Wednesday, October 9, 2013

First, understand the basic concepts of

Dreams and emotions or what controls our decisions. We think rationally
We do not often think about what really motivates us in making a decision. And if you think about? We give will and feelings and emotions - whether it always plays a positive role? What controls us - dreams or emotions? willie warmers
First, understand the basic concepts of "emotion" and "Dreams." Dream - a secret desire, the performance of which a person feels a sense of happiness. Emotions - an internal process aimed at regulating human or animal willie warmers that reflects the sense of the current situation in life. If you put everything on the rise, the first one shows emotions when you reach the goal, and when the target is made - a dream that causes a feeling of happiness. Many people, especially young children, and sorry, capricious women can achieve their dreams emotions. The simplest example: a small child requires the mother to buy her a toy or candy in the store, rushing willie warmers into tears or arranging willie warmers tantrum. Usually emotions are used when a light desires - now go buy, now do something. Dreams, on the contrary, we are driven to reach us some great secret desire which is not immediately feasible. Of course, willie warmers reflect on what controls our decision in reality - dream or emotion can only be a professional psychologist. Already he SCHEDULE everything on the shelves and even present it in a specific prime example. But scientists proved that it is an emotional state sets the direction of our thoughts. In a bad mood, and thoughts we're having negative. So before you start to dream, to "recharge" positive thoughts. Because emotions do not depend on the person. On the emotional state we can not influence. Just need to learn to adjust themselves to "positive." Then a good mood and can plan actions to achieve their secret desires. Above all, never despair, willie warmers seek and inspired! In general, willie warmers dreams - secret desires. That's why we live in this world. Without dreams willie warmers - no life. Dmitri Pisarev once said, "If man could imagine in bright and finished pictures later if people willie warmers do not vmla dream, then nothing would have caused her to build for the future of heavy structures, to bitter struggle, even sacrificing life." Dream - the meaning of life!
So tune into better dream, reach gradually their secret willie warmers desires. After all, this is the meaning of human happiness. Reaching willie warmers it, our emotions will only be positive. We will charge itself with new dreams, try again. Again, look for ways and go to the target.

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