Electronic Library Online Blog Archive Organization and regulation of labor. Certification and rationalization JOBS
Lectures in Finance Lectures on banking with Credit bankivskkyh operations (IEK) Lectures on Economic Analysis Economic Analysis of Issues on the state exam in Theoretical Foundations of Economic Analysis economic control planning and organization of the company - Shtykov arational YE.O Money and credit basics of accounting in public organizations and institutions Lectures Lectures in Finance Marketing Technology of processing and storage c / d output Teaching of Statistics Complex Financial Accounting Finance Companies The production of agricultural statistic world market of goods and services Statistic Planning and Accounting unit cost Accounting Lecture on Environmental Accounting Lecture Lectures on Jurisprudence Basic Law Planning and organization of the enterprise technology industry
Objectives, principles and methods of valuation work in the SH enterprises. Methods for studying the inputs of the time. Standardization work for mechanized field work. Standardization work in transport and handmade. Standardization work in animal husbandry. Principles, objectives and forms of scientific organization of labor. Scientific organization of labor and certification jobs.
When rationing understand observations that focused on the study of methods of work and the establishment of science-based to standards arational or norms of effort to produce a product subject to technological feasibility, cost-effectiveness and quality of installed work.
In SH science-based standards help: to calculate the quantity and composition of aggregates in the performance of a production process, arational better to arrange for jobs SH machines and workers to achieve consistency and continuity in the work.
The enterprises of agricultural standardization work is an objective necessity in any organizational forms and economic conditions. No scoping is impossible to calculate the demand for labor and payroll, plan the required number of employees for periods of work, identify indicators of economic activity.
In labor standards should be considered best practice, rational modes of work and rest performers. In addition, labor standards must meet pryrodnoekonomichnym organizational and technological conditions of execution of work processes as well as being an objective basis for constructing rational forms and systems of remuneration.
The initial values governing the establishment of norms, standards have time to perform operations on individual elements arational of their constituents: the speed of the unit, coverage unit, operation of equipment and so on.
The basic principles of valuation work, the provisions of which should be considered when determining the norms, arational include: economic rationale to standards made taking into account differences in labor productivity when entering the work in its heavy periods and at lower performance due to fatigue. arational In similar studies take into account the aggregate effect of all the rules forming factors. arational Progressivity rules partsi depends on technology, method of work, jobs, methods and techniques work.
Total - output norms set by experimentation than on individual elements of the labor process, but once the whole process is summarized by the average actual output of workers. This method can be used on a limited number of works, urgent works to standards which do not.
Analytical method of valuation work on the elements is the main method arational of valuation arational work in the SH it involves the division of labor process into separate components, followed by a detailed study of the methods and techniques of work, time-consuming for each of them and the definition of a rational sequence of the labor process. The analytical method has two types: analytical and experimental analytical calculated.
Analytical and experimental normalization rule out certain observations and research directly in the performance of the process, which established norms, it is used only for the clarification and elaboration arational of certain temporary provisions, the sudden change in the conditions of production, or on admission to the sector of new technologies, which No provisions in their respective collections.
Analytical calculation method is that the output norms set by typical standards, differentiated by the nature of organizational conditions, this method is essential, because it is less labor intensive than the analytical and experimental, and allows a careful selection of the standards set sufficiently substantiated output norms . However, both methods are interrelated and complementary.
The handbook serves typical standards differentiated by group, reflecting the peculiarities of different pryrodnoekonomichnyh zones. This allows you to s
Lectures in Finance Lectures on banking with Credit bankivskkyh operations (IEK) Lectures on Economic Analysis Economic Analysis of Issues on the state exam in Theoretical Foundations of Economic Analysis economic control planning and organization of the company - Shtykov arational YE.O Money and credit basics of accounting in public organizations and institutions Lectures Lectures in Finance Marketing Technology of processing and storage c / d output Teaching of Statistics Complex Financial Accounting Finance Companies The production of agricultural statistic world market of goods and services Statistic Planning and Accounting unit cost Accounting Lecture on Environmental Accounting Lecture Lectures on Jurisprudence Basic Law Planning and organization of the enterprise technology industry
Objectives, principles and methods of valuation work in the SH enterprises. Methods for studying the inputs of the time. Standardization work for mechanized field work. Standardization work in transport and handmade. Standardization work in animal husbandry. Principles, objectives and forms of scientific organization of labor. Scientific organization of labor and certification jobs.
When rationing understand observations that focused on the study of methods of work and the establishment of science-based to standards arational or norms of effort to produce a product subject to technological feasibility, cost-effectiveness and quality of installed work.
In SH science-based standards help: to calculate the quantity and composition of aggregates in the performance of a production process, arational better to arrange for jobs SH machines and workers to achieve consistency and continuity in the work.
The enterprises of agricultural standardization work is an objective necessity in any organizational forms and economic conditions. No scoping is impossible to calculate the demand for labor and payroll, plan the required number of employees for periods of work, identify indicators of economic activity.
In labor standards should be considered best practice, rational modes of work and rest performers. In addition, labor standards must meet pryrodnoekonomichnym organizational and technological conditions of execution of work processes as well as being an objective basis for constructing rational forms and systems of remuneration.
The initial values governing the establishment of norms, standards have time to perform operations on individual elements arational of their constituents: the speed of the unit, coverage unit, operation of equipment and so on.
The basic principles of valuation work, the provisions of which should be considered when determining the norms, arational include: economic rationale to standards made taking into account differences in labor productivity when entering the work in its heavy periods and at lower performance due to fatigue. arational In similar studies take into account the aggregate effect of all the rules forming factors. arational Progressivity rules partsi depends on technology, method of work, jobs, methods and techniques work.
Total - output norms set by experimentation than on individual elements of the labor process, but once the whole process is summarized by the average actual output of workers. This method can be used on a limited number of works, urgent works to standards which do not.
Analytical method of valuation work on the elements is the main method arational of valuation arational work in the SH it involves the division of labor process into separate components, followed by a detailed study of the methods and techniques of work, time-consuming for each of them and the definition of a rational sequence of the labor process. The analytical method has two types: analytical and experimental analytical calculated.
Analytical and experimental normalization rule out certain observations and research directly in the performance of the process, which established norms, it is used only for the clarification and elaboration arational of certain temporary provisions, the sudden change in the conditions of production, or on admission to the sector of new technologies, which No provisions in their respective collections.
Analytical calculation method is that the output norms set by typical standards, differentiated by the nature of organizational conditions, this method is essential, because it is less labor intensive than the analytical and experimental, and allows a careful selection of the standards set sufficiently substantiated output norms . However, both methods are interrelated and complementary.
The handbook serves typical standards differentiated by group, reflecting the peculiarities of different pryrodnoekonomichnyh zones. This allows you to s
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