional head in feed units; the planned volume of livestock production and feed consumption rate (in feed units) per unit of various products.
The need to feed the calendar year (January 1 to December For,) calculated based on average number of animals and the annual rates of feeding. However, the calculated value of the feed (at cost of production, and purchased - at cost), which is used in calculating the cost of livestock production.
The need to feed in the financial year (from harvest to harvest) is calculated from the harvest year plan to harvest next year due to the timing of new feeds from land. This should include the main and insurance funds, sale of feed. Calculations carried out by the annual rate of feeding animals and livestock alfatech mean by financial year (starting taking stock at the end of the plan year herd turnover). Insurance fund is calculated at the rate of: concentrated alfatech - 10% coarse and succulent fodder - 15%, forage crops - 25-30%. However, taking into account the loss of green fodder during their transportation and feeding 5-7%.
Based on the need to feed on the financial year determine the appropriate area sown forage-forage crops, including seed plots. Prior to first determine how much food will come from natural grasslands, of adverse fodder crop production and purchased feed.
Calculations need to feed in kind for their nutritional feed units transferred to, enabling them to summarize the total amount and determine the level of feed per hectare of agricultural land and the level of forage based on a conventional head.
The plan needs to feed and their use for certain periods of the year (semester, quarter, month, decade) are desired number of animals at these periods and the relevant rules of feeding. These plans need to calculate only green feed on pasture during the summer and used to determine alfatech the acreage of green conveyor.
The main objective of MRP in the feed and use them for short periods is to control the proper disbursement of food resources in the economy. In some seasons, alfatech especially in summer and winter, feed composition and quality vary considerably. Therefore alfatech it is important to plan to use them for months or decades, to provide alfatech a rational combination of more and less quality ones and animal performance during the year.
Composition of feed, which provides daily need them, called feed ration. Research the norms of feeding, and hence normal food expenditure per unit of livestock production is an important element of planning weekends t

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lectures in Finance Lectures on banking with Credit bankivskkyh operations (IEK) Lectures on Econom

Electronic Library Online Blog Archive 3. The concept, classification and economic nature of farming
Lectures in Finance Lectures on banking with Credit bankivskkyh operations (IEK) Lectures on Economic Analysis alsatec Economic Analysis of Issues on the state exam in Theoretical Foundations of Economic Analysis economic control planning and organization of the company - Shtykov YE.O Money and credit basics of accounting in public organizations and institutions Lectures Lectures in Finance Marketing Technology of processing and storage c / d output Teaching of Statistics Complex Financial Accounting Finance Companies The production of agricultural statistic world market of goods and services Statistic Planning and Accounting unit cost Accounting Lecture on Environmental Accounting Lecture Lectures on Jurisprudence Basic Law Planning and organization of the enterprise technology industry
Efficient agricultural units is possible alsatec in terms of rational use of productive resources (land, capital goods, labor). This contributes to the implementation of evidence-based system of farming. This means that testing models emerging organizational structures need their scientific rationale, development on specific conditions of economic science-based farming systems as the basis for their business plans in order to achieve project technical and economic performance of the economy.
Consequently, agricultural production in agrarian formations based on evidence-based farming systems, an important part of which is crop, livestock and other industries.
Under the system of farming means a series of technological, organizational and economic measures aimed at improving production specialization and combination of branches of their management, increased intensity and economic efficiency of agriculture for the effects pryrodnoekonomichnyh factors that provide alsatec the maximum amount of output alsatec per unit of land area at least level of effort and money, that obtaining the maximum profit.
Depending on the principles of construction, farming systems alsatec are classified: the territorial principle (of farming for a country, zone, region, district, company) for sectoral systems alsatec (crops, livestock, catering and ancillary industrial production) for the factorial and technological principle (of machines, labor, agriculture, fertilizers, reproduction, alsatec animal feed, etc..) the principle of structural alsatec construction (industrial, institutional, and social structure of the company). alsatec
Science-based farming system covers all aspects of agriculture: the rational distribution and specialization; optimal combination of fields, intensification, most effective ways to use land, labor and capital, the introduction of progressive methods of work organization, improving production planning, study methods of material interest of workers to increase production alsatec production and reducing its cost, increase product competitiveness, improving the efficiency of all economic sectors and increasing th we arrived in farms per unit land area and the cost of production.
The formation and development of individual farming businesses affected by many factors and production conditions. Crucial one has a resource potential of the agricultural alsatec formation, ie the presence of inputs, labor and land resources of the enterprise. alsatec Significant influence on the development of farming with the conditions of production (natural, economic, organizational, alsatec socio-demographic, biological, etc.) Fig. 2.3.
In a rational system of farming following requirements: alsatec contractual obligations for the production and sale of certain products, improving production specialization, the right mix of industries, most complete and most rational use of the resource potential of the company (land, labor, fixed and working capital) decrease alsatec seasonality of labor resources throughout the year, increasing the efficiency of all sectors. In justification of farming a particular company define its rational production and organizational structure.
To achieve this possible following ways: conservation of areas, but change their qualitative composition that is applied in the production of new high animal breeds, crop varieties, high-performance cars and stuff, change the number of fields without changing their relative alsatec qualitative composition, ie the change in production, quantitative correlations in the structure alsatec of fixed and circulating capital in the labor force, acreage, etc., relative alsatec changes in the quantity and quality