Saturday, October 12, 2013

About the editorial staff Moşneaga Lyudmila Renal Natalia Kozhan Tatiana Korniichuk Maria V. Snisar

Dragon not be afraid. Among them we must take example | Today in equal demontuvatymut illegal temporary structures --- In the boiler are all in town --- "Homeland" - rotation heads --- 11 October rationally museum will "Kobzaryuvannya in Rivne "--- In the region there are 22 family-type orphanages --- 12 and 19 October will take place next fairs osinnii traditional sales of agricultural products --- October 25th meetings on regional council rationally
About the editorial staff Moşneaga Lyudmila Renal Natalia Kozhan Tatiana Korniichuk Maria V. Snisarenko Sergey Furs Marina Boryslavivna Steliha Olesya G. Contacts Subscribe Advertising rationally Events Jokes Horoscope
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Getting acquainted with the nature of snakes that live in Rivne zoo, a correspondent for "7 Days" made sure that the horoscopes they give a fair description. In the Eastern Zodiac Year of the Black comes to aquatic snakes. According to astrological predictions he brings unexpected hidden changes, instability and variability. That is why the Year of the Snake is important to plan everything in advance and properly evaluated before doing anything. Should be more cautious and prudent, well, almost the same as the snake.
The following year, experts advise rationally people to pay more attention to education and work, finding answers to difficult questions. Unlike earlier, say astrologers, 2013 - stingy on flights and emotional experience, it is less inspired, it governs cold calculation, that is all, like snakes.
- Snakes in nature - a rational being. They - the cold-blooded animals, and therefore spend a lot less energy than warm-blooded mammals, and maintain forces need less food. But wasting your energy snakes will not. Actively move these reptiles begin when hungry and have to look for prey - says zavsektorom akvaterariumu Rivne zoo Ruslan Homzar.
The snake is a symbol of multiplication, it does not like those who throw money away, then do not spend money on entertainment and luxuries. That's why next year will be a time saving, saving and capital increase. rationally Especially appreciated is charity.
- In nature, too, can find this analogy. Snake - a wise animal, it will not just attack the person to pursue his or her revenge. The zoo snakes we can even get your hands on when we need to clean their room. However, not all snakes are not always myrolyubyvi. They actively rationally be protected when they feel danger. And there are species that are themselves very aggressive. Here we have an amethyst python, which grows here since childhood. This is one of the oldest of our snakes, but very aggressive - says Ruslan rationally Homzar.
2013 - Fit for marriage. Marriages this year, will be long and happy. Happiness and expects married people if they know how to compromise, rationally learn to hear each other and put on top spirituality.
In Rivne zoo live about two dozen different species of snakes (boa, python snake, anaconda, Karelian snakes). The largest tenant terrarium - tiger python. Its length reaches four meters, rationally and weight - 30 pounds. The average age of the snake is 8-10 years (life expectancy snakes in nature depends on the type and ranges from 15 to 30 years.) To feed a snake, to an average of two rats per week. Some species eat mice. Pythons eat for a month of two rabbits. I wonder Anaconda, who lives in South America - the longest and heaviest snake in the world. Length of creeping up to 11 meters. Python can go without food for a whole year! The eyes of the dragon is not zaplyuschuyutsya for coated transparent fused eyelids - if they inserted contact lenses. During molting snake drops forever with the old skin. Less than a quarter of all known species of snakes - poisonous. Snakes inhabit all continents except Antarctica, rationally most oceanic islands.
Director, who likes to be behind the scenes This director manages eight schools. This successful education of Ukraine Nina Nazaruk. It - the average link in the dynasty of teachers, as well as in Dynasty gold medalists rationally and chervonodyplomnykiv. For honors in her father Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Cheruhy, with honors graduated from high school, and with honors - Institute Panasivna her mother Galina, who taught math and worked as a school principal. Then the same regalia for the excellent training received Nina V., and later her daughter Victoria, who is now a professor of Ostrog Academy.
Most people in this country support the euro

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