Sunday, October 13, 2013

Under the system of livestock should understand the composition and value of livestock industries i

Electronic Library velata warmer Online Blog Archive 6. Breeding system and its organizational and economic evaluation
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Animal - one of the most important branches of agriculture. velata warmer It provides people velata warmer with food (milk, velata warmer meat, eggs, etc..), The source of raw materials for the food industry. Provides appropriate raw light, chemical and pharmaceutical velata warmer industries (wool, leather, fur, raw silk, feathers, feather, waxes, fats, etc.). The industry velata warmer takes a significant part of cargo in agriculture and other works by living forces of draft animals (horses, oxen, camels, velata warmer mules, etc..), And provides a valuable velata warmer crop type organic fertilizer. With the processing of animal waste receiving bone meal, driving and other foods of animal origin, which are used in the same area. Hence, the livestock sector is a complex agriculture, which includes: cattle, pigs, sheep, velata warmer poultry, horse breeding, beekeeping, farming and other industries that together substantially different production technology, the means of labor, production and output. velata warmer
The main objectives of the current development of livestock industries are: implementation in practice velata warmer of resource-saving technologies of production of each animal husbandry sector, the widespread use of various velata warmer forms of management on the basis of private ownership, improve product quality through the use of breeding livestock and poultry, increased selection and breeding work, reducing labor costs and costs due to mechanization of production processes, including saving tools in small-scale production in every way strengthen the food supply, improving feed quality, the development of processing units and service major manufacturers, improving velata warmer economic relations between producers of livestock agricultural, and ahroservisnoho service.
In general, common tasks that need to be addressed in the development of all sectors of livestock are to provide improved performance and increased animal to rational dimensions of livestock and poultry, and on this basis to increase velata warmer production of high quality products at the lowest labor costs and resources . At the same time, before the agricultural livestock industry each formation are specific tasks that are determined by its zonal location, specialization, providing labor and material resources. In different natural and economic zones (regions) of the country and types of agricultural production units varies the composition and direction of production of livestock industries, combining them with each other and with the crop. Significant impact on the problem facing the livestock industry today, the processes of privatization of existing organizational structures and privatization has led to the development of small-scale diversified livestock.
Under the system of livestock should understand the composition and value of livestock industries in shaping agricultural and range of technical, technological, organizational and economic measures (elements) for their sustainable management. An effective system of animal - a system that provides the most intensive use of animals, increase their productivity and livestock in order to increase the production of high quality products at the lowest velata warmer labor and material and financial costs.
Technical measures (elements) - this is the appropriate type of housing velata warmer for livestock and poultry, the system of machines for performing workflow of maintenance of animals, farm equipment and other capital goods. As the level of intensity of livestock increases and the value of these items. In this regard, the large specialized farms using complex mechanization of production processes and automation. In a small development of livestock industries (peasants and farmers) is essential to the provision of means of mechanization of farms, especially in database

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