Thursday, September 18, 2014

Baking is not just about following a recipe. It

I am. Zack. I dedicate this blog to my darling daughter, Nurfatihah Humairah self serv bt Muhammad Rahmat, WHO has passed away on 25 July 2011, without having self serv the chance of seeing self serv her parents. May God bless her soul ..
Hmmm ... there Aritu for soft japanese cotton cheesecake. Huhu .. Cuak not start the file for use on a gas oven je. But thank God, so do not. Huahaha ... It hit bain-marie, in the former location of the water. Takleh nak cook the cheesecake in a rice cooker, kang kembaaang when ripe, and kempiiiis when cool: P Anyway, this is the recipe, got it from, Contributed by and edited a bit by zachoes: p Cotton Soft Japanese Cheesecake (8-inch pan) Ingredients A: 250g cream cheese (I made a half recipe. 40g-50g and use of block cheddar cheese. cheese If tu dah old, in other words, yellowish-keorenan , he is more sharp taste, so use less) 50g butter 100 ml fresh milk (fresh milk) (I used water + milk 1sdb flour) 1 egg yolk 6 seed sdb sdk salt 1/4 lemon juice 60g flour kek / Superfine flour (I Grandpa used flour) self serv 20g cornstarch (cornflour / cornstarch) Ingredients B: 140g sugar (granulated sugar) 6 egg whites 3/4 sdk seeds lemon juice (I used cream of tartar) ways: For adunan A: Melt cream cheese, butter and milk with the double boiler technique. When dah liquid, cool the cream cheese adunan tu td. Then, mix the cream cheese into adunan earlier with kek flour, corn flour, egg yolks, salt and lemon juice as well as slang to sebati (slang use only wooden spoons). For adunan B: In another ex, at egg whites with lemon juice until berbuih2 (foamy). Lepas tu, add sugar and at again until the horned (soft peak). Combine Ingredients A adunan earlier in adunan Materials passionate tu dah B & screwed smpai sebati. (At this stage I put in into Material A Material B, a bit at a time, all the while using the folding method / Kaup behind. self serv Do not overdo it, we want to put in as much water as possible). Provide tin / kek former 8-inch round, which digriskan bawahnye & edges were coated with baking paper (do not grease the baking sheets, then edge kek moist. Ni result of my observation, haha). Pour adunan kek kek within tin. Kek fuel in about an hour, by means of au bain-marie (water bath), at 160 degrees C / 325 degrees F. Pd sesapa other less definite waterbath tu camner, buatnye simple jer. Remove the tin lies within adunan within kek, the dressing down to half height with aluminunium kek tin foil (ni double protection to prevent water xmasuk esp springfoam pan, my x tu confidence self serv that wat so hehe, if XMO ok je tp advisable for the dressing). Then, the location of kek tu tin tray on burners, pastu pour hot water over the tray burner, preferably high tin kek tu, tu off location within the oven then fuel ler ler, tu aje). (I put in lukewarm water, no hot water later read that the fastest kek under-ripe so berketul dull. If the hot water cool kid go slow oven temperature).
sme lemon juice lemon x ngn starch paste sunquick o lemon? March 22, 2013 at 11:14 PM
farra: not the same, the original cow juice is water lemon dr. tp is a starch paste or lemon extract that many more powerful dual water with lemon milking. if nk replace lemon juice with paste / starch lemon, half or separuhkan self serv dr adunan that origin. Kes within ni, to be 1st or 1st + 1 / 2st lemon paste (lg lg bnyk strong sense lemonnya). April 22, 2013 at 11:18 PM
I am. Zack Zachoes Tawau, Sabah, self serv Malaysia Me? Just a regular old non-working momma to a not-so-lil '6-year old son and a well-beloved baby girl (may God bless her soul), and wife to an aquarium-Anno1777-Forex-camera-Car- motorcycle-loving husband. Lifetime ambition? Trying to make sense behind the scientific functions, facts and Reasons for each and every ingredients used in my cakes / breads / cookies: PI is not no Einstein but I do love to explore and share what I've learned so that others can benefit from my baking, self serv p Cheerio! View my complete profile
Baking is not just about following a recipe. It's also about finding the Reasons behind the facts. Be brave to experiment, even if the percentage of success is not high. Always learn from past mistakes and never give up-Zack
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